作者f16leon (COCO)
标题[情报] 新360将不赠送硬碟传输线
时间Fri Jun 18 23:13:30 2010
Microsoft has confirmed that when the new Xbox 360 model launches next month
that it will not include a data transfer kit.
This follows after retailer Game suggested that “the new Xbox will have a
data migration kit so getting all that gaming goodness out of your old hard
drive will be a breeze”.
However this is not the case, as told to MCV by Microsoft.
“The article incorrectly reports that the Xbox 360 250GB console comes with
the Data Migration Kit. In fact, the Data Migration Kit will be available as
a separate retail product on 16th July (ERP £14.99), and not included with
the console.”
Users with the latest firmware can transfer data using a USB memory stick,
although memory on these devices is fairly limited.
The new Xbox 360 250Gb launches on July 16
│No.002 之友│
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 popo731020 :USB传送资料有什麽大问题吗 ? 06/18 23:14
2F:→ f16leon :不知道耶~没用过 06/18 23:15
3F:→ talan :VG247是英国网站 他说的是欧洲上市日期 06/18 23:16
4F:推 xpikachu :应该是指USB随身碟 06/18 23:17
5F:推 askacis :£代表英镑... 06/18 23:17
6F:→ talan :360的USB 不管装置空间多大 它最多只支援16GB 06/18 23:17
7F:推 vinex :不送就不送-.-,反正存档没多大 06/18 23:18
8F:→ talan :这正是这个方法不方便的地方 06/18 23:18
9F:→ talan :你若是用满120G 你要传很多遍才行 06/18 23:18
10F:推 windfeather :一条传输线15英镑还挺贵的 06/18 23:21
11F:推 steadyme :如果跟旧款一样没变的话 我出借一次15台币(误)哈哈哈 06/18 23:29
12F:→ seths :好险他免费时 a了一条 现在看来应该供在桌上吗.. 06/18 23:37
13F:→ neotai41 :还好硬碟里面只有设定档 存档 和一个ARCADE 16G够了 06/18 23:38
14F:推 zluck :游戏重新安装就好了吧 存档、设定档随身碟就够了 06/18 23:44
15F:推 swordmr20 :USB随身碟就可以转移资料了 06/18 23:45
16F:推 seths :想到换硬碟就想到 当初为了用记忆卡把记录从20G HD 06/18 23:45
17F:→ seths :换到120G时(2年前) 不小心把奥德赛在最後魔王破关前 06/18 23:46
18F:→ seths :的最後记录搬动时误砍..我哭了好久阿..不堪的回忆.. 06/18 23:46
20F:推 NUBA :我觉得微软有可能会跟旧版传输线不同规格 06/19 00:37
21F:推 neogetter :我觉得开放大容量硬碟或记忆卡是迟早的事 06/19 00:41
22F:推 talan :专用硬碟是微软一大收入与系统区隔 怎麽可能轻易开放 06/19 00:51
23F:推 episode666 :不用乱猜,旧的HD传输线就可以了。 06/19 08:15
24F:推 YURIA :硬碟早就开放了不是 反正也没在抓 06/19 09:30
25F:推 poopoop :应该是说就是改硬碟不抓,才要收这条线的钱..=.= 06/19 11:56
26F:推 atlaskuma :改硬碟要怎麽抓.... 06/19 15:21
27F:推 FightYourMom:还好我在旧版时也凹了一条来~ 06/20 09:40
28F:→ FightYourMom:误砍的事情我也搞过,而且是全部的记录都砍掉了~ 06/20 09:41