有人提到第5章刚下直昇机之後 在仓库里发生激战之前如果有开收音机 会有一首很热血的歌 这首歌就叫战争 (War) 制作团队很用心 当时的情况配这首歌超应景 如果当时忙着战斗没时间欣赏 现在就来这里仔细聆听吧
War 战争 Lyrics by Poets of the Fall 作词:堕落诗人 Do you remember standing on a broken field 你还记得站在那残荒破野吗? White crippled wings beating the sky 白色残翼在天空鼓动 The harbingers of war with their nature revealed 敌人的先锋部队露出嗜血本性 And our chances flowing by 我们的致胜先机正在流失 If I can let the memory heal 如果我能使回忆痊癒 I will remember you with me on that field 我会记得和你一同站在那原野 When I thought that I fought this war alone 当我觉得我孤军奋战时 You were there by my side on the frontline 你在前线与我并肩作战 When I thought that I fought without a cause 当我觉得我缺乏动机而战时 You gave me a reason to try 你给了我一个目标 Turn the page I need to see something new 我需要看看一些别的东西 For now my innocence is torn 现在我的心灵已经饱受摧残 We cannot linger on this stunted view 我们不能在这残破的画面下踌躇不前 Like rabid dogs of war 就像狂犬之战 I will let my memory heal 我会让我的回忆痊癒 I'll remember you with me on that field 我会记得和你一同站在那荒野 When I thought that I fought this war alone 当我觉得我孤军奋战时 You were there by my side on the frontline 你在前线与我并肩作战 And we fought to believe the impossible 我们一起为不可能而战 When I thought that I fought this war alone 当我觉得我孤军奋战时 We were one with our destinies entwined 我们同舟共济命运交结 When I thought that we fought without a cause 当我觉得我缺乏动机而战时 You gave me the reason why 你给了我一个理由 With no-one wearing their real face 在没人露出真面目的情况下 It's a whiteout of emotion 情感的能见度是零 And I've only got my brittle bones to break the fall 而我只有脆弱的骸骨可以突破我们的陷落 When the love in letters fade 当爱在字里行间褪去 It's like moving in slow motion 一切就像慢动作 And we're already too late if we arrive at all 就算我们已经到了也太迟了 And then we're caught up in the arms race 我们早已身陷兵种所属 An involuntary addiction 一种非自愿的沉溺 And we're shedding every value our mothers taught 而我们正一层层脱下我们被教导的价值观 So will you please show me your real face 所以请让我看看你的真面目 Draw the line in the horizon 在地平线画一条线 Cos I only need your name to call the reasons why I fought 因为我只需要你的名字当作我奋战的理由 When I thought that I fought this war alone 当我觉得我孤军奋战时 You were there by my side on the frontline 你在前线与我并肩作战 And we fought to believe the impossible 我们一起为不可能而战 When I thought that I fought this war alone 当我觉得我孤军奋战时 We were one with our destinies entwined 我们同舟共济命运交结 When I thought that we fought without a cause 当我觉得我缺乏动机而战时 You gave me the reason why 你给了我一个理由 後记 其实游戏里的乐团 Old Gods of Asgard 亚萨神域的古老众神 在现实中就是演唱这首歌的乐团Poets of the Fall 堕落诗人 古老神只的孩子(Children of the Elder God) 以及 诗人与缪思(The Poet and the Muse) 也是出於堕落诗人这个芬兰乐团之手 至於这首歌的作者没有挂亚萨神域的古老众神之名 是因为这首歌本来就收录在堕落诗人的Twilight Theater(暮光戏院)专辑里 刚好游戏里我最喜欢的三首歌都是他们乐团唱的 我的翻译应该也就到此为止了 希望各位喜欢 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 foreverk :这首我也很喜欢而且听得很清楚,因为那边我被大只老 05/16 17:23
2F:→ foreverk :弄死三次.... 05/16 17:23
3F:推 mikosara :超棒的Q_Q 05/16 17:34
4F:推 vinex :OST只有10首.... 05/16 17:35
5F:推 tom40819 :这OST... 05/16 18:00
6F:推 Toge :这首也出现在第五集的片尾曲啊 05/16 19:54
7F:推 Toge :另外推原po 真的很用心! 05/16 20:31
8F:推 gamixxxx :你真的因霸了~~~ 05/17 00:00
9F:→ justfor48 :我觉得还好...没特别好听... 05/17 01:08
10F:→ arianda :就是这首歌害死我..为了边听边打好有fu..结果一直死 05/17 09:57
11F:→ arianda :然後只好忍痛跑过不打 05/17 09:58
12F:推 abs71905 :hav listen hav push 05/17 11:12

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