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※ 引述《lagrangee (再也不是一个人~)》之铭言: : 各位阿,传说中的"故乡"就在今晚拨映啦~~~ : 必要的第二行...... : 不得不的第三行..... 这集很经典也很惊悚 不过有几段我还是忍不住偷笑 场景 1: Scully很认真地检查埋屍的土坑,一边blablabla讲她的发现 Mulder在旁边玩棒球,不知道有没有在听 S:Meanwhile, I've quit the F.B.I. and become a spokesperson for the Ab-roller. M: Smell that.It's perfume. God, this brings back a lot of memories. My sister... all day pick-up games out on the vineyard, ride your bikes down to the beach, eat bologna sandwiches. Only place you had to be on time was home for dinner. Never had to lock your doors. No modems, no faxes, no cell phones. S: Mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for two minutes, you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia. (原来Mulder不能没有手机 XDDDDDD ) 场景 2: S和M坐在警局门口聊天 M: Why, is there a history of genetic abnormalities in your family? S: No. M: Well, just find yourself a man with a spotless genetic make-up and a really high tolerance for being second-guessed and start pumping out the little Uber-Scullies. S: What about your family? M: Hmm? Well, aside from the need for corrective lenses and a tendency to be abducted by extraterrestrials involved in an international governmental conspiracy, the Mulder family passes genetic muster. (Mulder在自荐吗 他的OS:我合格滴来跟我生小Scully吧 XDDDDD ) 场景 3: Scully捂着耳朵在给警长打电话,因为Mulder在後面敲电视,拿着天线动来动去很吵 Scully讲完电话後站起身来走到电视前面 M: Whoa! Don't move, don't move. Damn. S: You still planning on making a home here? M: Not if I can't get the Knicks game. S: Well, just as long as a brutal infanticide doesn't weigh into your decision. Good night, Mulder. M: Good night, Mom. 我这个Shipper的要求很低很容易满足 看到他们打情骂俏,开一开小玩笑就好高兴啊~~~~~~XDDDDDDD -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 yvonneteng:Good night, mom...XDDDDDDD可爱! 12/24 13:12
2F:→ Jerhyn:我也觉得 Good night, Mom. 这句超赞的 XDDDDD 12/24 17:22
3F:→ Sternenlicht:昨天那集真是又恐怖又shippy..... 12/24 18:04
4F:推 linpocky:大推这三点~~~同是shippy点很低的shipper点头如捣蒜~~XDD 12/24 20:58
5F:推 yvonne7163:推~这也是我最爱的桥段~木头还拍拍S的背後~我快乐昏了 12/25 10:14
6F:推 INGRID89:good night mom好好笑啊 M那个嘴有时真是令人又气又好笑 12/25 12:43

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