X-files 板


重点就是上映日订在July 25, 2008 (哇 暑假档耶...) 会是超自然事件的独立故事(我爱独立故事^^) 还是thriller~~~(Hurray~~~~) 然後... 我很在意这句 "...takes the always-complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Anderson) in unexpected directions" XDDD -------------------------------------- 以下提供两则报导~~~ http://0rz.tw/6c3fE LA Times的报导 'X Files' sequel headed to theaters By Gina Piccalo, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer October 31, 2007 The rumors were right! An "X Files" sequel is headed to theaters next summer, to be released July 25, 2008, Twentieth Century Fox announced today. Stars of the cult series David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will co-star in the untitled project, directed by Chris Carter, who co-wrote the screenplay with Frank Spotnitz. The plot is top secret for now. The studio's news release said only that "the supernatural thriller is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show's most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the always-complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Anderson) in unexpected directions." The studio confirmed that shooting will begin in December in Vancouver. The announcement comes after rumors of a sequel hit the web on Monday. The film's release will come 10 years after "The X Files" feature film, released in June 1998 and directed by Rob Bowman. Carter produced and co-wrote that film with Spotnitz. The popular series ran on Fox from 1993 to 2002. --------------------------------------------- http://0rz.tw/de3g0 Fox sets date for 'X-Files' sequel Scully, Mulder return to theaters on July 25 The long-awaited second "X-Files" film is finally a go, with 20th Century Fox setting a July 25, 2008 release date. Untitled project reunites "X-Files" creator Chris Carter will thesps David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, who will reprise their signature roles as FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Carter begins lensing in December in Vancouver from a script he co-wrote with Frank Spotnitz, a veteran scribe of the long-running "X-Files" television series, which became a worldwide hit during its 1993-2002 run on the Fox network. Spotnitz also co-wrote with Carter the screenplay for 1998 feature "X-Files." Carter and Spotnitz will also serve as producers. Studio is keeping the film's logline under wraps, but stressed the pic is a stand-alone story and supernatural thriller that takes the complicated relationship between Mulder and Scully in new directions. As of now, there are only two other titles skedded for July 25, both comedies. Sony unspools Will Ferrell-John C. Reilly starrer "Step Brothers," directed by Adam McKay, while MGM has bows untitled Ice Cube family laffer. Plan to bring the "X-Files" sequel to the bigscreen was waylaid when Chris Carter brought a 2005 lawsuit against Fox over how the "X-Files" syndication profits were divvied up. Suit was later settled. Earlier this year, the issue seemed to have been resolved, with Duchovny and Anderson both indicating that the film was finally moving forward. Released in 1998, feature film "The X-Files" grossed $187 million worldwide, including a domestic haul of $83.9 million and an international cume of more than $103 million. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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