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※ 引述《jcyl (好穷)》之铭言: : ※ 引述《jcyl (好穷)》之铭言: : : 好像没有在这边贴过.....hmmmm...... : : DD今年八月要在有线电视台Showtime (HBO最大的竞争对手) 开个新的喜剧影集 : : 叫做"Californiacation" : : 他饰演一个作家, 写了一本很红的小说被阿汤哥翻拍成电影後 : : 搬到加州, 但生活和事业上都大大的改变, 沉迷在酒精与性爱当中, : : 一边还要照顾13岁的女儿并试图和前女友(前妻?)重修旧好 DD的新影集目前为止(呃,就一集)受到一片好评 在放雷之前, 先来几张smokin' hot new pics: http://tinyurl.com/yoztyy http://tinyurl.com/yv6nkp http://tinyurl.com/2fx3bb http://tinyurl.com/2dxesh http://tinyurl.com/25gecp http://tinyurl.com/yp7p6a 还可看到他手指上最新的刺青, 是纪念结婚十周年的~ 以下是Rolling Stone杂志的评论 6/18/07, 10:36 am EST The Filthiest New Show on Television: Showtime’s “Californication” We’ve just watched the first episode of Californication, a brave new dark comedy premiering on Showtime in August, and we’re pleased to announce that it’s not only our favorite new show, it’s also the dirtiest program that’s ever graced our TV without requiring our credit card number first. In the opening sequence alone, one-hit-wonder novelist Hank Moody (David Duchovny) walks into a church, throws a lit cigarette into the holy water, curses Jesus, lets a nun unzip his pants, hooks up with a married woman, uses graphic hand gestures to map out the wife’s anatomy for her husband, introduces his 13-year-old daughter to a naked female “friend,” and proceeds to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] anything that’s not illegal and/or threatening his kid. And yet, while we admit to getting a kick out of watching Agent Mulder ogle nine naked breasts in one episode (we counted) and reclaim a sexual term we haven’t heard since junior high, we also love this show because it’s an “adult comedy” that manages to actually be adult. When Hank’s dealing with real issues—writers’ block, child custody, unsettled terms with his ex—he fires off the F-bomb with all the pathos that only a slutty alcoholic middle-aged single father can wield, and Duchovny’s new, lined-forehead, greasy-haired look makes that pathos feel real. The haggard bad-ass thing works for the guy, and we can’t wait to see more of it this fall. Photo: Edwards/Showtime -- Melissa Maerz -- 喔喔 好想看~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 mfluder:可恶...正常人只能等到8月13啊 XD 06/21 15:11
2F:推 jcyl:美国会提前一周先在Netflix出租 做广告 06/21 20:24

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