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催票系列第二波(好心酸啊....还要催票) 看看众影评是怎麽说的吧!! Reelfilm (2.5/4颗星) http://www.reelfilm.com/tiff0510.htm Trust the Man is a cute but thoroughly underwhelming little romantic comedy revolving primarily around two key couples - the seemingly happily married Tom (David Duchovny) and Rebecca (Julianne Moore), and Tobey (Billy Crudup) and Elaine (Maggie Gyllenhaal), who have been dating for eight years. The film doesn't break any new ground, but for a while, it's enjoyable enough. Writer/director Bart Freundlich imbues the movie with an appropriately light-hearted touch, while the various actors deliver charming, engaging performances (something that is particularly true of Duchovny, who proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is ideal leading man material). *** Ebert & Ropert 的代班影评给了Two Thumbs DOWN.... 不过说了这几句话: "My problem with TTM isn't that it's shallow because, you know, I've seen worse. For me it commits the double felony: first it squanders the talents of Moore, Gyllenhall and especially David Duchovny who carries this movie with his charm and his dry wit. This guy is talented and deserves way better than this!" "Don't trust the man, although David Duchovny, I want to say is very, very good in this movie" *** Hollywood Reporter Sep. 16, 2005 [...]Both geographically and thematically speaking, writer-director Freundlich finds himself on vintage Woody Allen turf here -- as in the "Manhattan"/"Husbands and Wives" Woody Allen -- while still managing to lend the production a unique voice of its own. And Allen would've killed for Freundlich's terrific cast. It's a real kick seeing Julianne Moore playing it for laughs for a change, and she's such a natural you wish she'd have signed on to do comedies years ago. The same can be said for Crudup, a usually intense actor who plays things loose and loopy as the delightful Gyllenhaal's slacker b.f., while Duchovny looks to be really enjoying himself on screen for the first time in a long while. [...] Bottom line: A swell ensemble puts the final polish on a sparking romantic comedy. *** Slash Film (7.5/10) http://www.slashfilm.com/article.php/20060816trust-the-man-movie-review [...] Duchovny gives his most vulnerable performance of his career. It's a shame that some people will always look at him as "that guy from that alien tv show." He has so much more to offer. [...]I'm not sure that many people will end up seeing Trust the Man, and that's a shame (the crappy title doesn't help the case either). The problem is that it doesn't fit into the cookie cutter plot. It's something different. It's not even a Romantic Comedy, it's a Romantic Dramedy. The characters and the comedic moments that spill from their experiences is what makes this film shine. Trust the Man is a movie that any Twenty-something or Thirty-something couple will thoroughly enjoy. *** Boxoffice.com http://www.boxoffice.com/scripts/fiw.dll?GetReview?&where=ID&terms=8409 Although Freundlich has always worked with terrific ensemble casts, this one sings much more harmoniously. David Duchovny has never been so self-effacingly funny as he contends with a perpetual itch that he can't scratch. Julianne Moore (Freundlich's wife) gives an astonishingly controlled performance that's both radiant and as coarse as sandpaper. Maggie Gyllenhaal has some of the off-beat charm and beauty of a young Diane Keaton. Billy Crudup, who gave a remarkable and unheralded performance last year in "Stage Beauty," is equally terrific as a boy trapped in a man's body. (He suggests a mild-mannered Jack Black.) "Trust the Man" earns its good faith with the audience. *** CBS http://cbs5.com/entertainment/local_story_228220359.html And if it works for you, it's a good bet that the cast was part of the sell. All four leads are well-known-ish indie actors who've flirted with mainstream stardom for years. They've worked with each other before (Duchovny and Moore in Evolution; Moore and Crudup in World Traveler) -- and writer-director Freundlich is Moore's partner and co-parent, so the production is certainly close to home. But each actor gets to move out of their comfort zone a little, too: Duchovny gets to be scraggly; Moore gets to be a centered mother (and for once let her art imitate her life); Gyllenhall gets to be gamine and sexy, and Crudup gets to make an absolute ass out of himself. *** Cinematical (劣评) http://www.cinematical.com/bloggers/kim-voynar To his credit, Duchovny takes a role that could have been played as a straight cad, and adds layers of depth and conflict to him that make him likable in spite of his cheating ways. Tom isn't cavalier about cheating on his wife, or even about surfing for internet porn. He seeks out help from a sex addicts' group and he tries to puzzle out why on earth he's risking his marriage and family by filling his emptiness with sex. If Freundlich's script kind of gives Tom a free pass on the affair (and Freundlich swore at the junket that the character of Tom -- the writer married to the famous actress -- is not him), well, that's not Duchovny's fault. *** Oprah Magazine ("O") : "It's a sheer pleasure to watch David Duchovny as a desperate househusband in the romantic comedy TRUST THE MAN. With flawless timing and a sly smile, the former X-Filer steals the show - impressive, considering he shares the screen with Julianne Moore, Billy Crudup, and Maggie Gyllenhaal." *** E! Online http://www.eonline.com/Reviews/Facts/Movies/Reviews/0,1052,89294,00.html Trust isn't quite a movie. It's more like a gigantic tidbit, a Tic Tac of a film, minus the minty sensation--minus any real sensation, in fact. And that's a shame. Director Bart Freundlich has an amazing cast: his wife Julianne Moore, the talented Billy Crudup and the affable, don't-you-wish-he-was-your-husband David Duchovny. Yes, Maggie Gyllenhaal is in this, but we hardly even notice. *** GO. SEE. DAVID. GO! -- 但是看了不喜欢不要扁我 XD --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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