WindowsPhone 板


※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1EpYsF2v ] 作者: pipisily (pipi) 看板: Gossiping 标题: [新闻] Nokia 申请下市 时间: Thu Nov 24 19:42:00 2011 Nokia to delist from Frankfurt exchange Nokia Corp. has applied to delist from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange because of falling trading volumes of its shares, the world's largest mobile phone maker said Thursday. The announcement came as the Finnish company's stock continues to tumble as it struggles against stiff competition in the top-end smartphone sector and against rivals making cheaper handsets in Asia. In August, Standard and Poor's downgraded Nokia's credit rating, saying its outlook for the company remained negative. Moody's also downgraded it by two notches in July from A3 to Baa2 due to a "severe weakening" of Nokia's business position. Nokia said the application was a pragmatic decision in an increasingly Internet-connected world that allows electronic trading from anywhere. Besides Helsinki, Nokia shares are still traded in New York, but during the last eight years Nokia has delisted from the London, Paris and Stockholm exchanges. Last month, Nokia launched its long-awaited first Windows cellphones — nine months after it teamed up with Microsoft Corp. to make smartphones. Standard and Poor's said the partnership "could help Nokia improve the currently weak competitive position of its smartphone portfolio." Nokia's share price, which has plunged by 50 percent since the February partnership was announced to below euro4.00, reviving slightly to reach euro5.00 at the end of October. On Wednesday, Nokia stock was trading up 2 percent at euro4.17 ($5.58) in Helsinki. Nokia's application to delist from Frankfurt is subject to approval by the management board of the Frankfurt exchange. The application is not related to Tuesday's announcement that Nokia Siemens Networks will slash 17,000 jobs — almost one-quarter of its work force — in a move to cut annual costs by euro1 billion ($1.35 billion) by 2013. The company is a joint venture of Nokia Corp. and Siemens AG of Germany. === 一代霸主 沦落至此下场 -- 台湾四大政党 V.S. 中国四大名着 国民党 V.S. 红楼梦:红楼梦中的贾家。家大业大,金玉其外,败絮其中。 民进党 V.S. 水浒传:水浒传中的梁山。以造反起家,血气方刚,谁也不服谁。 亲民党 V.S. 西游记:西游记全书当中,以孙悟空为主角,其他所有人皆为跑龙套。 台联 V.S. 三国演义:三国当中的蜀汉。蜀中无大将,廖化当先锋。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 polarg:再见了3310 11/24 19:42
2F:推 Dogi:以下开放3310系列推文... 11/24 19:42
3F:推 s866217:他的手机很耐用 11/24 19:42
4F:推 starcow:3310 R.I.P. 11/24 19:42
5F:推 startlequiet:神之3310正式成为传奇... 11/24 19:42
6F:嘘 jpg10330:纯嘘签名档 11/24 19:43
7F:→ s866217:可能是太耐用了@@ 11/24 19:43
8F:推 Severa:#1EpYTHQ2 新闻都出了这算啥爆卦.... 11/24 19:43
9F:→ potota92000:新闻都出来了你还在爆卦 11/24 19:43
10F:→ AllenHuang:3310 11/24 19:43
11F:推 maliQ:智慧型手机阵营:赢了 看你之前屌什麽 哼! 11/24 19:44
12F:推 NewPoliceman:正在用6100 11/24 19:44
13F:推 XAGAxLOBBY:Nokia Lumia 800 一只卖9900 有机会力挽狂澜喔 11/24 19:44
14F:推 REDBLUEr:6100不错 11/24 19:44
15F:→ Skeleton7:快变成时代的眼泪 11/24 19:44
16F:→ eflove43:阿鬼你还是说中文吧! 11/24 19:44
17F:嘘 minejel:下市也好,正好可以换换壁纸颜色 11/24 19:44
18F:→ SMYang:3310 感谢您~~ 11/24 19:45
※ 编辑: pipisily 来自: (11/24 19:45)
19F:嘘 f204137:有新闻了 11/24 19:45
20F:推 d9637568: 再见了 XD 11/24 19:45
21F:推 chjimmy:NOKIA 2330 ing 11/24 19:45
22F:→ syura945:下市而已 又不是倒了 11/24 19:45
23F:→ d9637568: 第一支芒果 最後一只芒果 11/24 19:46
24F:推 cvn65: 成也3310 败也3310 11/24 19:46
25F:推 upupchang:Nokia耐用+1 11/24 19:47
26F:推 piglauhk:LV也没上市阿 一样赚爽爽 11/24 19:47
27F:推 Ieesmart:我会把3310当传家宝的 11/24 19:47
28F:推 murray5566:一代霸主 被apple玩到残 11/24 19:47
29F:推 sakeru:谢谢你 3310 11/24 19:47
30F:推 newhan:期待诺机亚重振声势啊,不要两名太嚣张了~~~ 11/24 19:47
31F:推 zeSil:不胜唏嘘~ 11/24 19:47

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: dadabo (, 时间: 11/24/2011 19:47:56
32F:推 alljerry04 :法兰克福下市,还有芬兰和美国 11/24 20:08
33F:推 kai0426 :下市不代表会垮 11/29 08:10

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