Warfare 板


西元872年,「金发」哈拉尔(Harald Fairhair)统一挪威 为了逃避他的压迫,许多人纷纷逃到昔德兰群岛(Shetland)与奥克尼群岛(Orkney) 在当地落脚之後,回过头去掠劫挪威沿岸。 金发哈拉尔让他的盟友朗纳瓦德.艾斯泰因森(Rognvald Eysteinsson)前去镇压 在战事中,朗纳瓦德的儿子 Ivar 战死。 做为补偿,金发哈拉尔将奥克尼群岛与当地 Jarl 头衔给予朗纳瓦德 之後,他将此地位让给他的弟弟西格德。 西格德.艾斯泰因森(Sigurd Eysteinsson) 人称「威猛者西格德」(Sigurd the Mighty) 因此在西元875年成为奥克尼群岛的首位 Jarl。 西元892年 西格德与苏格兰当地的皮克特人(Picts)领主 发生了一场战斗,意外决定了他的命运。 根据《Orkneyinga Saga》记载, 西格德与都柏林国王「白色欧拉夫」(Olaf the White)之子 「红色索尔斯坦」(Thorstein the Red)结盟 一起攻下了苏格兰 Caithness 与大部分的 Argyll、Moray、Ross 这些地方。 他在 Moray 南岸建造了堡垒。 https://i.imgur.com/pxRUPHp.png
麦尔.布里基特(Máel Brigte) 人称「暴牙布里基特」(Máel Brigte the Bucktoothed) 是 Moray 当地的「Mormaer」(盖尔语 领主头衔,等同於英语 Earl、北欧 Jarl) 在西格德进攻该地时,布里基特是他的主要对手。 西格德与布里基特为了解决双方的纷争,相约各带四十骑赴战 但西格德觉得这个苏格兰人不可信任,决定先发制人 到了约定当天,他让每匹马上坐两个人,这样他就有八十人。 布里基特看到这个情况,对手下说: 「西格德愚弄了我们,每匹马的两侧都有两条腿,所以他们的人数必是马的两倍, 尽管如此,我们必须展现出勇气,每一个人死前都要拉对方一个人一起死!」 当苏格兰人准备好要迎战时, 西格德看出他们的想法,他说: 「现在,我要我们一半的人下马,在我们发动攻击时包抄他们, 而其他人尽我们所能地攻击他们并打破他们的队形。」 一场激烈的战斗就此发生 没多久,布里基特与他的手下都死了。 西格德将布里基特的头颅绑在他的马鞍上,宣示胜利 他们骑马返家,因战事成功而兴奋得满脸胀红。 半路上,西格德策马前进 布里基特的暴牙在西格德的大腿上划出一道伤口 伤口开始肿胀、坏死 威猛者西格德因而丧命。 https://i.imgur.com/B4xoaDp.jpeg
他被埋葬在奥伊克尔河(River Oykel)岸边(Ekkialsbakki)的土丘上。 https://i.imgur.com/HxcNa91.png
-- 《Orkneyinga Saga》英译原文: 5. A POISONED TOOTH Earl Sigurd became a great ruler. He' joined forces with Thorstein the Red, the son o f Olaf the White and Aud the Deep-Minded, and together they conquered the whole of Caithness and a large part o f Argyll, Moray and Ross. EarlSigurd had a stronghold built in the south of Moray. A meeting was arranged at a certain place between him and Maelbrigte,Earl of the Scots, to settle their differences. Each of them was to have forty men, but on the appointed day Sigurd decided the Scots weren't to be trusted so he had eighty men mounted on forty horses. When Earl Maelbrigte realised this, he spoke to his men. "Now," he said, "Sigurd has made fools of us. I can see two men's legs on both flanks o f each horse, so there must be twice as many men as there are horses. Still, we must show our courage. Each of us must try to kill at least one man before we die ourselves.' But as the Scots prepared themselves to face the enemy, Sigurd saw what they had in mind. 'Now,' he said, 'I want half of our men to dismount and outflank them when we come to blows, while the rest of us ride at them as hard as we can and break their ranks.’ And that is what happened. There was a fierce fight but it wasn't long before Maelbrigte and his men were dead. Sigurd had their heads strapped to the victors' saddles to make a show of his triumph, and with that they began riding back home, flushed with their success. On the way, as Sigurd went to spur his horse, he struck his calf against a tooth sticking out o f Maelbrigte's mouth and it gave him a scratch. The wound began to swell and ache, and it was this that led to the death of Sigurd the Powerful. He lies buried in a mound on the bank of the River Oykel. -- 参考来源: https://reurl.cc/DlM9v5 PDF Orkneyinga Saga:The History of the Earls of Orkney Hermann Palsson, Paul Edwards 1978 第30页 5. A POISONED TOOTH https://sacred-texts.com/neu/ice/is3/is302.htm THE ORKNEYINGERS' SAGA(5) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=4140574835952543&set=a.151169091559824 National Museums Scotland --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Warfare/M.1728740591.A.D27.html
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