作者Aotearoa (长白云之乡)
标题[闲聊] 中印边界《毛语录》vs.《费曼物理学讲义》
时间Fri May 5 19:59:15 2023
来源是传记作家 拉夫.雷顿(Ralph Leighton) (注1)
为《费曼物理学诀窍》Feynman's Tips on Physics 一书所写的序言
https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010843981 博客来
过头,向对方挥舞。 (注2)
用电脑萤幕,展示了图瓦喉音歌手於现场表演所唱歌声的谐泛音(harmonic overtone)
拉夫.雷顿(Ralph Leighton)
拉夫.雷顿 Ralph Leighton(1949~)
罗伯.雷顿(Robert Leighton)的儿子。
《费曼物理学讲义》The Feynman Lectures on Physics
由物理学家 理察.费曼(Richard Feynman 1918~1988)
罗伯.雷顿(Robert Leighton 1919~1997)
玛修.桑兹(Matthew Sands 1919~2014)
At a lonely border post high on the Himalayan frontier, Ramaswamy
Balasubramanian peered through his binoculars at the People's Liberation
Army soldiers stationed in Tibet—who were peering through their scopes back
at him. Tensions between India and China had been high for several years
since 1962, when the two countries traded shots across their disputed border.
The PLA soldiers, knowing they were being watched, taunted Balasubramanian
and his fellow Indian soldiers by shaking, defiantly, high in the air, their
pocket-sized, bright-red copies of Quotations from Chairman Mao—better known
in the West as “Mao's Little Red Book.”
Balasubramanian, then a conscript studying physics in his spare time, soon
grew tired of these taunts. So one day, he came to his observation post
prepared with a suitable rejoinder. As soon as the PLA soldiers started
waving Mao's Little Red Book in the air again, he and two fellow Indian
soldiers picked up and held aloft the three big, bright-red volumes of The
Feynman Lectures on Physics.
One day I received a letter from Mr. Balasubramanian. His was among hundreds
of letters I have received over the years that describe the lasting impact
Richard Feynman has had on people's lives. After recounting the“red-books”
incident on the Sino-Indian frontier, he wrote:“Now, twenty years later,
whose red books are still being read?”
Indeed. Today, more than forty years after they were delivered, The Feynman
Lectures on Physics are still being read—and still inspire—even in Tibet, I
A special case in point: several years ago I met Michael Gottlieb at a party
where the host was displaying on a computer screen the harmonic overtones of
a live Tuvan throat-singer—the kind of event that makes living in San
Francisco such fun. Gottlieb had studied math and was very interested in
physics, so I suggested he read The Feynman Lectures on Physics—and about a
year later, he devoted six months of his life to reading The Lectures very
carefully from beginning to end. As Gottlieb describes in his introduction,
this led, eventually, to the book you are reading now, as well as to a new,
“Definitive Edition”of The Feynman Lectures on Physics.
Thus I am pleased that people interested in physics all over the world can
now study, with the addition of this supplemental volume, a more correct and
complete edition of The Feynman Lectures on Physics—a monumental work that
will continue to inform and inspire students for decades to come, whether in
midtown Manhattan or high in the Himalayas.
Ralph Leighton
May 11, 2005
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Warfare/M.1683287958.A.6C1.html
1F:推 Edison1174: 真理跟鬼话 05/05 20:01
2F:推 hgt: 不是呀,可1962年印度被打爆了耶!!! 你这不是让费曼被打脸? 05/05 20:17
3F:→ hgt: 你看,看费曼物理的,不会打仗XD 05/05 20:18
4F:→ Aotearoa: 「紧张情势持续了多年。」 05/05 20:18
5F:→ Aotearoa: 不是1962年发生的事 05/05 20:19
6F:→ TKB5566: 笑死,在共匪眼中那个费曼也是洋鬼子,要被抓去狠狠批斗 05/05 20:33
7F:→ TKB5566: 然後中共现在拼命强逼韭菜研读毛匪泽东的钜作,费曼的东 05/05 20:35
8F:→ TKB5566: 西要被红卫兵通通撕烂摔烂烧个精光!你费曼很屌是嬷? 05/05 20:36
9F:→ TKB5566: 现在支那14亿韭菜都在发疯研读毛选,你费曼的伪科学谁要 05/05 20:37
10F:→ TKB5566: 看啊?中共眼中费曼就是反革命臭老九!费曼的书就是反动 05/05 20:38
11F:→ TKB5566: 费曼你个洋鬼子臭老九书读得愈多愈反动!鬼子眼珠俱发蓝 05/05 20:40
12F:→ TKB5566: 天灾人祸都是洋人得罪神佛、数典忘祖而来,而且洋人品德 05/05 20:45
13F:→ TKB5566: 上非常邪恶,通奸、乱伦。神明一怒之下,向义和团附身, 05/05 20:45
14F:→ TKB5566: 赐予神力,毁去西方科技,打倒西方列强,最後能「洋鬼子 05/05 20:45
15F:→ TKB5566: ,尽除完,大清一统靖江山」 05/05 20:45
16F:→ TKB5566: 神助拳、义和团,只因鬼子闹中原。 05/05 20:45
17F:→ TKB5566: 劝奉教、自信天,不信神佛忘祖先。 05/05 20:45
18F:→ TKB5566: 男不伦、女行奸,鬼孩俱是子母产。 05/05 20:45
19F:→ TKB5566: 如不信、仔细观,鬼子眼珠皆发蓝。 05/05 20:45
20F:→ TKB5566: 天无雨、地焦旱,全是教堂遮住天。 05/05 20:45
21F:→ TKB5566: 神发怒、仙发怨,一同下山把道传。 05/05 20:45
22F:→ TKB5566: 非是邪、非白莲,念咒语,法真言。 05/05 20:45
23F:→ TKB5566: 升黄表、敬香烟,请下各洞诸神仙。 05/05 20:45
24F:→ TKB5566: 仙出洞、神下山,附着人体把拳玩。 05/05 20:45
25F:→ TKB5566: 兵法艺、都学全,平定鬼子不费难。 05/05 20:45
26F:→ TKB5566: 拆铁道、拔线杆,紧急毁坏火轮船。 05/05 20:45
27F:→ TKB5566: 大法国、心胆寒,英美德俄尽消然。 05/05 20:46
28F:→ TKB5566: 洋鬼子、尽除完,大清一统靖江山。 05/05 20:46
29F:→ TKB5566: 弟子同心苦用功,遍地草木化成兵; 05/05 20:46
30F:→ TKB5566: 愚蒙之体仙人艺,定灭洋人一扫平。 05/05 20:46
31F:推 Victory2: 啊,现在我书架上的费曼物理学讲义是灰色封面的 XD 05/06 00:15
32F:推 wittmann4213: 不过我相信只要这世上还有人在打游击,小红书还是会 05/06 00:55
33F:→ wittmann4213: 有人拿来参考的 05/06 00:55
34F:→ MOONRAKER: 哇塞是不是毛主席庙的乩童 05/06 09:50
35F:→ chordate: 灰色是台版的 05/06 10:08
36F:推 PsMonkey: 递上红色奇异笔 [喂] 05/06 10:40
37F:→ skytank: 一定是挑错本了,要看大卫哈乐代的才是物理圣经 05/06 12:02
38F:推 hsinhanchu: 习近平:我们来试试看 05/06 14:59
39F:→ Aotearoa: Halliday 的内容比费曼这本还浅啦,大一物理那本,我记 05/06 17:03
40F:→ Aotearoa: 得我用的那本书皮也是红色的w 05/06 17:04
41F:→ Aotearoa: 我不懂的是拿毛语录向对手示威,是基於什麽动机让他们这 05/06 17:05
42F:→ Aotearoa: 样做,这在人类学或心理学上代表的是什麽? 05/06 17:06
43F:→ Aotearoa: 这种蠢事我连想都想不出来 05/06 17:06
※ 编辑: Aotearoa ( 台湾), 05/06/2023 17:13:05
44F:推 hgt: 就战无不胜的毛主席思想万岁呀!!! 既如此,当然要在敌人面前 05/06 19:18
45F:→ hgt: 挥舞,我觉得有符合逻辑,不会想不懂 05/06 19:18
46F:推 PsMonkey: 答:我有毛语录你没有 [认真] 05/06 23:49
48F:→ ja23072008: 当年毛语录就是圣经,无所不能的圣物。你是电、你是 05/07 00:51
49F:→ ja23072008: 光、你是唯一的神话。 05/07 00:51
50F:推 biglafu: 好40K的感觉(?) 05/07 12:41
51F:推 Silwez: 红皮书我也有一本(Rudin) 05/08 19:11