War_Thunder 板


好多好多超级多 来考验我的耐心了 每次翻坦克的东西都很痛苦 因为没玩一点sence都没有 所以翻不好请见谅XD New Features Network connection has been optimized (traffic reduced). 网路连线问题已最佳化 Added crew on open vehicle. 新增组员在开放式载具中 (这两点都之前的老梗) New missions/maps: 新的任务/地图 New ground vehicle location “Carpathian mountains” 新坦克地图"喀尔巴阡山脉" Arcade battles 1.1x1.1km RB and SB 2x2km 阶机地图比较小 历史和全真是他的四倍大 New missions: [Domination] Berlin; [Domination] Britain; [Domination] Korsun; 新增三张地图的占领模式 Changes in ground vehicle locations and missions: 坦克战的任务和地点变更 In historical missions on “Kuban”, “Jungle” and “Ash River”, sides of the conflict are no longer tied to specific spawn locations. Spawn locations will be selected randomly at the start of the match and no longer will depend on the nation. 历史模式下有三张地图的重生点不会固定了 以後重生点都会随机决定 In the ground forces mission [Domination] Kuban. Ground vehicle mission; [Domination] Ash River; added new events inside the mission which have an impact on the win chance for the team. 两张地图的占领模式下新增了胜利要素来影响战局的发展(大概类似飞机的打观察机吧) Location “Kuban”库班 All North-West areas of the map, which were much higher than the South-Eastern part of it, has been lowered. This should increase game pace on missions that are located on this map and allow armour to change flanks quickly without spending time climbing slopes. 西北方由於太高已经被降低了 让坦克少爬一点加快游戏步调 A mission to capture documents from the crashed aircraft has been added to [Domination] mode. 新增了抢夺坠毁飞机里的文件这个任务 Added [Capture] mode, in which capture points constantly appear and disappear. Each new zone that appears will grant team that captures it, more points than the previous one. 新的抢点任务 (感觉像是抢旗战 抢到比分数的 懒的猜 实际玩过的人来分享吧XD) Location “Jungle”丛林 Southern area of the map has been changed significantly. Now players can use it fully for flanking the enemy. The hillock on the beach is now part of the location and you now can climb it to gain a good sniping position. 此地图的南方整个被重制 玩家可以利用此改变来侧袭敌人 海滩上的小丘也是地图的一部分 现在可以爬上去取得良好的狙击位置 The rivers in the location are now wider, but more shallow, which allows passage across them in almost every part of the river areas. The centre of the map now has additional routes around the hills and along the river banks, which allows passage to the enemy backlines. 地图中的河变宽了也变浅了 现在玩家可以在几乎所有地方安全渡河 地图中央新增许多路线让你绕到敌後偷袭 The bottom respawn on the german side has been sunk lower down to stop the possibility of sniping at it from a distance, as well as removing the ability to fire from it. 德国重生点被降低防止别人直接从其他地方狙击你或是你不出去直接狙击别人 Foliage density has been lowered to make the map more “open” 植被的密度被下降让地图看起来更空旷 Location “Ash River”灰河? The hill in front of the northern airfield that was interfering with the re-spawning of bombers, has been removed. 轰炸机本来的出生点被移除了 Changes in aviation locations and missions: 飞机地图和任务改变 [Operation] Ruhr 卢尔 Event with spotters was temporarily removed, enabled event with AI attackers. 打观察机的任务被取消 变成打攻击机 XD New vehicles: (新载具) Ground vehicles: (地面载具) Premium Reserve tank Pz.Kpfw II ausf C with african unit paint scheme (+decal); Premium Reserve tank T-26 with winter camo of 1st Guard tank brigade (+decal) 反正就两台金币机 Please, be aware that if this is a players first ground vehicle battle using vehicles of the USSR or Germany they will receive a free premium reserve tank of that country (one or other of the two - not both). But only if you haven't received the free plane reserve vehicle bonus in the past. 跟飞机一样 你打哪个国家的第一场坦克战他就送你那个国家的一阶金坦克 KV-1E T-34 of 1941 year with cast turret and “ambush’ winter camo of 1st guard tank brigade; PzIV/70 (A); KV-1B in Finnish army colours (Special Limited Edition) 四台坦克车 有兴趣自己GOOGLE Aviation: (飞机) IL-2M in “Avenger” paint scheme; LaGG-3 34 series; Hs-129 B-2 in Romanian air force paint scheme; 三台飞机 同上 Changes in damage models and technical characteristics of the vehicles 伤害模组和技术特色的改变 Fixed armour layout of the Sherman trophy tank 修正雪曼的装甲 Improved damage model (armoured plates geometry now follows visual model geometry more precisely) of IS-4M, IS-3 tanks; 改善两台坦克的伤害模组 改善错位问题 Fixed front turret armour layout on the T-43-85 tank with D-5T cannon (the gun mount hole on the turret was missing, which led to “doubled armour” mantlet+front of the turret); T-43-85炮塔装甲修正 让两层装甲的问题消失 Fixed roof armour thickness above the driver’s hatch on IS-3 from 20 to 30mm; IS-3的驾驶上面那块装甲加厚10mm Fixed armour layout on the commander's cupola of the Pz.Kpfw VI ausf B (with Henschel turret and KwK46 cannon) from 100 to 150mm, according to "Der Panzer-Kampfwagen Tiger und seine Abarten" page 208; 某台虎式的车长装甲加厚50mm 我懒了拉QQ Fixed mass of the Pz.Kpfw V ausf G tank from 43 000kg to 44 800kg, according to "Panther and Its Variants" page 232.; 某台豹式的重量变重1800公斤 Fixed fire rate of FLaK38 cannons from 480 to 450 shots per minute, KwK30 from 320 to 280 shots per minute, KwK38 from 480 to 450 shots per minute (archive materials); 各种炮的开火速率修正 Fixed Damage Model of Flakpanzer I, loss of the driver or gun operator now leads to loss of the vehicle. 修改某防空炮的伤害模组 组员死光就算阵亡了 Flight models changes: (飞行模组变更) Preliminary aircraft tuning: (初步变更) USSR Light bombers of Su-2 and BB-1 series Germany Italian fighters G.50 serie II and Macchi C.200 Saetta Bf.109 of F and E series Me.410 series twin-engine fighters Japan Carrier-based A5M4 fighter and the B5N2 bomber USA Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (all versions) 只说有改没有说改什麽 实际去飞了才知道~ Sound (音效) Ground Vehicles: Authentic sounds added for 105mm KwK46; Authentic sounds added for 152mm ML-20; Authentic sounds added for Hetzer engine; Authentic sounds added for Рz.Kpfw V ausf. D Panther; 四台坦克的声音更接近真实 Tracks and engines sounds adjusted for several German and Soviet vehicles; 某些坦克履带和引擎的声音都有改变 Aircraft: Performance tweaks for some sound events; Authentic sounds added for Ki-45 and Ki-49 (all versions), G4M1, Ki-102 Otsu and Ki-96; 日本多台飞机的音效更加真实 Other (其他) Type of the bot vehicles now depends on Rank of the players vehicles; AI出什麽载具会根据玩家的等级来决定 Fixed visual bugs in I-16, Tempest, Boomerang and other models. 修正I-16 暴风和回旋标的视觉模型 Some fixes on the Spain map. 修正西班牙的某些问题 Fixed effect of resistance on removed tail and nose gear in the water; 修正在失去尾翼和前轮在水中的阻力问题 (改这干嘛) Ability to change colours of markers for colour blind mode has been implemented; 色盲模式已经完成 Fixed bug when parameters of selected fuel amount for a plane doesn't save if player has selected to play ground vehicle first. 修正了在先选择地面载具的情况下不会储存飞机油料时间的问题 Rooms, created by player which are added to the blacklist, will no longer show in the room listing in Custom Battles. 被你加黑名单的人永远看不到你开的自定义房 Fixed bug when tank shots wouldn’t be rendered. 修正炮管开火後没伸回去的问题 Fixed visualization of the drop-down lists of the shell when there are too many shells available and the screen resolution is too low. Now drop-down list won’t the edges of the screen. 修正选择坦克炮弹的表单 Added lead indicator to the planes for players in Ground Vehicles in RB 修正历史模式地对空有前置量提示的问题 Fixed bug with possible no damage inflicted by high-explosive and fragmentation effects of shells. 修正高爆弹和破片弹无法造成伤害的问题 Performance of the game has been improved. 改善游戏效能 Fixed error when the crew could be locked even after vehicle was destroyed in a battle. 修正即使载具被摧毁也会被锁住的问题 Removed effect of air resistance for nonexistent radiator of jet aircraft. 修正喷射机不应该有散热气阻力的问题 Improved animation visualization on tank tracks - its now more smooth 修正履带动画效果 看起来比较滑顺 Improved roller animation on ground vehicles. 修正履带轨迹动化效果 Fixed bug where taking a screenshot during loading screen would turn the screen black. 修正在读档时截图会一片黑的问题 Improved shadow visualization of a player. 改善了阴影效果 Fixed alert about not assigned buttons with view switch and zoom. 修正未指定视野控制按钮的警告 Fixed visualization of the RP in the debriefing screen in case no active research was selected. 修正战报时RP的显示防止没有选择研发项目 Fixed error with “Crew is not ready” message during shell selection on some of the ground vehicles. 修正选坦克弹药时出现组员未准备好的错误 Removed “cannon parking”, when player tries to aim in the “dead zone”. Barrels no longer will try to move into a neutral position. 如果玩家想瞄准射界外的目标 炮塔不会再自动置中 Added support for DDS textures for user-creates skins. 自定义涂装新增支援DDS材质 Fixed dependency on mode for reload time in tank sheet. 修正坦克装填时间会根据模式不同而改变 Fixed instances of AI planes attacking allied ground forces. 修正AI飞机会打友方坦克的问题 终於翻完了 一个小时 崩溃OTZ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/War_Thunder/M.1403177166.A.9AB.html
1F:推 Pegasus99:没玩陆战+1 飞机相关内容好少=w= 06/19 20:01
2F:→ Pegasus99:是说IL-2M多了个後机枪手 整个灵活度爆跌 原本我以为只 06/19 20:03
3F:→ Pegasus99:是白板机的关系 现在练满了看起来有点不值得啊... 06/19 20:03
4F:→ Pegasus99:除了有次在街机场乱斗不小心秒杀跟在後面的零式驾驶=w= 06/19 20:04
5F:→ t84552:秒驾驶是新手永远的痛 组员生命值不够 06/19 20:05
6F:推 YukiPhoenix:某台虎式>>亨谢尔炮塔+KwK46的虎王 然後是指车长塔 06/19 20:11
7F:推 saki4271:有的地图好像有bug? 占点超慢,变成谁先把对面杀光就赢 06/19 21:37
8F:→ saki4271:还是刻意改成这样? 一场要打好久好久 06/19 21:38
9F:推 Victory2:推辛苦的翻译! 06/19 22:32
10F:推 loach98:通常改FM都是NERF.... 06/19 22:34
11F:推 YukiPhoenix:占点超慢=>一旦占点完成对方兵力条扣超快 06/19 23:42
12F:→ YukiPhoenix:占点很快=>对方兵力条慢慢扣 06/19 23:42
13F:→ YukiPhoenix:不太相同的计算方式 我一开始也以为是BUG 06/19 23:43
14F:推 LittleBG:ASH是梣树... 06/23 03:38

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