War_Thunder 板


半夜不睡觉在这边... 其实我是被蟑螂振翅高飞的声音所吓醒的 冏 想说你在那边飞我也来飞一场再回去睡 结果就发现更新了 超 级 多!!! Network connection has been optimized (traffic reduced). 对网路连线的问题做优化 (网路塞车的情况减少) Added crew on open vehicle. 在开放式的载具中加入组员 (应该是防空炮之类的) Fixes on Spain map. 修正地图"Spain" (西班牙怎麽了吗?) Fixed visual bugs in I-16, Tempest, Boomerang and other models. 修正I-16,暴风,回旋标的视野问题和模组 (没开英国~) Tactical map visuals have been improved (markers are more clear). 战术地图的标示变清楚了 (真的 这个差超多!!) Visual display of the markers has been improved. 改善被标记目标的显示 (有比较好找) Conditions of crew lock has been changed: now vehicles that were destroyed by another player won’t be locked out (crashed or abandoned vehicles will be locked as before). 锁组员的判定修正:现在如果是被击毁的话不会被锁 坠毁或跳机还是跟以前一样会锁 Selected shell setup will be saved for tank re-spawn. 坦克重生时会记忆弹种 Calculation of the repair time for the tank has been changed. Now wounded crew members influence it less. 计算坦克维修时间的机制修改 现在受伤组员对坦克维修时间的影响减少 Shell explosion inside damaged tank barrel now correctly credit destruction of the tank. 修正炮弹打入损伤炮管内的爆炸伤害 (不懂= =) Grass rendering has been optimized. 对草的渲染做了优化 Several optimizations for the client. 对客户端做了许多优化 Several client crashes have been fixed. 某些客户端的游戏崩溃已修正 (欧齁齁 又来了XDDD) Fixed an error when it was impossible to fix a damaged weapon even though firing from this weapon would lead to shell explosion inside the barrel. 不可能维修受损的炮管??? (没完陆战 这段我不知道怎麽翻 求救) Sensitivity of the detonating-fuze of several shells has been increased (thickness of the barrier after which shell may explode). List of the shells: 105mm PzGr, 105mm PzGr 39, 37mm SprGr 18, 75mm PzGr39/42, 88mm PzGr39/43, 88mm PzGr39, 100mm BR-412D, 100mm BR-412, 100mm BR-412B, 122mm BR-471B, 122mm BR-471,152mm BR-540, 57mm BR-271, 57mm BR-271K, 85mm BR-365A, 85mm BR-365K. 提升了某些诱爆弹的敏感度 (就是他在穿过多少装甲後要爆炸) Error, which led to an ammo rack explosion chance did not take into account the amount of shells remaining in ammo rack, has been fixed. 修正弹药架爆炸的机率不会因剩下的弹药量而改变的问题 Fixed settings of the transmissions in all “Panther” tanks and also the Jagdpanther. Number of gears has been set up, gear transmission ratio, maximum drive speeds. For tanks with an engine power of 600hp at 2500rp/m maximum speed set to 46km/h, with an engine power of 700hp at 3000rp/m maximum speed set to 55km/h. 修正所有豹式和猎豹的传动系统 600匹马力的引擎在2500转的情况下极速是46公里 700匹马力的引擎在3000转的情况下极速是55公里 Battle mass of all tanks of the “Panther” series has been set to 44800kg 豹式系列的吨位被设定成44800kg “Panther” armour thickness is fixed. Ausf G modification - frontal bottom armour plate thickness decreased from 60mm to 50mm, frontal hull roof thickness increased from 16mm to 40mm, turret roof armour thickness decreased from 30mm to 16mm. Ausf F modification - armour material of the mantlet changed to “cast armour”, thickness increased from 100mm to 150mm. 修正豹式系列的装甲强度 四号G型下方正面装甲厚度从60mm下修到50mm 车身上部的装甲厚度从16mm增加到40mm 炮塔部顶从30mm下修到16mm 三突F型的保护装甲变成"铸造装甲" 厚度从100mm增加到150mm (cast armour???) SU-85 and SU-122 tank hull rear armor thickness increased from 40mm to 45mm SU-85和SU-122的背面装甲从40mm提升到45mm Elevation angles of several tanks got fixed (additional thanks to our users and participants of the official forums!) PzKpfw VI ausf H1 Tiger, PzKpfw VI ausf B Tiger II, and PzKpfw VI ausf B Tiger II mit KwK46. PzKpfw VI ausf H1 Tiger - from -6,5 + 19 to -8+16 degrees, PzKpfw VI ausf B Tiger II of all modifications, from -6,5 + 17 to -8+15 degrees. 修正虎式家族的俯仰角 有-6.5~+19 => -8~+16 也有 -6.5~+17 => -8~+15 都nerf仰角buff俯角 还特别指出是论坛上玩家的贡献XD Control settings for tanks improved 改善了坦克的控制设定 Bug with ammo load fixed (previously default ammo was chosen instead of chosen on new bought tanks) 修正装填预设弹药的BUG Fixed display of the vehicle which you selected for random tank battles when re spawns are allowed on other vehicles. 修正坦克战选择载具的错误显示 Fixed display of the player rank line in the queue list when player is queued for random tank battles. 修正坦克战排队时玩家在排队大厅显示的等级 Fixed a bug where after a player would hit F1 for help during a battle, on exit a player would be presented with the main menu. 修正了当玩家在游戏中按下F1时有可能会跳到主画面的问题 Fixed bug when changing fonts from re spawn window would break controls. Now when player choose basic keyboard controls, it will also will automatically select Mouse Aim for the control method. 修正了在重生视窗切换输入法会导致控制系统出问题的bug 现在玩家只要选择键盘滑鼠控制 就会预设用滑鼠瞄准模式 Fixed bug when Help window is opened by pressing F1 on 16:9 monitors it would be partially display beyond the screen border. 修正萤幕比16:9的玩家在按下F1後有可能会有一些显示超出萤幕边界的问题 Fixed incorrect rounding up or down of large numbers (1 003 362 would round down to 1000k instead of 1003k) 修正了大数字显示的错误 (1003362现在会显示成1000K而不是1003K) Removed warning about not having trimmer axis on hat mapped as it is not necessary even in realistic controls. 现在取消了没有设置配平按钮会出现的警告 就算全真场也不会 Fixed warning about not having flap controls assigned - this should now check all relevant short cuts correctly. 修正没有指定襟翼的警告 现在会检查所有相关的快捷键 (可能只要有一个就不会叫了) 终於结束了 翻超久... 小鸟都出来叫了= = 补充更新! --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/War_Thunder/M.1401829647.A.EC2.html
1F:推 Alex21:标示变明显很多,然後战车只带预设弹药BUG总算修好了… 06/04 07:20
※ 编辑: t84552 (, 06/04/2014 10:48:03
2F:推 saki4271:开放车体依旧没看到组员,要选高画质才有? 06/04 12:16

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