Wanhua 板


说也惭愧,虽然从小看到大 但其实我以前也分不清青山宫的八将团 和其他所谓的八家将有什麽不同 但就印象中比较,我知道是不同的 不管是脸谱、步法、法器和气质都不太一样 後来才知道这是青山宫独特的阵头 从中又分出了艋舺莲英将,与南部起源的八家将是不一样的 台北八将阵头有三种: 霞海城隍庙的「鲲溟八将」、艋舺青山宫的「青山八将」 以及脱胎於青山八将编制的「台疆八将」(艋舺莲英将) 相关介绍网址: https://www.taipei-walkingtour.tw/t-tours197 青山宫八将团的介绍网址: https://bobee.nownews.com/20171115-15088/ "林家和团长指出,「青山八将」是有钱也请不到的阵头,因为「八将团」所有成员一年只 出军一次,团员们平常各有各的工作,「八将团」也不接受商业性质的演出邀请,因为这 是最古老也最令人骄傲的阵头,一定要好好保持。" "「青山八将」的成员主要来自父子、兄弟、亲友,大多以地缘与血缘关系来维系,这种模 式已经有很长一段时间,如果有人有意愿想加入「八将团」,林家和团长表示首重的绝对 是人品,但目前没有招募新人的计画。" 再附上一篇旧新闻介绍: 青山宫八将团 独步全台「将中之将」 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/937512 -- 虽为万华人,但真的到现在才开始慢慢地探讨及了解在地历史 也幸好现在资讯发达,许多史料也能够保存记录下来 做口述历史真的也很不容易,感谢文史工作者的努力! 顺便贴一下英文介绍,以後我可以介绍给外国友人了:) 摘录自:http://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0056/252597/web/index.html The Beauty of Taipei's Temples 文/Discover Taipei During January and February, over the Chinese New Year period, great numbers of local folk go to Taiwan’s temples to ask the gods to bless and protect them in the year to come. Beyond the famous temples such as Manka Lungshan Temple, Dalongdong Baoan Temple, and Xingtian Temple, local folk love to visit many other old temples that are key centers of community worship and also architectural works of great character. Now is a great time to mingle with the crowds and visit these unique city attractions. Bangka’s Venerable Temples, Symbol of the City’s Origins The original Taiwanese name of the area known today in Mandarin as Wanhua (万 华) is Bangka. This is present-day Taipei’s original place of settlement. During the Qing dynasty immigrants from China settled here, transplanting religious beliefs and icons from their home areas. Many district temples are thus centuries old, and the queen of the cluster is Manka Lungshan Temple, today still a vibrant place of worship, and a well-known international tourist attraction. Manka Qingshan Temple (艋舺青山宫), established in 1856, is another temple in Wanhua with a pedigree that puts it in a similar league. It is said that in 1854 a plague broke out in what was then called Bangka, and local fishermen who had emigrated from China’s Huian (惠安) area in Fujian province (福建省) went home and then brought back to Taiwan an icon from the Quanzhou Qingshan Temple (泉州青山宫). Local plague sufferers who prayed to the King of Qingshan (青山王) were returned to health and peace. The original Qingshan Temple was built on today’s Xiyuan Road (西园路), but an ever increasing number of worshipers led to a decision to rebuild the temple on today’s Guiyang Street (贵阳街); the present temple was completed in 1859. With a facade just off the busy street in front, it is laid out in the form of a street house. The vivid, awe-inspiring door gods are in traditional Huianxi style, and the stone lions in front were carved from granite and bluestone in 1938, during the Japanese era, in classic, meticulous Japanese style. The large-scale King of Qingshan Festival (青山王祭) is held each year from the 20th to 23rd day of the 10th lunar month, and is commonly called “Great Bangka Sacrificial Ceremony” (艋舺大拜拜). It is one of Taipei’s three biggest annual temple fairs, and is a key annual event for the local community. During this year’s four-day celebration, there will be a King of Qingshan night-inspection procession on each of the first two nights, one through southern and one through northern Wanhua. The procession is customarily called an anfang (暗访) or “night visit.” On the third day is the festival’s main event, the “Greeting the King of Qingshan” (迎青山王) raojing (遶境) or “tour of inspection,” with zhentou (阵头) or “ battle-array” performance troupes from all Wanhua temples, large and small, participating. The entire Wanhua district is filled with believers, and there is great noise and commotion. On the 4th day, the King of Qingshan’s birthday, anniversary rites and celebrations of colorful grandeur are staged. Recognizing the temple’s historical and cultural importance, the Ministry of the Interior (内政部) declared it a Historical Relic of the Third Rank in 1985, and in 2010 the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture (文化部 文化资产局), placed the anfang and raojing on the country’s list of Folk Customs and Related Cultural Artifacts of official cultural heritage. -- ......舍不得老娘白了头 娘生儿 连心肉 儿行千里母担忧 儿想娘身难磕首 娘想儿来泪双流 ---《三家店》 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Wanhua/M.1512981613.A.C44.html
1F:推 s925407: 青山宫八将团确实是目前少数有历史有传统有纪律的将团, 12/11 17:26
2F:→ s925407: 可惜社会还是给他们歧视的眼光,都不愿意好好认识这些文 12/11 17:26
3F:→ s925407: 化,自然也就没办法让这些文化变得更好。 12/11 17:26
4F:推 wennie0513: 国际化给推 12/11 17:30
在英文的介绍中,还提到了青山宫门口的石狮子 是在日本时代建造,具有日本狛犬特色 所以和一般寺庙看到的石狮子不太一样,很有意思 ※ 编辑: drama (, 12/11/2017 17:35:02
5F:推 m1a1n1: 长知识!推! 12/11 19:07
6F:→ a001ou: 不招募外人其实有点危险,以文化推广、延续的角度来看,还 12/11 20:13
7F:→ a001ou: 是应该要有条件的引入外来新血 12/11 20:13
8F:推 crusoeisland: 推认真! 12/11 20:40
9F:推 wtfconk: 自作孽就别怪人,半夜三更震天响的炮谁放的?连中永和板桥 12/11 21:39
10F:→ wtfconk: 土城都听得到,这叫做优良传统文化?至於8+9甚麽就懒得说了 12/11 21:39
11F:推 Gipsie: 长知识了!推! 12/11 21:55
12F:推 kenliu100: 推,这是住在万华应该要了解的当地历史 12/11 22:39
13F:推 solomn: 推 如果顾好噪音和整洁 会更棒 12/11 23:06
14F:推 camellala: 国际化,给推 12/12 03:20
15F:→ blitz1991: 土城是反串吗= = 12/12 08:27
16F:嘘 air276: 装神弄鬼,造成别人困扰的文化 12/12 11:09
17F:嘘 sowenvoy: 死8+9,滚啦 12/12 12:53
18F:嘘 wtfconk: 反串?等你家有人半夜被吓醒就知道是不是反串了...= = 12/12 15:47
19F:推 crusoeisland: 土城跟万华没有相邻,说听到炮响是幻觉还是发生核爆? 12/12 16:21
20F:推 crusoeisland: 要反对传统文化可以,反串太过只会让你的诉求变弱. 12/12 16:25
21F:推 cabessa: 连住青年公园那边都听不到了,中永和板桥土城真听得到吗? 12/12 16:57
22F:嘘 sowenvoy: 靠近华中桥这边都听得到,你跟我说青年公园听不到? 12/12 17:01
23F:→ sowenvoy: 你要不要去耳鼻喉科测个听力? 12/12 17:01
24F:嘘 paullin121: 一堆高空炮,远处一定会听到..这不是鞭炮.. 12/12 17:16
25F:→ paullin121: 晚上就是有一堆没水准的8+9 乱放高空炮..超吵 12/12 17:17
26F:推 crusoeisland: 靠华中桥听得到是超过70分贝以上?还是30-50分贝就 12/12 17:34
27F:→ crusoeisland: 受不了啦?今年行经路线离华中桥下最短距离约1.5公 12/12 17:34
28F:→ crusoeisland: 里,换算走路大概是15-18分钟的时间 12/12 17:34
29F:推 crusoeisland: 如果说靠华中桥的居民都能听到70分贝以上,那住万 12/12 17:36
30F:→ crusoeisland: 囍的住户应该已经耳聋了吧! 12/12 17:36
31F:推 SmallAi: 其实灵安尊王出巡连同八将团都很安静只有哨角团比较大声 12/12 20:12
32F:嘘 fonin: 事实就是很吵 12/13 22:55
33F:推 crusoeisland: 「吵」有时是一种主观认定,像敏感的人可能50分贝就 12/13 23:08
34F:→ crusoeisland: 「吵」有时是一种主观认定,像敏感的人可能50分贝就 12/13 23:08
35F:→ crusoeisland: 觉得是噪音,也有人会有幻觉在土城听到在万华的炮响 12/13 23:08
36F:→ crusoeisland: ,或是靠华中桥的听到一点声响就嚷个不停, 12/13 23:08
37F:→ crusoeisland: 市府应该也很伤脑筋吧! 12/13 23:09
38F:推 crusoeisland: 现在科学仪器测量,以後这类问题就交给科学仪器来 12/13 23:10
39F:→ crusoeisland: 说话吧! 12/13 23:10
40F:嘘 wtfconk: 本来这篇没用嘘,但是为了护航在那边睁眼说瞎话的,让人不 12/14 08:03
41F:→ wtfconk: 火也难,当晚我刚好在土城朋友那边过夜聊天,後来住中和板 12/14 08:03
42F:→ wtfconk: 桥的朋友也线上传讯说有轰轰声不知怎麽了,而且那天还下雨 12/14 08:03
43F:→ wtfconk: 咧,声音依旧传到那麽远,就知道这噪音有多可怕了,护航的自 12/14 08:03
44F:→ wtfconk: 己也会说没紧邻万华听得到声音太扯,实际状况就是这麽扯, 12/14 08:03
45F:→ wtfconk: 这样你知道为何令人厌恶了吧...还反串过头咧,我看是有些 12/14 08:03
46F:→ wtfconk: 人护航过头蒙蔽自己了吧...文化遗产虽可贵,但不是用来无 12/14 08:03
47F:→ wtfconk: 限上纲合理化恶习的藉口... 12/14 08:03
48F:嘘 wtfconk: 而且那什麽仪器测量叭啦叭啦的更是护航到有剩,你自己去了 12/14 08:09
49F:→ wtfconk: 解一下规定要怎麽量测才算噪音才能开罚,再者事後开罚对宫 12/14 08:09
50F:→ wtfconk: 庙根本也不痛不痒,甚至拿这个当提案叫信徒捐钱救宫庙,搞 12/14 08:09
51F:→ wtfconk: 不好还反赚更多咧,说人有幻觉或反串的,自己先反思是不是 12/14 08:09
52F:→ wtfconk: 有这些症状吧 12/14 08:09
要讨论噪音问题其实可以在上一篇.... 集中讨论应该比较能够达到您的诉求吧? 另外噪音量测政府确实都有一套程序及规定 如果您真的受到干扰,是可以录影录音的 我也不太明白为什麽方法那麽清楚 却要上网来与我一介市民解读法规呢? 我知道的资讯就是这样啊.... ※ 编辑: drama (, 12/14/2017 08:19:46
53F:推 crusoeisland: 我住在离青山宫走路不到五分钟的地方,在半夜有听 12/14 08:19
54F:→ crusoeisland: 到闷闷的声响,所以很难想像离一河之隔的中永和板 12/14 08:19
55F:→ crusoeisland: 桥甚至更远的土城是怎麽听到的。 12/14 08:19
※ 编辑: drama (, 12/14/2017 08:22:53
56F:推 crusoeisland: 所以妄自说有幻觉真是抱歉啊!真的不晓得我住附近是 12/14 08:24
57F:→ crusoeisland: 所以妄自说有幻觉真是抱歉啊!真的不晓得我住附近是 12/14 08:24
58F:→ crusoeisland: 有声音,但不知道可以传这麽远,真是抱歉~ 12/14 08:24
59F:推 crusoeisland: drama提供了一些资讯可以让你检举噪音,你也可以参 12/14 08:26
60F:→ crusoeisland: 考一下。 12/14 08:26
61F:推 crusoeisland: 对了,大稻埕烟火施放时我在中和朋友家时都听不太 12/14 08:42
62F:→ crusoeisland: 到了,这次你在土城都听得到遶境的鞭炮响,想必是 12/14 08:42
63F:→ crusoeisland: 比放烟火还夸张惹! 12/14 08:42
64F:→ crusoeisland: 青山宫的确好好检讨一下! 12/14 08:43
65F:嘘 limpide: 本就该检讨 造成困扰还护航... 12/14 11:36
66F:推 G2000: 开脸後可以说话吗?@@ 12/14 15:36
据我所知,所有扮演神将类的阵头都有类似的禁忌 不管是八将、八家将、官将首都是 所以之前要斋戒沐浴净身,开脸後也禁语(不过现在好像有些只是不可随意谈笑) 但我从小看到现在,没看过青山八将出阵时说话的,顶多只听到「喝!」 另外找到一篇介绍八将历史很详细的 有兴趣的人可以看看:) http://www.file.cloud.taipei.gov.tw/publication/ADF55007-4BFA-44D1-B987-26DD50596B4F/Fulltext.pdf (不是不会缩网址,但现在怪连结多,还是给完整连结大家自己贴比较好:P) ※ 编辑: drama (, 12/14/2017 16:53:27

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