※ [本文转录自 worldbasket 看板 #1TlMLf-6 ] 作者: jathymin () 看板: worldbasket 标题: [新闻] FIBA 3x3奥运资格赛分组确定 时间: Sat Nov 2 19:15:50 2019 Field set and pools announced for FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifying Tournament FIBA 3x3奥运资格赛分组确定 01/11/2019 NEWS UTSUNOMIYA (Japan) – FIBA announced and seeded the 20 teams per gender who will compete at the FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifying Tournament in India in March 2020. FIBA宣布将在2020年三月参与在印度举办的FIBA 3x3奥运资格赛各性别的20队及种子序。 v Though they did not earn a direct ticket to the first-ever 3x3 event in the history of the Olympic Games, a total of 20 teams per gender can still make it to Tokyo after qualifying for the FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifying Tournament (OQT), which will grant 3 tickets to the Olympics by gender. 虽然未能拿到奥运史上首次的3x3赛事直接参赛权,总共有每个性别各20队可以争取在FIBA 3x3奥运资格赛(OQT)後前进东京,每个性别有3张门票通往奥运。 The teams made it to the OQT due to being hosts (India and Japan’s women), thanks to their medal at the FIBA 3x3 World Cup 2019 or because they were the highest-ranked teams in the FIBA 3x3 Federation Ranking not yet qualified. 取得奥运资格赛(OQT)资格的有地主(印度与日本女子队),及由於2019FIBA 3x3世界盃的 奖牌得主,还有FIBA 3x3协会排名中排名较高而还没取得资格的队伍。 One of 3x3’s missions is to bring basketball to new countries, which are not traditional basketball powerhouses and FIBA has put in place a series of universality rules. A maximum of 10 teams per continent and a minimum of 30 different countries must take part at the Olympic Qualifying Tournament. In other words, only the top 6 teams qualified for the OQT based on ranking could have a team both in men and women (like France, the Netherlands and USA). The last 10 berths in each gender were allocated following the Federation Ranking list only if the respective country didn’t already have a team in any gender qualified. 3x3的其中一个任务是将篮球带向新的国家,那些非传统篮球强权,而FIBA也加入了普遍 性规则。至多10队来自同一大洲,且至少30个国家能参与奥运资格赛。也就是说,仅有排 名最高的六支球队排名能同时取得男女子组的OQT资格(例如:法国、荷兰和美国)。各性 别的最後10个名额将赋予後续协会排名的队伍且这些国家中没有任一性别已取得资格。 The automatic seeding was completed during a livestreamed ceremony in Utsunomiya, Japan on November 1, 2019. The 20 teams per gender were seeded in 4 pools of 5. Women’s Pool D will see the Indian hosts face off with 2 former world champions (Italy and Czech Republic), Chinese Taipei and Switzerland. The reigning world champions USA’s men will compete in Pool B alongside Europe Cup 2019 bronze medalists Lithuania, Belgium, New Zealand and South Korea. 种子序已在2019年11月1日於日本宇都宫举行的直播仪式中公布。每个性别的各20支队伍 按种子序分入四组各五队。女子组的D组将由地主印度面对两支前世界冠军(义大利及捷克) 及台湾和瑞士 。而卫冕世界冠军美国男子队则在B组与2019欧洲盃铜牌得主立陶宛及比利 时、纽西兰和南韩竞争。 FIBA FIBA 3x3奥运资格赛分组 2020三月,印度 POOL A POOL B POOL C POOL D 男 MONGOLIA 蒙古 USA 美国 SLOVENIA 斯洛维尼亚 NETHERLANDS 荷兰 子 POLAND 波兰 LITHUANIA 立陶宛 FRANCE 法国 LATVIA 拉脱维亚 组 BRAZIL 巴西 BELGIUM 比利时 QATAR 卡达 CANADA 加拿大 TURKEY 土耳其 SOUTH KOREA 南韩 PHILIPPINES 菲律宾 CROATIA 克罗埃西亚 SPAIN 西班牙 NEW ZELAND 纽西兰 DOMINICAN REP. 多明尼加 INDIA 印度 POOL A POOL B POOL C POOL D 女 FRANCE 法国 IRAN 伊朗 NETHERLANDS 荷兰 ITALY 义大利 子 USA 美国 JAPAN 日本 ESTONIA 爱沙尼亚 CHINESE TAIPEI 台湾 组 GERMANY 德国 UKRAINE 乌克兰 BELARUS 白俄罗斯 CZECH REP. 捷克 URAGUAY 乌拉圭 TURKMENISTAN 土库曼 HUNGARY 匈牙利 SWITZERLAND 瑞士 INDONESIA 印尼 AUSTRALIA 澳洲 SRI LANKA 斯里兰卡 INDIA 印度 更多2020东京奥运3x3赛事可参阅 #1Tl57I5s (worldbasket) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: jathymin ( 台湾), 11/08/2019 14:46:17

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: jathymin ( 台湾), 11/08/2019 14:46:36 ※ 编辑: jathymin ( 台湾), 11/08/2019 14:46:53

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