Some of Australia’s best female talent will get a taste of international basketball this month. 澳洲女篮最具天赋的队伍将在本月进行国际交流。 China will come up against the Chemist Warehouse Opals in Canberra on September 19, while the rest of the national squad will form a secondary side to play WNBL, NBL1 and Centre of Excellence teams in the China Challenge. 中国队9/19将在坎培拉面对澳洲国家队,而另外一只国家二队则会对上WNBL、NBL1及 Centre of Excellence的队伍在中国挑战赛中。 The Opals are set take the court in Canberra for the first time in six-years and just the third time in 20 years. The game will provide the squad with valuable match practice ahead of their FIBA Woman’s Asia Cup opener against the Philippines on the 24th in Bengaluru, India. 澳洲国家队将是睽违六年,也是20年来第三次来到坎培拉比赛。这场赛事在9/24面对 菲律宾的印度班加罗尔亚洲盃开幕战之前是很有价值的练习赛。 After completing training camps on the Gold Coast in April and then Phoenix in July, the Opals recently named their 16 strong squad for Canberra, with the final team for India to be announced closer to the beginning of the tournament. 在完成四月黄金海岸及七月凤凰城的训练营後,澳洲国家队以16人组成来到坎培拉,并 将决定最终前进印度的人员组成。 The game will cap off a huge week for woman’s basketball in the nation’s capital, with the WNBL set to launch their 40th season at Parliament House on the 18th. 这场赛事会为女子篮球形成重要的一周,WNBL将在18日於议会大厦宣布他们的第40届赛季 。 In addition, China B lands on September 8 and thanks to Deakin University, who are continuing their outstanding support of women’s basketball by partnering the Victorian leg of the challenge, will play the Melbourne Boomers at Casey Stadium on September 10, head to Bendigo to take on the Spirit on September 11 before returning to Melbourne to tackle the NBL1 All-Stars at Kilsyth Stadium the following day. 此外,中国二队在9/8抵达,并感谢迪肯大学支援女篮在维多利亚的赛事,他们将在9/10 在Casey体育馆与墨尔本Boomers对战,并在9/11前往本迪哥和Spirit进行赛事,随後在 隔天回到墨尔本与NBL1全明星队在Kulsyth体育馆进行比赛。 Next, a trip to the nation’s capital to face reigning Chemist Warehouse WNBL champions the UC Capitals on September 16 before a game against Basketball Australia’s Centre of Excellence two days later on September 18. 在9/18对阵澳洲Centre of Excellence前,在9/16会先面对WNBL冠军队UC Capitals。 The visitors will move on to Sydney for practice and a spot of sight seeing ahead of a September 20 date with the Sydney Uni Flames. 他们将移动到雪梨进行练习并在9/20与雪梨Uni Flames进行比赛。 Basketball Australia’s head of women in basketball Lauren Jackson says the China Challenge highlights the strong relationship between the two basketball nations. 女篮领队Lauren Jackson表示中国挑战赛将加强两个篮球国家的关系。 “China’s a powerhouse of international sport and it’s fantastic to be able to continue our long-standing relationship. We are very proud to be hosting them while they take on our Australian teams,’’ she says. "中国是国际上的强权,如果能建立彼此的长期关系是很有益的。我们非常高兴能接待他 们来到澳洲进行赛事。" “From the COE’s stars of tomorrow, through to the All-Stars from the successful first season of NBL1, to four of our Chemist Warehouse WNBL clubs preparing for their upcoming seasons, we will have an array of elite Australian female basketball talent on show against China.” "从COE的明日之星,到成功的NBL1第一个赛季的全明星队,再到WNBL的四支备战下赛季的 俱乐部队,我们将在对抗中国的比赛中展示一系列菁英的澳洲女子篮球天赋。" The Opals will convene for a short training camp prior to the game against China. 澳洲国家队在对战中国前将进行短期训练营。 Chemist Warehouse Australian Opals Squad 澳洲女子篮球队阵容 Rebecca Allen New York Liberty Abby Bishop JCU Townsville Fire Sara Blicavs TBC Elizabeth Cambage Las Vegas Aces Katie Ebzery Perth Lynx Darcee Garbin JCU Townsville Fire Cayla George Deakin Melbourne Boomers Ezi Magbegor Deakin Melbourne Boomers Lauren Mansfield Perth Lynx Leilani Mitchell Phoenix Mercury Lauren Nicholson Adelaide Lightening Jenna O’Hea Southside Flyers Nicole Seekamp Adelaide Lightening Stephanie Talbot Adelaide Lightening/Minnesota Lynx Marianna Tolo UC Capitals Sammi Whitcomb Seattle Storm -- 中国二队行程 9/8 抵达澳洲 9/10 70-79 墨尔本Boomers @墨尔本 Casey体育馆 9/11 vs 本迪哥Spirit @本迪哥 9/12 vs NBL1全明星队 @墨尔本 Kilsyth体育馆 9/15 81-77 WJBL Aisin AW Wings 9/16 62-97 UC Capitals @坎培拉 9/18 vs Centre of Excellence @坎培拉 9/20 vs 雪梨Uni Flames @雪梨 中国一队 9/16 54-97 澳洲国家队 @坎培拉 (非公开) 9/17 76-87 澳洲国家队 @坎培拉 (非公开) 9/19 63-98 澳洲国家队 @坎培拉 中国一队名单 9/16 9/17 9/18 # 3 杨力维 176 24 G 广东 *2P.3R *15P.2R.1A 4P.1R.3A.3S # 4 李缘 168 19 G 山东 *0P.3R.2A.1S *2P.1R.4A 8P.1R.4A.1S # 5 王思雨 175 23 G 山东 6P.0R.3A.2S 2P.5R.4A.1S.1B *2P.1R.2A.1S # 6 武桐桐 178 25 G 山西 7P.1R.4A.2S 10P.4R.3A *5P.5R.1A.1S # 7 邵婷 188 29 F 北京 10P.3R.1A 1S 7P.4R.2A *9P.2R.1S # 9 郭子瑄 187 22 F 山西 *2P.0R.1A *8P.1R 8P.0R #10 高颂 190 27 F 北京 4P.5R 3P.2R.3A.1S *4P.3R #12 刘佳岑 190 30 F 山西 *12P.2R.1S *2P.1R.2A 5P.1R.1A.1S #14 李月汝 200 20 C 广东 DNP 14P.7R.1A.3B *7P.5R.1A #15 韩旭 205 19 C 新疆/纽约 *2P.7R.1A.3B *8P.7R.0A.0B 9P.7R.1A.1B #16 陈明伶 192 19 F 新疆 6P.2R.1B 2P.1R 0P.1R.1A #17 张茹 186 20 F 河南 3P.1R.1A.2S 0P.1R 2P.3R #18 石小烨 184 24 F 北京师大 0P.0R.1A DNP 未登录 黄思静 192 23 F 广东 未登录 未登录 未登录 中国队结束澳洲训练及比赛後会直接转往亚洲盃比赛地印度 本届亚洲盃预赛与澳洲、纽西兰、菲律宾同组 亚洲盃详细赛程请见 #1TDpkPVK (WSBL) --

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