206 WRCar至今参与3年的WRC赛事,其中获得了24场分站胜利, 如今将正式从WRC赛事中退役。 Peugeot车队决定在明年的蒙地卡罗Rally中正式推出307 WRCar应战。 04年赛季Marcus Gronholm及Freddy Loix 将会驾驶着两辆307WRCar参加整年16站的WRC赛事。 从四月份开始Peugeot便以307 CC为基础来打造这辆全新的WRCar, 目前Peugeot车队认为307 WRCar的速度已经跟206 WRCar一样快了, 不过307 WRCar的测试里程数还不到1200公里,因此车队无法保证它的耐用度。 Peugeot车队总监Jean-Piere Nicolas表示:「有时候这是个赌博, 但我们决定赌这一把。」 307 WRCar是个全新的设计,与206 WRCar几乎没有相当的地方。 它使用不同的引擎-XU7引擎,并以横置的Hewland变速箱替换纵置的Xtrac变速箱, 首席工程师Michael Nandan表示307的悬吊系统跟206差不多。 另外Peugeot车队强调他们将不会推出第三辆的厂车, 他们仍会持续供应206 WRCar给私人车队参加WRC赛事。 (From RacingNet) ---- 底下是RallyLive的原文 Peugeot Sport 2004 motor sport programme Debut of the 307 WRC and investment in youth Peugeot's new weapon: the 307 WRC After four full World Rally Championship campaigns, including three consecutive years in which it dominated its rivals plus a 2003 season that saw it narrowly miss out on a fourth title, the 206 WRC is to hand over the baton to the 307 WRC in 2004. With a total score of 24 wins and 41 podiums to its name, the 206 WRC marked rallying history by notching up one of the finest records of the sport's modern era. The new 307 WRC will take over from the beginning of the 2004 season in Monte Carlo, subject to the car's homologation by the FIA which is scheduled for January 1st 2004. WRC: Peugeot Total team Marcus Gronholm/Timo Rautiainen and Freddy Loix/Sven Smeets will drive the two 307 WRCs that will be entered for every round of the 2004 World Championship. However, the new FIA regulations allow teams the possibility of switching the crew of the second car and Peugeot Sport may consider using specialist drivers for certain events, in which case a third car will be entered for Freddy Loix. The primary objective will be to retrieve the Manufacturers' title, while Marcus and Freddy will be free to defend their chances in the Drivers'championship. The 307 WRC Peugeot's new challenger was driven for the first time exactly one year ago. Since then, an intensive test programme has been conducted on both gravel and asphalt. The development of the car has today reached a level that should allow it to defend Peugeot's colours in the face of strong opposition. New partnership with the ESA Peugeot Sport is pleased to announce a new partnership contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) based on collaboration in fields of space industry- derived technology, including materials and simulation using ESA-developed software. Investment in youth In addition to the official line-up, a number of promising young drivers will also benefit from a World Championship programme at the wheel of 2003- specification 206 WRCs run by Bozian Racing. They are: Frenchman Nicolas Vouilloz. Following his success in the French 206 Trophy in 2003 as well as an extremely encouraging one-off outing with a Super 1600 206 in November's Rallye du Var, the 27-year old has signed a two-year contract as works Peugeot driver. The programme of the former Mountain Bike Downhill World Champion kicks off with the forthcoming Monte Carlo Rally and includes a total of six events in 2004, plus eight in 2005. The team's second junior will be Sweden's Daniel Carlsson, 27, who finished3rd in the 2003 FIA Junior World Championship. With support from his sponsor 'Olsberg', he will compete in a minimum of eight rounds this season,starting with the Swedish Rally, second round of the 2004 calendar. Peugeot Portugal driver, Miguel Campos, 29, who finished 2nd in the 2003 European Rally Championship, will start at least four events of the 2004 World Championship, beginning with January's Monte Carlo Rally. A further addition to this list will be Henning Solberg – brother of the 2003 World Champion – if he succeeds in mounting a programme of seven rounds with support from his partners and Peugeot's Swedish importer. == 附上307CC WRC的测试照片 http://rally.racing-live.com/en/photos/2004/index_gronholm.shtml --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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