版本:经典/现行/综合 [必选择一,色码别更动] 综合 情报来源: (NGA、蓝帖、WOWHEAD、MMO等) WOWHEAD 情报网址: (网址太长请一并附上缩网址) 情报原文: (原文与翻译择一选填) Blizzard Announces Upcoming Low-Population Realm Connections posted 7 days ago by Neryssa Blizzard has made an announcement today mentioning that they have just finished a study on realm populations for every realm in WoW, and over the course of the next 2-3 months, low population realms will be connected to other realms. We currently do not know what realms will be affected by the upcoming mergers, but notices will be posted for those realms in advance, with the actual realm mergers happening during maintenance times. View Original Blizzard World of Warcraft is best when you have a community of other players around you, and while numerous ways to participate in cross-realm play have been added to the game over the years, there are still many aspects of the experience that are realm-based. From your history with your guild to your interactions with the economy around you, a realm with a healthy population provides more opportunities, and it’s been several years since we last connected some realms. We’ve now completed a comprehensive study of realm populations for every realm in the world. Over the next 2-3 months, we’re going to connect the low-population realms to other existing realms. This process will take place during scheduled maintenance, connecting a few realms each week, until we’ve connected every low-population realm in every region to a substantially larger population of players. As this project unfolds, we will post notices in advance of each week’s connections in the appropriate regions and languages. During each maintenance period, everything will be automatically combined for the affected realms. When maintenance is complete, players on affected realms will log into Battle for Azeroth and find that they’re now part of a larger connected-realm community. At the same time, we’ll merge the appropriate realm discussion forums. Please keep an eye out for notifications here as we proceed through this project. Again, we’ll let you know here in advance when realms in this region are about to be connected. 情报翻译: 暴雪宣布即将推出的低人口领域连接 由Neryssa发表於7天前 暴雪今天宣布了一项声明,提到他们刚刚完成对《魔兽世界》中每个领域的领域人口的研 究,在接下来的2-3个月中,低人口领域将与其他领域联系在一起。 我们目前尚不知道即将进行的合并会影响哪些领域,但是将针对这些领域提前发布通知, 而实际的领域合并会在维护期间发生。 暴风雪 当您周围有其他玩家组成的社区时,《魔兽世界》是最好的选择,尽管这些年来,游戏中 增加了许多参与跨领域游戏的方式,但仍然有很多基於领域的体验。从您行会的历史到与 周围经济的互动,拥有健康人口的领域提供了更多的机会,距离我们上一次联系某些领域 已经有好几年了。 现在,我们已经完成了对世界上每个领域的领域人口的全面研究。在接下来的2-3个月中 ,我们将把人口稀少的领域与其他现有领域联系起来。此过程将在计划维护期间进行,每 周连接几个领域,直到我们将每个地区的每个人口稀少的领域与大量玩家联系起来。 随着该项目的开展,我们将在每周的联系之前以适当的地区和语言发布通知。在每个维护 期间,所有内容都会自动合并到受影响的领域。维护完成後,受影响领域中的玩家将登录 “艾泽拉斯战役”,并发现他们现在是更大的互联领域社区的一部分。同时,我们将合并 适当的领域讨论论坛。 在进行此项目时,请注意此处的通知。同样,我们将在此提前通知您该区域中的领域何时 将被连接。 非常感谢你! 附注/备注 不知道是合并小伺服器还是整个该地区伺服器并入其他地区 还是只是合并一些游戏外的业务 --

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1F:推 aegius1r: 都是在讲realm 应该不会动到region? 07/10 19:05
2F:推 reaturn: 现实跨区? 07/10 19:16
3F:推 pig8409: 同区伺服器连结而已...中国那边已经开始了 07/10 19:36
4F:推 redmib: 看不懂 07/10 19:44
5F:→ mealoop: 太机翻惹吧 realm就是伺服器 07/10 19:45
6F:→ mealoop: 简单一句话就鬼服连结 07/10 19:46
7F:推 wmud: 就鬼服强制由暴雪出手并到大服而已 07/10 19:53
8F:→ flower666: 原文的意思是不会跨区 就一般的鬼服并去其他服而已 07/10 20:06
9F:→ flower666: 只看这翻译害我吓一跳 担心被并去中服...阿弥陀佛~ 07/10 20:08
10F:推 Allen0315: 简单讲 就像是现在各大主城 看的到其他非连结服人 07/10 20:08
11F:推 godofaluba: 台服和韩服并吗 07/10 20:15
12F:→ yuusan: 不就跨服吗?0.0 07/10 20:16
13F:推 reaturn: 台服差不多可以并成联盟服跟部落服了 07/10 20:20
14F:推 enchyi: 像是跨服但是不能交易也不能打传奇 微跨服 07/10 20:37
15F:推 Rivendare: 台服全并一个或两个比照经典版还差不多 反正人数多少伺 07/10 20:44
16F:→ Rivendare: 服器一样烂 不如路上人多看起来爽点 07/10 20:44
17F:→ meishan31: 用realm应该就是伺服器连结了,像暗语众那样 07/10 21:35
18F:推 Jackal0326: 看成低端人口 07/10 21:40
19F:推 Naxxer: 以为终於能国与国连结... 07/10 22:39
20F:推 GGDAININN: +1 以为终於能改善台服PVP荒凉的环境... 07/10 23:24
21F:→ GGDAININN: 如果能战场竞技场群组能跟美服并的话就好了 07/10 23:25
22F:→ eDrifter: 还以为是跨区 这看起来似乎就跨服 以前不就在做 鬼到一 07/11 01:22
23F:→ eDrifter: 定程度联结起来 还是说 我弄错了 07/11 01:23
24F:→ d6102003: 我以为这是像暗语众那样连起来而已 07/11 01:32
25F:→ d6102003: 以後变成暗语众圣天之类的 07/11 01:33
26F:推 Dorae5566: 台服本来就改整合成两个伺服器,不然稳死的 07/11 01:40
27F:推 OLafk: 结果超卡 07/11 01:51
28F:→ darkbrigher: 现在台服伺服器状况很差 时不时打翻泡面 合并大概就. 07/11 02:09
29F:→ darkbrigher: .... 07/11 02:09
30F:推 jo8087: 就只是很久没有连结伺服器 但一直有持续研究 现在时机到了 07/11 03:47
31F:→ jo8087: 再来一次这样吧 07/11 03:47
32F:推 cat05joy: 老东西要更难蹲了 蹲起来 07/11 12:59
33F:推 OLafk: 九版到时候有回锅潮,希望暴雪别太抠 07/11 17:34
34F:→ d24865: 没150还有回锅潮吗== 07/11 18:31
35F:推 cblade: 靠150早关门了... 07/11 19:11
36F:→ SnakeO: 八版初到八版末都没解决的lag解决好再说吧.... 07/12 16:24
37F:→ SnakeO: 现在人数少了跟刚开八版一样常lag,都没办法解决? 07/12 16:25
38F:推 c780412: 看起来人很多技术 07/12 17:35

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