8.0 Research Options(新大厅天赋) 情报来源:wowhead 情报网址: . 在8.0中虽然没有大厅,不过还是有追随者还是有安官桌 当然也有大厅天赋,这边叫做Research Options,联盟是找艾兰里亚,部落是找伊崔格。 . 共六层
. 原文 Tier 1 Requires Level 114 - Requires 15 and 4 hours research time. Seafarers' Hearth Harness the power of the sea, reducing the cooldown of your Hearthstone by 50% when used in Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Swift Landing/ Swift Landing Capture the momentum from your recent flight path, increasing your mounted movement speed by 20% for 5 minutes upon landing. Tier 2 Requires 118 and at least 3 War Champions -Requires 100 and 1 day research time. Upgraded Troop Barracks Construct a larger barracks for your army, increasing the maximum number of troops you can house by 2. Troop Portal Network/ Troop Portal Network Open a portal for transportation of troops from Stormwind/Orgrimmar, allowing troops to be recruited instantly. Tier 3 Requires level 120 and 10 Island Expeditions Completed - Requires 150 and 1 day research time. Island Plunderer Learn the pirate secrets of spotting treasure, increasing the amount of Seafearer's Doubloons you find on Island Expeditions by 20%. Island Archeologist Learns the secrets of ancient civilizations. Increasing the duration of effects from shrines by 20%. Tier 4 Requires 120 and at least 5 War Champions - Requires 200 and 1 day research time. World Azerite Detector Construct an Azerite detector on your ship, granting you a chance to find additional Azerite when completing World Quests. Local Transportation Upgrade your Flight Master's Whistle, allowing you to call for a quick flight back to Zuldazar/Boralus when using your whistle directly next to a flight master on Zandalar or Kul Tiras. Tier 5 Requires 120 and a Warfront victory against 3 unique enemy Commanders - Requires 250 and 1 day research time. Warfront Resourcer Learn more efficient ways to gather resources under pressure, increasing resource gathering speed by 15% while fighting in a Warfront. Warfront General/ Warfront General Learn how to best inspire allies in combat, increasing the effectiveness of nearby troops by 15% while fighting in a Warfront. Tier 6 Requires 120 and Revered with 3 of the Kul Tiras/Zandalar reputations - Requires 500 and 1 day research time. Alliance Ambassador/ Horde Ambassador Open up additional lines of trade with your new allies, granting additional War Resources from emissary quests. 渣翻译 第一层 玩家等级114级可解锁,需求15战争资源,研发4小时。 . Seafarers' Hearth 在赞达拉与库尔提拉斯,炉石CD-50%。 . Swift Landing/ Swift Landing 鸟点着陆後,坐骑速度提高20%持续5分钟。 . 第二层 玩家等级118级同时拥有三名追随者可解锁,需求100战争资源,研发1天。 . Upgraded Troop Barracks 你的小兵数量+2 . Troop Portal Network/ Troop Portal Network 你的小兵生产无CD . 第三层 玩家等级120级同时完成十场海屿远征可解锁,需求150战争资源,研发1天。 . Island Plunderer 海屿远征获得”海员古币”,提高20%。 海员古币用来购买海岛战役的作战道具。 . Island Archeologist 神龛持续时间+20% 神龛是一些能在赞达拉与库尔提拉获得额外能力的祭坛。 . 第四层 玩家等级120级同时拥有五名追随者,需求200战争资源,研发1天。 . World Azerite Detector 世界任务有机会额外获得神兵点数。 . Local Transportation 新鸟哨升级,当你在库尔提拉斯或是赞达拉的鸟点旁边吹哨,会直接回到自己阵营的主要 根据地,联盟-波拉勒斯,部落-大封印。 . 第五层 玩家等级120级同时击败战争前线三名不同的敌方指挥官,需求250战争资源,研发1天。 . Warfront Resourcer 你在战争前线收集资源速度提高15% . Warfront General/ Warfront General 你在战争前线,周围的部队效能提高15% . 第六层 玩家等级120级同时六个新声望选三个达到崇拜,需求500战 争资源,研发1天。 . Alliance Ambassador/ Horde Ambassador 每日特使箱获得额外的战争资源。 对,没有地图炮。 -- 暗影之月-火腿哈密瓜 --
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1F:推 sumarai: 没有地图炮,不能喷pvp了06/20 16:23
2F:推 Rivendare: 我一堆分身就只期待天天可以炸500荣誉06/20 16:26
3F:推 eric30215: 神龛 XDDDDDDDDD06/20 16:32
4F:推 aggressorX: 没有地图炮这一切还有什麽意义?06/20 16:40
5F:推 tsairay: 都打过星际大战了,现在要打回中世纪,真不习惯06/20 16:41
6F:嘘 getgoods0623: 还要农神兵...06/20 16:41
7F:→ whiwhiwhi: 看到神兵就嘘也是 而且这不是早就知道的事06/20 16:45
8F:推 getgoods0623: 推回来06/20 16:45
9F:→ getgoods0623: 不是想嘘原po的 文章 是很想嘘神兵 06/20 16:46
10F:推 a41503: 第一层不是炉石cd-50%吗06/20 16:50
11F:→ mealoop: 8版神兵没那麽农 改善不少就是惹06/20 17:02
12F:推 izplus: 第一层萨满表示06/20 17:12
13F:→ poea9999: 真的也 我怎麽打成40%06/20 17:53
※ 编辑: poea9999 (, 06/20/2018 17:53:46
14F:推 RakeHau: Tier3看原文应该是完成十个,火腿翻译辛苦了 06/20 18:42
※ 编辑: poea9999 (, 06/20/2018 18:48:25 ※ 编辑: poea9999 (, 06/20/2018 18:50:30
15F:推 violetstar: 感谢翻译 06/20 18:52
16F:推 weibreeze: 第一层对萨满来说好像不用抉择XD 06/20 19:11
17F:→ whiwhiwhi: 不是瞬发没用(X 06/20 19:13
18F:→ whiwhiwhi: 如果像圣骑还能无敌炉石就算了 06/20 19:13
19F:→ poea9999: 可以透过新附魔,炉石加速施法 护盾 降CD 06/20 21:27
20F:推 mayzn: 第二层的研发时间是1天,不是一小时喔~ 06/20 21:47
21F:推 elizas1201: 啊......没地图炮 06/20 22:11
※ 编辑: poea9999 (, 06/20/2018 22:12:07
22F:嘘 anadabaga: 没地图炮 差评! 06/20 22:58
23F:推 anadabaga: 补推 06/20 23:02
24F:推 phanlot0414: 感觉每一层两个选项的强度差异有点大。 06/24 11:20

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