约莫两天前,术士玩家Azael接受了arena junkies访问, 後者也是国外点阅率相当高的魔兽世界竞技场讨论网域。 arena junkies之前已经访问过很多着名玩家, 每次看了都想整理重点,翻译上来与各位分享,每次都发懒而作罢。 但这篇的细腻度高,易懂程度超低,内容也颇丰富。 蛮多东西能分享。 更重要的是,Azael不会像很多高手一般,遇到大哉问就展现"哲学式"答话风格, 他真的讲出了很多东西。 纵使某些观点并非首创,已令人感到相当不藏私了。 这篇也被读者认为是AJ推出〈高玩访问单元〉以来,内容最引人入胜的一篇。 全篇主要分为A桑自我介绍、竞技技巧、对WOW大环境展望这几个主题, 仅在此翻译我有兴趣的地方,也就是Azael眼中的竞技场技巧。 有兴趣一睹全文者,请连结至 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Azael访问录,竞技技巧篇: Pro-Tips Q:How does a player know when they might be ready to try and go pro? 一个玩家要如何知道自己已经够资格往高玩之路迈进? A:I think that it can be hard to know simply because most people have a much higher opinion of themselves than others have of them, so I think a good way to tell is when you're getting recognition from other top players. I'd also say a good indicator is if you're able to consistently take games off of other pro teams with a non-fotm setup. 我认为这很难轻易地知晓。人们往往自视过高,比旁人眼中的自己要强。 所以我认为一个较中肯的方法就是「当你被顶尖好手们认同」, 此外,还有一种不错的指标就是,如果你能经常地用非主流队伍干掉那些强队, 那也可以说你迈向高玩了。 (译者按:google过non-fotm setup,依旧不确定其意是否翻对,请版友指点) Q:As one of the best warlocks in the business, what 3 pro-tips would you give a Warlock that's new to arena? 身为最出色的职业术士玩家之一,如果要给刚参与竞技场的菜鸟术士们建议, 你认为当中最要紧的三件事是什麽? A:Positioning is the most important part of arena, make sure you're always forcing people to use a gap closer (Intercept, Shadowstep, Skull Bash etc ) to swap to you before you demon portal to kite them much more easily. 「位置」永远是竞技场内最重要的焦点。 永远记得你在使用传送法阵前,迫使对手先使用近身特技 (如拦截、暗影闪现、碎颅猛击),让你更有效地风筝他。 I think that people need to really think about when they're using Fear more simply because I get a lot of messages about people asking me why I don't spam fear more in my video, and you really just have to realize that there should always be a reason to use it. If you just Fear for the sake of using the ability then the person may be on DR for when you really need it to peel, or when you really need to interrupt a cast or free yourself up to get casts off without having to fake against Melee. Just make sure there's you're not wasting your DRs and focus more on keeping damage up if the time isn't right to use it. 我认为人们需要在使用恐惧前多想想。 有太多人传讯息问我,为什麽影片中的我并没有多少连续恐惧的桥段。 关於这点你要知道,使用「恐惧术」时,永远得先存在必须这样做的理由。 如果你只是为了恐惧而恐惧,那麽到了真正「有理由」使用它的时候, 目标已经进入递减。 别让递减效应出现在无谓的时间点,在没有适当理由使用恐惧术之前, 专心做好你的伤害。 I think that a lot of people aren't very good at faking interrupts, and one of the biggest issues I see is that they're locking themselves out simply by wasting so much time doing it or not doing it at the right times. You need to make sure you're always faking with an instant meaning start your cast then cancel it by using Corruption, Agony, a curse etc so that you're not wasting the global. Also don't get too caught up in faking, because although avoiding interrupts is very good if a top level player notices you will only cast when interrupts are down they'll simply stop using them. 我认为大多数玩家对於「骗断法」断法这件事,都做的不够好。 这里面最大的症结在於,浪费太多时间在骗断法的动作上,而在该骗的时候却不骗了。 你需要确保永远在骗断法动作中,加入一个瞬发技能。 (译者按:其实类似技巧很多人提过,例如zilea两年前在wom发表过的paladin tips) 就是说你先唱一个法术,然後瞬间取消它,同时放出一个瞬发技能, 像是腐蚀术、痛苦灾厄,或某个诅咒等等。 这样便不会为了骗断法而浪费了公用CD。 另外,不要太执着於骗断法这事儿上,虽然骗到了很赚,但一个顶尖玩家 若意识到「他不打断你就绝不唱完」的话,他们便能安心地扣着打断技能不放了。 Q:Would you be willing to share a couple macros with us that you use the most? 你愿意和我们分享一些惯用的巨集吗? A:I use pretty standard stuff, a ton of focus macros (CoEX, Fear, Coil, Weakness, Tongues, Spell Lock etc), and targeting macros such as /target arena 123 and /focus arena 123, the only one I have which people might not would be - #showtooltip Fel Flame /cast [target=mouseover,harm] Fel Flame; Fel Flame. It basically just casts Fel Flame on my target if I don't have a mouse over target, and casts it on my mouse over target if I do. I also use the same macro for Banish and some other stuff and find it quite nice. 我用的都很一般啦,一狗票的焦点巨集(焦点疲劳、焦点恐惧、焦点死缠、焦点虚弱、 焦点语言、狗狗焦点反制)。 并使用巨集切换目标,诸如/target arena 123 这些, 与/focus arena 123 等等。 唯一只有我在用而别人没在用的巨集就是「鼠标魔化烈焰」。 这巨集在我鼠标没有敌对目标时,对当前目标放魔化烈焰, 如果鼠标存在敌对目标,则对该目标施放魔化烈焰。 我也会运用同样的概念去设定放逐术巨集或类似法术,感觉超赞的。 WASD or ESDF? Q:你是WASD流还是ESDF流? (译者按:应指方向键配置) A:Neither actually, I use QWE and have everything else bound to abilities since I have like 100 binds I have to use pretty much everything on the keyboard haha! I use as far over as Shift-M on the keyboard, and I have a huge amount of ctrl and alt modifiers as well of course, then a lot of stuff on my mouse as well bound with modifiers. 都不是,我是QWE流 (译者按:应该就是QE左右平移,W前进的意思)。 此外我把其他键位都绑了技能,有一百个左右吧。 我透过键盘去做每一件事! 哈哈! 就算像shift+M这种有点远的组合键也拿来绑技能,而我设定了超多包含ctrl 与alt的多功能热键,更别提还有不少功能键是绑在我的滑鼠上。 Q:So, it can be really hard getting used to new keybinds - what advantage do you think having such extensive keybinds gives you in arena? 这样的话,不就代表很难适应新的热键设定? 你觉得自己搞了这麽一脱拉库热键, 究竟在竞技场带来什麽好处 =.=? A:It just allows me to do basically whatever I want to do in arena quickly and easily instead of having to fumble around trying to click stuff. I see a ton ton ton of people who target by clicking on Gladius or Arena Frames and honestly I think it's not very good as it's simply a lot slower and you could be using your mouse for other things that you can't do without it like mouseover attacks and whatnot. 它们让我在竞技场想到什麽就能做什麽,比起笨拙的鼠标流来说,真是迅速又便利。 我看过一狗狗狗狗狗票的人,是透过竞技场框架来点敌人的, 老实说我觉得这真的不太好。 当你换目标得透过滑鼠点框架的时候,总是比用热键切目标慢的多。 你应该把滑鼠流天赋用在「只有滑鼠才能胜任」的地方上,像是鼠标攻击与类似东西。 For example if I'm trying to watch Hex while killing a Mage against a Shaman / Mage team then I can simply scroll on my Mouse wheel to focus the Shaman then Shift Scroll to target the Mage, and then if the Shaman drops Mana Tide or Spirit Link totem etc I can use my mouse to mouseover pet attack or Fel Flame or I could mouse over Banish the Water Elemental etc all at the same time without having to be clicking anything, it just makes it a lot easier and makes your gameplay more smooth. 举例来说,碰上法萨队伍,当我想在督法师的同时监控萨满妖术, 只要轻松地转动滑鼠滚轮,就能把萨满设为焦点,然後按住shift再滑动滚轮, 就能把当前目标切换到法师身上。 此外,若萨满插了法潮图腾,灵魂连结图腾等不祥之物,我可以透过「鼠标宠物攻击」 或「鼠标魔化烈焰」拆除之。 我还可以透过「鼠标放逐术」去搞像是水元素的坏东西。 以上动作通通不需要「点」任何东西(译者按:应指滑鼠左键点选目标之动作), 这种设定风格让一切都变的更简单也更流畅。 I just figure if there's something you don't have to use your mouse for then why would you do it when you can accomplish the same thing in a faster / easier way and still have your mouse free for things that you can't otherwise do. 我只想说,如果有任何动作是不需要透过滑鼠就能办到的,那为何不试着用 更快更便利的方式去实现它,然後把滑鼠流操作完全留给只有滑鼠才能办到的任务呢? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ps: 文意若有译错者,请推文或来信告知。 若需转贴请於推文处告知,并务必附上出处(pttbbs之NVK)。 这样要抱怨翻译太烂的人才知道找谁,敬请配合喽。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: NVK 来自: (05/02 04:59)
1F:推 Michael132:Skull Bash不是野性冲锋哦 不过我猜是受访者口误 05/02 05:06
2F:→ NVK:那招叫做碎颅猛击,是我自己翻译出错,感谢啊 ^^ 05/02 05:08
※ 编辑: NVK 来自: (05/02 05:09)
3F:推 Michael132:我猜是Azael想讲野性冲锋讲成这招了... 05/02 05:19
4F:推 NegRooo:政战官我想放假! 05/02 06:04
5F:推 maxwine:碎颅猛击也有接近的效果 可是我想他不是特别指这个 05/02 08:29
6F:推 kidjoe:推 我都快忘记魔化烈焰这招 05/02 09:32
7F:推 redken:有人知道里面 /target arena 123 和 /focus arena 123 05/02 10:29
8F:→ redken:怎样达到那种效果呢? 不用点目标就能直接切敌对1-3甚至1-5 05/02 10:30
9F:推 Supremelol:推~ 05/02 10:44
10F:推 o035016:推,不容易! 05/02 10:50
11F:推 edward31028:巨集 /target arena1 05/02 10:56
12F:推 seavoo:感谢分享 05/02 11:19
13F:推 bloodknight:感谢分享 05/02 12:17
14F:推 ddsnet:感谢分享 05/02 12:23
15F:→ saintmagic:我也是那一狗票用滑鼠点框架的人orz 05/02 14:08
16F:推 awpbmod:我有一个很长久的疑问…竞技场上角色那麽多,又跑来跑去 05/02 16:07
17F:→ awpbmod:的,那鼠标是要怎麽能准确停在一个人身上? 05/02 16:07
18F:→ awpbmod:总觉得很难用鼠标去瞄准敌人,对方都一直在跑来跑去的 05/02 16:09
19F:→ awpbmod:鼠标一下子就指到其他物件了… 05/02 16:09
20F:推 chicken214:CS里头也是一堆头飞来飞去的,同样的道理.....靠反应力 05/02 17:03
21F:推 Zingzk:我还以为是安萨.. 05/02 20:00
22F:推 Calaglin:推 05/03 01:53

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