Volunteer 板


★ 招募单位:财团法人立贤教育基金会 ★ 招募对象:各大专院校国际学生、陆生、侨生 Participant Eligibility: International Students, Oversea Chinese Students, Mainland Chinese Students ★ 服务地点:11月13-14 花莲,11月29-30 屏东,12月18-19嘉义 偏乡国小 Service Sessions: November 13th-14th Hualien, November 29th-30th Pingtung, December 18th-19th Chiayi ★ 服务内容简介:立贤教育基金会长期服务位处偏乡及资源相对缺乏的大小孩子。我们 以艺术人文/自然生态等多元课程及活动的长期陪伴、期盼用教育的软性力量,带着孩子 发掘生命更多的可能性。 我们带着不同类型的讲师,前往台湾各县市偏乡学校第一线教学,缩短孩子们取得资源的 距离。对这些连要到各县市市区交通都有困难的孩子们,我们希望能招募一群文化交流志 工把各国文化带到他们眼前,与他们互动,让他们对於这世界有更广阔的想像。另一方面 ,我们也期望孩子能将自己家乡的美好与故事,与世界另一端的友人分享,以互惠的文化 交流方式,也提供国际学生及陆生与侨生更深度的台湾在地文化体验。 The Shiner Education Foundation was established in 2008. Our goal is to enrich the education of remote area students and disadvantaged students. We provide various programs designed by professional lecturers to over 100 elementary schools around Taiwan and also local social welfare organizations. We would like to bring volunteers from different countries to elementary schools in remote area and help the children there to open up their imagination of the world. Vice versa, we also want these children to share the culture and history of local community with international volunteers and provide them with an opportunity to discover the colorful face of Taiwan. ★志工福利: 1.活动期间往返学校之交通食宿将由基金会支出与安排,活动所需之教材费用采实报实销 。(如欲在当地多做停留,请自行安排活动期间外交通及住宿) 2.有机会参加当地社区/部落规划之在地文化导览巡礼,进一步了解社区/部落文化历史并 与社区/部落居民互动。 Benefits- 1) FREE transportation, meals and accommodation during the stay of service will be provided by The Shiner and local partner schools. (If the volunteers wish to arrive earlier or leave later for sightseeing, they’ll have to arrange and afford the extra transportation, meal and accommodation by themselves.) 2) The volunteers will be able to learn the history and stories of the community from local residents/teachers and interact with local people, and might be able to join a small local tour arranged by partner schools. ★ 联络人及联络方式: 02-25337020 或 Email至 [email protected] ★ 招募时间:报名期限後延招募至 10/22截止 ★ 其他资讯(广告文宣): 活动详细办法及报名方式由此下载 For more detail and application: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_U-CbZuOvb_ujUM1-TYullyODPqu3p0V 关於立贤基金会您可以从这里认识我们: https://www.theshiner.org/ 立贤教育基金会官网页面 https://www.facebook.com/TheShinerFoundation/ 立贤教育基金会FB粉 谢谢 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Volunteer/M.1539318857.A.6C1.html

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