作者jasonfun44 (kk123)
标题Fw: [新闻]如何帮助义大利受灾户-CNN
时间Mon Aug 29 12:07:03 2016
※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1NmwAG-o ]
作者: jasonfun44 (kk123) 看板: Gossiping
标题: [新闻] How to help the victims of Italy eart
时间: Mon Aug 29 10:48:46 2016
※ 例如苹果日报、奇摩新闻
※ 标题没有写出来 ---> 依照板规删除文章
How to help the victims of the Italy earthquake
※ 社论特稿都不能贴! 违者退文,贴广告也会被退文喔!
(CNN)A 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit Italy early Wednesday. Rescuers are still
searching for victims, and relief groups are mobilizing.
Facebook has set up their Safety Check feature for people in the area to let
friends and family know they are safe.
Amatrice: The town at the epicenter of the Italian earthquake
You can donate directly to the Italian Red Cross here. To donate in English
with the US dollar or other international currencies, use this fund set up by
the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is also supporting rescue and
long term relief operations.
Save the Children is working in Amatrice to create safe spaces and support
centers for children.
We are monitoring for more ways to help as other charities and NGOs respond
to this disaster. Stay up with the latest developments by following our live
updates here.
你可以直接对义大利红十字用美金或其他国际货币捐款 ,募款的举办是由IFRC发起
Save the Children 亦有提供安全的地点和支援中心给小孩
我们仍然在看更多的非营利组织或慈善机构对这场灾难做出回应 ,请保持关注
4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
※ 一个人一天只能张贴一则新闻,被删或自删也算额度内,超贴者水桶,请注意
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1472438928.A.FB2.html
1F:推 uhmeiouramu: 88 水桶 08/29 10:49
2F:→ james732: How do you turn this on 08/29 10:49
3F:嘘 Superxixai: 88 08/29 10:49
4F:推 abxtpml56: 你的点评翻译哩 08/29 10:50
5F:→ GimO: Where is the haha point? 08/29 10:51
6F:推 harkk2001: G8 欧盟就占几国了,义大利现在又不是全国陷入紧急状态 08/29 10:52
7F:推 Faker5566: me from Taiwan no speak English ok? 08/29 10:52
8F:推 shiyobu: #pray for 维大力 08/29 10:53
9F:推 victoryman: 可以捐给国际红十字会 08/29 10:53
10F:→ ros: 你他妈的翻译呢 08/29 10:54
11F:推 harkk2001: To donate in English with the US dollar 看到这边就 08/29 10:54
12F:→ harkk2001: 知道可以掏钱了 08/29 10:54
13F:推 iceyeman: 今晚捐黑帮,还是让教宗出来该两声瞧瞧? 08/29 10:56
15F:→ jasonfun44: 捐款网站填资料也是要英文,没办法翻译 08/29 10:59
16F:→ jasonfun44: 新闻连结後面.html要加进去一起copy 08/29 11:00
17F:推 harkk2001: 人家CNN对米国人的劝拜文你贴过来干嘛.... 08/29 11:02
18F:→ jasonfun44: 你不需要,不代表每个人都跟你想一样,只是提供大家管道 08/29 11:04
19F:→ riap0526: 没中文要被桶罗 08/29 11:04
※ 编辑: jasonfun44 (, 08/29/2016 11:17:07
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: jasonfun44 (, 08/29/2016 12:07:03
20F:推 lf2net109: 推啦 08/29 13:44