Vocal 板


「光束分离」即兴长号与人声二重奏 首次访台巡演 BEAM SPLITTER Improv Trombone & Voice Duo Taiwan Debut Tour 时间 Time/ 2017/04/20(四) 19:30 地点 Venue/ 江山艺改所 (新竹市江山街13号至15号间小巷内/城隍庙旁) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) 表演者 Performers/ BEAM SPLITTER: Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (NO) / 长号 Trombone 陈皓伊 Audrey Chen (US) / 人声 Voice feat. 谢奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh / 电脑、电子 Laptop, Electronics 张登尧 Deng-Yao Chang / 二胡、唢呐 Erhu, Suona 票价 Ticket/ $350-200(自由定价 Suggested Donation) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於表演者 About The Performers/ ● BEAM SPLITTER 「光束分离 BEAM SPLITTER」为台裔大提琴暨人声音乐家陈皓伊(Audrey Chen)与挪威 伸缩号演奏家Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø所组成的即兴音乐二重奏。陈皓伊长年於美国 受学院教育,後转往欧洲发展,其运用延展人声的高度技巧,动态幅度与表现张力之丰富 ,享誉国际,邀约不断。Henrik为新生代伸缩号音乐家,利用人声及长号发展独特的声音 组合,企图在脆弱、亲密、欣喜、测量的控制感等之间取得平衡。自2015年起,陆续受邀 於欧洲、纽西兰、阿根廷、巴西、美国等各地音乐节演出,甚至受到布宜诺斯艾利斯 Teatro Colon委托创作、基辅Olympic Stadium的合作。 陈皓伊,拥有台湾与美国双重国籍,大提琴与人声皆受古典音乐学院训练,之後,对於古 乐与现代音乐产生兴趣,探索声音的组织方式,发展自己的独立美学。 近年经常与国外 艺术家合作,特别是与英国的人声大师Phil Monton有长期的二重奏组合。其个人曾经於 欧洲、澳洲、俄国、纽西兰、中国、日本、台湾、巴西、加拿大、美国等地演出。 Henrik专精於现代音乐领域,先後於瑞典哥德堡以及挪威奥斯陆音乐学院研习即兴音乐与 爵士等方面,并取得学位。Henrik的音乐风格相当多元,有好几个乐团计画持续进行,含 括新音乐、自由爵士等。亨利克利用伸缩号吹奏出多声部复音、对位线条、微分音或电子 音乐的质感。曾与许多国际知名音乐家合作过,受邀至各音乐节演出,已发行独奏专辑与 二重奏专辑数张。 (文字翻译:李世扬) BEAM SPLITTER is the duo of Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (NO) and Audrey Chen (US). Using the trombone and voice, they maneuver a balance between fragility, intimacy, the ecstatic and measured control. They share a common sense of pulse and an inherent understanding of the way they each aurally manage and let go of every consecutive moment. The lungs release through to mouths to bell, back and forth like a tactile breathing exchange. Since beginning their collaboration in 2015, Nørstebø and Chen have been extensively touring the globe; in Europe, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, and the USA. Audrey Chen is a Chinese-American musician born outside of Chicago in 1976. She turned to the cello at age 8 and voice at 11. After years of classical and conservatory training in both instruments, with a resulting specialization in early and new music; now, using the voice and cello, Chen’ s work delves deeply into her own version of narrative and non-linear storytelling. Since 2004, Chen has been performing across Europe, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Canada and the United States. She is currently based in Berlin, Germany. Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (born 1986 in Trondheim, Norway) is a trombonist working mostly within contemporary fields of music. An ambiguous relationship with the trombone has led him to explore both the boisterous and brassy side of the instrument, as well as its counterpoint in microscopic and ‘electronic ’ sound possibilities. Utilizing a wide spectrum of playing techniques, from pure long tones to noise and the almost inaudible, he often works balancing the intuitive with the precisely constructed. Having toured actively since 2010, he has played at clubs and festivals all over Europe, as well as in Russia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Brazil and Argentina. http://www.beamsplitter.org/ http://www.soundcloud.com/beamsplitter/marahau/ --- ● 谢奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh 主要以声音为创作媒材,她总是以声音为媒介与环境做互动。参与现场表演、声音装置、 声音影像间的关系实验、田野录音等。在声音表演上,她会透过日常的声音采集,组合成 不同的声音片段,在现场表演时会依据现场的气氛运用声音的表现来做回应,并尝试与观 众互动。她也常与国内外不同的表演者进行合作交流。 http://dieananas.weebly.com/ http://pinh.bandcamp.com/ --- ● 张登尧 Deng-Yao Chang 1984年生於新竹,美国马里兰艺术学院艺术创作硕士,2010年回台後持续从事艺术展演、 策划与推广至今,并成立江山艺改所艺文空间。自幼学习钢琴与二胡多年,并参与乐团演 出,聆听音乐类型广泛,从古典传统到前卫实验,近年开始尝试以二胡进行自由即兴与噪 音演奏。 Born 1984 and based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. DYC received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, MD. He has been constantly working on artistic practice, curatorial practice and art promotion since returning to Taiwan in 2010. He founded the art space "Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo". He learned to play piano and erhu for many years when in young ages and participated in a well-known local Chinese orchestra. He enjoys listening to music comprehensively, from very classical or traditional to extremely avant-garde or exprimental. He has attempted to play erhu in an freely improvisational and noisy approach in recent years. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 交通方式/ ● 大众运输 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走约100公尺,於左手边「台湾银行」前搭乘大远 百免费接驳车,在第三个停靠站(中山路北门街口)下车,往前直走约50公尺右转仁德街( 地标为贡茶),直走约50公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15 公尺右手边即为本所正门。 ● 步行 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走,看到右手边的「南门医院」後右转复兴路并直 走接东门街,看到城隍庙前广场往正前方找到仁德街(地标为贡茶),进入仁德街直走约50 公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15公尺右手边即为本所正门 。(约15~20分钟) ● 地图 Map 中文版:http://0rz.tw/3y8dH English Version:http://0rz.tw/AQCdk 活动页面:https://www.facebook.com/events/1661691124124700/ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Vocal/M.1492532460.A.C96.html

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