Vocal 板


声音表演 Sound Performance《12 dog cycle》by 张惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang + Nigel Brown (AU) feat. 张佑榕 YoRon + 张登尧 Deng-Yao Chang 时间 Time/ 2016/12/28(三) 20:00 地点 Venue/ 江山艺改所 (新竹市江山街13号至15号间小巷内/城隍庙旁) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) 表演者 Performers/ 张惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang Nigel Brown (AU) 张佑榕 YoRon / 电脑合成器 Laptop Synthesizer 张登尧 Deng-Yao Chang / 二胡、唢呐、人声 Erhu, Suona & Voices 票价 Ticket/ $300-150(自由定价 Suggestion Donation) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於表演 About The Performance/ 《12 dog cycle》是由台湾的张惠笙和澳洲的Nigel Brown一同创作的表演合作。在他们 的表演中,他们以声音来探讨我们对於生活四周空间与环境的体验。惠笙用她的非传统人 声发声来制造与观众间的亲昵互动,也以发声方向来凸显空间中的回音原音特质。Nigel 用以一改造手风琴来制造特殊的延续声音乐器。 "12 dog cycle" is a sound art collaboration that has been developed over the past decade by Alice Hui-Sheng Chang and Nigel Brown. In their performance practice they use sound to explore our experience of the space and environment around us. Alice uses her voice in unconventional ways to create an intimate relationship with an audience and draw attention to the acoustic properties of a space. Nigel has deconstructed a piano accordion to create a unique drone instrument. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於表演者 About The Performers/ ● 张惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang 1984年生於彰化,2006年取得澳洲皇家墨尔本科技大学纯艺术硕士,主修声音艺术,於 2014年墨尔本的MIECAT学院取得经验与创意艺术治疗硕士。 自2003年,张惠笙曾展演於台湾、首尔、香港、杭州、澳洲、纽西兰、苏格兰、法国、奥 地利、葡萄牙、西班牙、德国、瑞士、希腊、波兰、挪威与美国等地。她表演以即兴为主 ,经常与各国声音艺术家与其他媒材艺术家跨界合作表演。 曾获驻村补助,与Nigel Brown一起於墨尔本Laughing Waters、奥地利AIR Krems (2015) ,葡萄牙Binaural (2011)等地驻村。另曾驻村於墨尔本West Space、澳洲维多利亚省 Bogong AIR (2011),南韩首尔SFX (2010),文建会补助法国巴黎西帖国际艺术村 (2009) ,台北国际艺术村 (2008),墨尔本West Space与苏格兰格拉斯哥CCA (2005)等地创作。 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang was born on the 31st of July, 1984 in Changhua, Taiwan. Alice graduated from RMIT University’s MFA program (2006). Prior to the MFA she completed a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts) at RMIT. Alice has also completed a MA in Experiential and Creative Arts Practices at the MIECAT Institute (2014). She has performed in East Asia, Europe and Oceania at festivals including Liquid Architecture, the NOW now, This Is Not Art, Electrofringe, and 2High Festival (Australia); Lacking Sound Festival, Kuandu Arts Festival, transonic, TAV Open Studio (Taiwan); Vozes de Magaio (Portugal), Santander Muestra de Arte Sonoro (Spain); Elsie Else (France); 2pi (China); Sound Effects Seoul 2010 (South Korea); and iiii Music (New Zealand). Alice has been involved in residencies in AIR Krems (2015), Austria; Laughing Waters (2015), Eltham, Australia; Binaural (2011), Nodar, Portugal; West Space (2011), Melbourne; Bogong AIR (2011), Victoria, Australia; SFX Seoul (2010), South Korea; Cite des Arts (2009), Paris, France with the support of Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan; Taipei Artist Village (2008) with the support of Taipei Cultural Council; and CCA, Glasgow, Scotland and West Space, Melbourne, Australia (2005). http://www.huishengchang.com/ --- ● Nigel Brown (AU) Nigel Brown从2004年大学毕业後,就一直在声音和实验音乐领域工作。他的广泛兴趣让 他於各界都很活跃,如即兴音乐表演、录音出版制作、展览装置、舞蹈和剧场的声音设计 。 他这十年来於澳洲、欧洲与东亚各地表演,小型独立演出到大型音乐艺术节皆有。他的作 品专注於实质物体的物理实验发展,从既存的乐器或物件中找出意外的声音可能性。 Nigel於2006年於澳洲皇家墨尔本科技大学(RMIT)完成了纯艺术硕士,於此大学亦於2004 年完成了媒体艺术学士,主修声音艺术。 Nigel Brown has been working in the field of sound and experimental music since graduating from university in 2004. His range of interests have led to working in improvised performance, recording for publication, gallery-based installation, and sound design for dance and theatre. He has performed extensively in Australia, Europe and East Asia in events ranging from major festivals to small independent gigs. His work is focussed on exploritory approaches to physical materials; finding unexpected sonic possibilities in existing instruments or other objects. Nigel completed an MFA at RMIT University in 2006, and a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts) in 2004, specialising in sound. http://www.nigelbrownsound.com/ --- ● 张佑榕 YoRon 九零後的基隆人。自大学开始杂学生涯。毕业於辅大影像传播学系。目前就读交通大学音 乐研究所,主修新音乐剧场。尝试跨领域创作,以及挑战各种连结的方式。 A Keelung born generation Z who tries to learn everything since the college days. Graduated from the Department of Communication Arts from Fu Jen Catholic University. Currently studying music at Chiao Tung University majoring in New Music Theater. Loves to challenge various ways of links through interdisciplinary creative art. --- ● 张登尧 Deng-Yao Chang (TW) 1984年生於新竹,美国马里兰艺术学院艺术创作硕士,2010年回台後持续从事艺术展演、 策划与推广至今,并成立江山艺改所艺文空间。自幼学习钢琴与二胡多年,并参与乐团演 出,聆听音乐类型广泛,从古典传统到前卫实验,近年开始尝试以二胡及唢呐进行自由即 兴与噪音演奏。 Born 1984 and also based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. DYC received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, MD. He has been constantly working on artistic practice, curatorial practice and art promotion since returning to Taiwan in 2010. He founded the art space "Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo". He learned to play piano and erhu for many years when in young ages and participated in a well-known local Chinese orchestra. He enjoys listening to music comprehensively, from very classical or traditional to extremely avant-garde or exprimental. He has attempted to play erhu and suona in an freely improvisational and noisy approach in recent years. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 交通方式/ ● 大众运输 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走约100公尺,於左手边「台湾银行」前搭乘大远 百免费接驳车,在第三个停靠站(中山路北门街口)下车,往前直走约50公尺右转仁德街( 地标为贡茶),直走约50公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15 公尺右手边即为本所正门。 ● 步行 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走,看到右手边的「南门医院」後右转复兴路并直 走接东门街,看到城隍庙前广场往正前方找到仁德街(地标为贡茶),进入仁德街直走约50 公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15公尺右手边即为本所正门 。(约15~20分钟) ● 地图 Map 中文版:http://0rz.tw/3y8dH English Version:http://0rz.tw/AQCdk 活动页面:https://www.facebook.com/events/1850881238512973/ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 编辑: OscarJeff (, 12/28/2016 18:06:03
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