Violin 板


奥斯汀‧拉金 与 MAFIA跨域艺术《众声・夏》 Austin Larkin and MAFIA Interdisciplinary Arts "Dimensions of Sound - Summer" 即兴小提琴 与 即兴音声x绘画 Improvisations by Violin and Sound x Painting 时间 Time/ 2017/08/19(六) 20:00 地点 Venue/ 江山艺改所 (新竹市江山街13号至15号间小巷内/城隍庙旁) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) 表演者 Performers/ Austin Larkin (US) / 小提琴 Violin MAFIA跨域艺术: 张雅雯 Ya-Wen Chang 张康德 Kangte Chang 44-22 元慧 Yuan Hui 入场赞助 Admission/ $400-300(自由定价 Suggested Donation) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於《众声・夏》/ 此作品是从去年(2016)MAFIA获选参与大稻埕国际艺术节的节目《众声相》--音声x绘 画 创作系列发展新编的。 《众声・夏》简单的说,就是呈现「夏」的各种「声音景象」,而这音景是涵盖了夏的各 个面向里有声无声的实像、人们的印象、想像。 选择「夏」这个主题,可说是特意为此次巡演而做,因为希望作品内容除了呈现我们对於 声音和视觉的创作处理之外,也能和观众的生活体验有所交流、连结,所以选择了「时节 」这个大多数人有可能共感的连结点,素材中也选摘了印度诗人泰戈尔《生如夏花》的部 分诗词穿插吟诵。 创作发想的一些连结,简单以一段短文与诸位分享: 《众声・夏》 闭上眼睛,开始夏日的声音… 所有能想像 回忆 召唤出关乎这季节的印象、实景、活物、特质 袄闷 黏答 氤氲 蒸腾 绽放 瞬间绽放 停不下来的热烈 安静如夜底色却是纯然 泰戈尔写下动人的生如夏花 我们寻找 揣摩 创造有声无声的 有机无机的 实像幻觉的 时节里的各式痕迹。 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於表演者 About The Performers/ ● Austin Larkin (US) 作曲家及小提琴家,目前居於美国华盛顿州。Larkin的表演与音乐生涯特别重视震动的现 象、聆听的体验、对知觉地理的追求与对思想体系的崇敬。透过小提琴,他曾与Jessika Kenney、Eyvind Kang、Lori Goldston与Stuart Dempster等音乐家合作,包括即兴演奏 及作曲的实践。 Composer and violinist currently living near the Duwamish River, WA. The phenomenon of vibration, experience of listening, adherence to perceptual geographies and reverence for systems of thought are totems of my performance and musical life. With the violin I have been able to work with Jessika Kenney, Eyvind Kang, Lori Goldston, and Stuart Dempster in both creation through improvisation and realization of composition. --- ● MAFIA跨域艺术 Interdisciplinary Arts MAFIA跨域艺术是以专业音乐人结合异领域艺术家的团队,致力於跨领域(即兴)艺术创 作表演、讲座、工作坊等。 2010於台北举办第一档跨领域即兴表演计画《造音》,於南海艺廊以室内连接户外空间形 式演出;《2011造音》"音乐vs诗文、绘画、舞蹈"暨校园讲座「即兴的景致」,深获好评 ,TAIPEI TIMES以标题"Friendly fire"专文报导。迄今,参与交流的音乐家、舞者、演 员、画家等已逾四十人,亦有来自加拿大、澳洲、日本各地的专业人士。 2013台南《奇怪的音乐会》音乐结合现场绘画及舞蹈;2014-2015以《音声,诗三首》、 《渴望之歌》系列做为深度实验诗文与音乐激荡可能的试金石。期间,本团队并策画跨领 域艺术校园讲座,巡回各县市迄今完成44场次。2016-2017《众声相》、《众声・夏》为 绘画结合声音的创作计画,持续进行中,前者曾获选为第二届大稻埕国际艺术节节目,後 者甫於七月初受邀参与「香港赛马会街头音乐系列」。 MAFIA Interdisciplinary Arts is a performing art group that started up with music professionals and then extended the hand of collaboration to a variety of artists from different disciplines. We devote ourselves to music-based, cross-discipline, improvised performances. Our first project was Making Sound in 2010, followed by Making Sound 2011; our approach of “music versus poetry, painting and dance” and the lecture entitled The Scene of Improvisation was highly acclaimed, and was featured in the English language daily newspaper Taipei Times under the title Friendly Fire. Up until today, the number of artists we have collaborated with is more than 40, including musicians, dancers, actors and painters from Taiwan, Canada, Australia and Japan. Other experimental projects for music and poetry include The Weird Gig in 2013 (Tainan) as well as Sound and Poem and Song of Longing during the season 2014-2015. Meanwhile, MAFIA Interdisciplinary Arts has been dedicating to organize the Arts Lecture & Workshop-in- School Scheme. 44 lectures, which related to music, dance, and interdisciplinary art, have been completed so far. Since 2016, we have created a series of performance work in combining sound and painting art, including "Dimensions of Sound", which was invited to Taipei Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts in 2016, and our latest work, "Dimensions of Sound-Summer", was invited to Hong Kong Jockey Club Street concert series in July, 2017. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 交通方式/ ● 大众运输 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走约100公尺,於左手边「台湾银行」前搭乘大远 百免费接驳车,在第三个停靠站(中山路北门街口)下车,往前直走约50公尺右转仁德街( 地标为贡茶),直走约50公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15 公尺右手边即为本所正门。 ● 步行 火车站出口出来,沿着左前方林森路直走,看到右手边的「南门医院」後右转复兴路并直 走接东门街,看到城隍庙前广场往正前方找到仁德街(地标为贡茶),进入仁德街直走约50 公尺左转江山街,找到13号及15号之间的防火巷,进入巷子约15公尺右手边即为本所正门 。(约15~20分钟) ● 地图 Map 中文版: English Version: 活动页面: --

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