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※ [本文转录自 CMWang 看板] 作者: reversy (飘) 看板: CMWang 标题: [翻译] Perfection isn't great for Yankees' … 时间: Fri Mar 2 20:03:15 2007 ※ 引述《xiemark (aisinjuro)》之铭言: : 标题: [外电] Perfection isn't great for Yankees' Wang : 时间: Fri Mar 2 16:10:50 2007 : : Perfection isn't great for Yankees' Wang 完美对王来讲仍不够好 : By PETER ABRAHAM : THE JOURNAL NEWS : : Robert F. Bukaty/The Associated Press : Johnny Damon hits a homer in the first inning of the Yankees' first : exhibition game. 戴蒙在洋基的第一场热身赛中於首局打出了全垒打。 : :: : : (Original publication: March 2, 2007) : : : TAMPA, Fla. - Chien-Ming Wang faced six batters yesterday when the : Yankees opened the exhibition season against the Minnesota Twins. : 昨天王建民在洋基面对双城的热身首战中面对了六名打者, : Five of the Twins grounded out, and one lined to left. Wang threw only : 19 pitches and left the mound to loud cheers from the sellout crowd at : Legends Field. 其中有五名打出滚地球出局,另一人则打出左外野的高飞球。 : : Great start to the season, right? 记者问:「对於这球季来讲是很棒的开始吧?」 : : "No, my pitches were up," Wang said after the Yankees finished off a 6-1 : victory. "It was just one game in the spring. No problem. But I need to : do better." 「不,我投的球太高了。」王在洋基以六比一获胜後回答记者的问题。「这只是 春训中的一场比赛,虽然每有太大的问题,但我必须做到更好。」 : It's hard to better perfection or the 19-6 record Wang had last season : when he finished second in the Cy Young Award voting in the American : League. But the 26-year-old is determined to find a way. 很难比拿下19胜6败并获得美联赛扬奖第二名更完美的表现了,但这位26岁的 年轻人下定决心要找寻方法做到更好。 : Wang made commercials for McDonald's, Nike and other companies during : the offseason in his native Taiwan, more than doubling what he will earn : playing baseball this season. But he broke away in January and spent a : month in Arizona with a personal trainer. 王在球季外时间替他的家乡台湾拍了麦当劳、耐吉及其他公司的广告,那些收入 是他上个球季薪水的两倍以上。但他选择在一月就离开了台湾,并且花一个月 的时间在坦帕做自主训练。 : He reported to Tampa with stronger legs and better defined abdominal : muscles. Wang hopes his increased level of fitness will help him get : through the summer. 当春训开始时,王带着强壮的腿部肌肉与更明显的腹肌向球队报到。他希望 他增强的身体素质能让他在整个球季有好表现。 : "I got tired in some games last season," he said. "I want to change : that." 「去年球季我在一些比赛中感到疲累」他说,「我要改变那种状况。」 : Manager Joe Torre has been around Wang enough to know that his : accomplishments of a year ago won't change the pitcher who has become : his ace. 总教练托瑞已经对王有一定程度的了解,他知道去年了不起的成就并不会对这位 刚晋升为球队王牌的投手有影响。 : "He's got such a great way about him, especially for being in New York : and having the success he had," Torre said. "He just looks like it as : it's his job." 「他有很棒的情绪管理能力,特别在於他能应付在纽约打球的沉重压力,并平淡地 面对他所获得的成功。」托瑞说。「他将许多优秀的表现当作他应该尽的义务。」 : Catcher Jorge Posada stayed on Wang yesterday to tighten up his arm : angle and put more sinking motion on his fastball. But even though his : pitches were up, the Twins couldn't do much with them. 捕手波沙达昨天接王建民投球,特别固定王出手的角度以让他的快速球有多点下沉的 移动。 : "That's what the sinker will do for you," Posada said. "But he missed a : few times." 「这就是伸卡球投手要做的事。」波沙达说。「但他失手了几次。」 : With two outs in the second, Wang wanted to bury a fastball against : Jason Kubel. The ball floated, however, and Kubel was able to line it to : left. But Hideki Matsui was there to make the catch. 第二局比赛两出局时,王想要塞快速球到库柏的内角,但那球飘起来了, 所以库柏可以将它打成左外野的飞球;不过松井在那完成了接杀。 : "(Wang) wasn't happy with himself. But he had good stuff," Torre said. : "He spoils you so much with how efficient he is. So if he misses by a : little bit, he feels he's not right. But I was pleased." 「王对於自己的表现不是很高兴,但他还是有很好的球质。」托瑞说。「他用很高的效率 宠坏我了!所以当他因为表现有一点点偏差而感到不大对劲时,我还是感到很欣慰。」 : Wang wants to incorporate his slider and changeup more often this season : to keep hitters from focusing on his sinker. Posada is stressing game : preparation, telling Wang to spend more time studying opposing hitters. 王想要在新的球季中多搭配一点滑球与变速球来保护他的伸卡球。波沙达则强调 於比赛的准备,他告诉王要多花点时间研究对战的打者。 : Can Wang be even better than he was last season? It's hard for Torre to : imagine. 王能够比去年球季表现的更好吗?托瑞很难去想像。 : "I don't know if he can pitch better than that. I can't say if he struck : out more people (he'd be better), but that's not his game," the manager : said. "As far as I was concerned, I felt he was pretty consistent all : year. He'll get better through experience but as far as his physical : abilities, he's got a pretty good grip." 「我不知道他是否能投的比去年好。或许他会多三振一些人(那他会变更好), 不过那就不是王的比赛了。」托瑞说。「就我的观察,他去年整年都保持的很好, 未来他会藉由经验更加成长;不过就体能条件来讲,他已经有很高的掌控力了。」 : Wang's newfound status brings with it additional responsibilities, : including answering questions from a growing number of reporters from : Taiwanese media outlets. Playful with teammates and friends, he is : introverted in interviews. But he's working on that, too. 王的耀眼表现替他带来许多球场外的负担,其中包含回答大量增加的台湾媒体问题。 能跟队友及朋友谈笑风生的王,在访谈中往往显得有点内向;关於这点, 王也在努力改进着。 : "I know people in Taiwan are watching," he said. "I am proud of that. : It's important for baseball in Taiwan." 「我知道台湾的人在看着。」他说。「我感到很骄傲,这对台湾的棒球发展很重要。」 : It's equally as important for the Yankees. 这对洋基来讲也是同等地重要。 : "That guy can be special," Posada said. "He was great for us last season : and he could get better if he does the work. He has all the tools." 「这家伙可能会大放异彩喔!」波沙达说。「他去年对我们来讲相当重要,而且 如果他继续努力,他可以变的更好。他有所有好投手具备的特质!」 : Reach Peter Abraham at [email protected] and read his Yankees blog at : : Translated By Piau : -- :

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
: ◆ From: : 推 niauson:Posada好严格.... 03/02 18:19 : 推 bluehttp:呼~看完了 虽然有些字看不懂 但大致了解 03/02 18:24 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: reversy 来自: (03/02 20:04) ※ 编辑: reversy 来自: (03/02 20:06) ※ 编辑: reversy 来自: (03/02 20:08) ※ 编辑: reversy 来自: (03/02 20:10) ※ 编辑: reversy 来自: (03/02 20:14)
1F:推 JackeyChen:有看有推 03/02 20:18
2F:推 theurgy:推 03/02 20:21
3F:推 beast1969:推~~~~ 03/02 20:21

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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4F:→ destrade:我受不了媒体把热身赛大肆宣扬..热身赛输赢根本不重要 03/02 21:07

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