本人英文太弱,所以试着把整篇FAQ都翻出来了。希望能帮上忙。若有翻得不妥的地方请多指教。 原网址: Last Updated: July 7, 2020 This document provides answers to frequently asked questions from Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) stakeholders about the program’s guidance for F and M students and SEVP-certified schools for the fall 2020 semester. 本文旨在解答有关学生和交流访问者计划(SEVP)利益相关者的常见问题,并针对该计划针对2020秋季学期的F和M学生以及SEVP认证的学校提供准则。 Note: SEVP continues to actively monitor the evolving situation related to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and provide up-to-date information to stakeholders, including designated school officials (DSOs) and F and M students. Due to the fluid nature of this situation, the answers in this document may be subject to change. Refer to for the most up-to-date version of this FAQ. 注:SEVP正持续积极地监视新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)相关的发展的情况,并向指定的学校官员(DSO)和F和M学生等利益相关者提供最新信息。 由於这种情况的不确定性,本文档中的答案可能会有所更改。 有关此FAQ的最新版本,请参阅。 General 一般问题 Shift from COVID-19 guidance to fall 2020 guidance 从《COVID-19准则》过渡到《2020年秋季准则》 1. Why did the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) adopt this policy for the fall 2020 semester and change from the spring semester approach? 为什麽美国国土安全部(DHS)要改变春季学期的政策,而在2020年秋季学期采用此新政策? A: In the spring semester, DHS was faced with an urgent need to address challenges in this area mid-semester as the COVID-19 situation began evolving. Heading into a new semester this fall, DHS is adopting a new approach to carefully balance public health concerns against the varied approaches that schools and universities are taking to combat the spread of COVID-19. 由於COVID-19疫期在春季学期期间开始发展,DHS采取了紧急应变措施。 随着新学期到来,DHS将采用新的方针以谨慎地在公共卫生问题以及各级学校为防止COVID-19传播而采取的各种不同方法之间取得平衡。 2. When does the new fall 2020 guidance take effect? 新的《2020年秋季准则》何时生效? A: SEVP’s guidance for fall 2020 will take effect at the start of a school’s defined fall semester. SEVP的《2020年秋季准则》将於学校各自规定的秋季学期开始时生效。 3. Will the new fall 2020 guidance supersede SEVP’s current COVID-19 guidance? If so, when will the current COVID-19 guidance no longer be in effect? 最新公布的《2020年秋季准则》会取代SEVP当前的《COVID-19准则》吗? 当前的《COVID-19准则》又将在何时失效? A: Yes, the new fall 2020 guidance will supersede SEVP’s current COVID-19 guidance located at However, SEVP’s current COVID-19 guidance will remain in effect through the end of a school’s summer semester. 是的,《2020年秋季准则》将取代SEVP目前公布於的《COVID-19准则》。而SEVP目前使用的《COVID-19准则》的效期为直到夏季学期结束为止。 Interagency coordination 跨机关协调 1. Did DHS coordinate with its government partners prior to issuing guidance for fall 2020? DHS在发布《2020年秋季准则》之前,是否有和其他政府机关合作并彼此协调? A: Yes, DHS worked closely with its component agencies and partners at the U.S. Department of State prior to issuing guidance for the fall 2020 semester. 是的,在发布《2020年秋季准则》之前,DHS与美国国务院(DOS)的下属机构等夥伴密切合作。 The health and safety of all students is of the utmost importance. A working group, which consisted of representatives from several government agencies, assessed the use of continued remote learning by nonimmigrant students in light of COVID-19. The group determined that three options—remote learning from outside the United States, in-person classes and a hybrid model that combined both in-person and online classes—provided the best options for flexibility for nonimmigrant students to continue education with health risks associated with international travel at this time. DHS also coordinated with the Department of State on issues related to visa issuance and U.S. Customs and Border Protection on issues related to the port of entry process. 所有学生的健康和安全至关重要。数个政府机关派出代表组成工作小组,根据COVID-19对非移民学生使用持续远程学习的情况进行了评估。 该小组评估以下三种选择──在美国境外远程学习、传统现场教学、结合两者的混合模式──能为非移民学生提供弹性选择,让他们在国际旅行的健康风险下得以继续学业。DHS也与DOS就签证核发事宜协调,并与美国海关与边境保护局(CBP)就入境口岸相关事宜协调。 Nonimmigrant Students 非移民学生 Maintaining student records 维持学籍记录 1. Are students attending schools that are entirely online barred from attending that school? 学生是否不能再於完全线上教学的学校就学? A: No. Students will not be permitted to enter or remain in the United States to attend such schools but they are not barred from continuing to attend all classes at these schools from abroad. This approach balances students’ ability to continue their studies while minimizing the risk of spread of COVID-19 in our communities by ensuring that individuals who do not need to be present in the United States are not physically here. 不会。学生不能进入或留在美国就读此类学校,但不禁止他们从国外继续参与该学校的任何课程。这项安排顾及了学生继续学习的权力,同时确保不需要在美国居留者不在现场,从而最大程度地降低了COVID-19在我国社区中传播的风险。 2. Can continuing F and M students study online outside the United States and remain in Active status in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)? Are designated school officials (DSOs) responsible for maintaining these records? 现已就读的F和M学生,接下来是否能在美国境外在线上学习,并在学生和交流访问者资讯系统(SEVIS)中维持有效状态? DSO是否负责维护这些记录? A: Yes, continuing F and M students may remain in Active SEVIS status while studying online, outside the United States. As these students remain Active in SEVIS, DSOs are responsible for maintaining these student records. 是的,现已就读的F和M学生从美国境外线上学习时仍得以保有有效SEVIS记录。只要SEVIS记录有效,即由DSO负责维护这些学生记录。 Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status” 表格I-20《非移民学生身份资格证》相关 1. Will SEVP still allow electronic Form I-20 issuance for the fall 2020 semester? SEVP在2020年秋季学期是否继续允许以电子形式核发I-20表格? A: Yes, SEVP will still allow electronic Form I-20 issuance for the fall semester, and DSOs may electronically send Forms I-20 to student email addresses listed in SEVIS. 是的,SEVP在秋季学期仍允许以电子形式核发I-20表格。DSO可以通过电子方式将I-20表格送达SEVIS中所载的学生电子邮件地址。 In the case of students who are minors, the email address may belong to their parent or legal guardian. Schools do not need to request permission from SEVP or report their plans to electronically send Forms I-20 as part of their fall 2020 semester procedural changes. 对於未成年学生,电子邮件地址可能属於其父母或法定监护人。在新的准则之下,学校以电子形式送发I-20表格时无需向SEVP的徵求许可或报告。 2. What do DSOs need to annotate on the Form I-20 for students attending hybrid schools? Where should DSOs annotate this information on the Form I-20? 对於混合模式学校的学生,DSO需要在I-20表格上的哪里加注,标注什麽? A: As noted in Broadcast Message: COVID-19 and Fall 2020, all students attending schools in the United States this fall 2020, DSOs must issue new Forms I-20 to each student certifying that the school is not operating entirely online, that the student is not taking an entirely online course load for the fall 2020 semester, and that the student is taking the minimum number of online classes required to make normal progress in their degree program. DSOs must indicate this information in the Form I-20 Remarks field in SEVIS. 如《COVID-19准则》、《2020年秋季准则》所述,DSO必须向每位学生核发新的I-20表格,以注明学校并非完全在线运营、该学生在2020年秋季学期所受课程并非完全在线上进行,且该学生所修线上课程数有达到其学位学程正常所需的下限。 DSO须在SEVIS的I-20备注栏中注明以上讯息。 I-901 SEVIS Fee I-901 SEVIS规费 1. Will students receive an I-901 SEVIS Fee refund if they paid the Fee, entered the United States and now must leave? 如果学生已经缴交I-901 SEVIS规费并入境美国,而现在必须离开,是否能得到退款? A: No, students will not receive an I-901 SEVIS Fee refund in this situation. 在这种情况下,学生将无法获得I-901 SEVIS费用退款。 SEVP-certified Schools SEVP认可校方面 Reporting school changes 学校变动报告 1. By what date do schools need to submit operational change plans to SEVP? How should these plans be submitted? 学校是否需要向SEVP缴交营运变更计划?何时缴交?如何缴交? A: Schools that offer entirely online classes or programs or will not reopen for the fall 2020 semester must complete an operational change plan and submit it to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, July 15, 2020. The subject line must read: “Fall 2020 (Fully Online/Will not Reopen) – School Name and School Code.” 完全提供线上课程或学程的学校,以及在2020年秋季学期不开放的学校,必须拟定营运变更计划,并於2020年7月15日星期三之前将其提交至[email protected]。主旨须为:“2020年秋季(完全线上/不重新开放)–学校名称和学校代码。” Certified schools that will not be entirely online but will reopen in the fall and that will use any of the following educational formats must update their operational plans by August 1, 2020 and include whether they will be: 经过(SEVP的?)认证、会在秋季开放、但不会完全在线上进行而采用下列形式的学校,必须在2020年8月1日之前更新其营运计划并说明其所选形式: Solely in-person classes, or Delayed or shortened sessions, or A hybrid plan of in-person and remote classes. 完全传统现场教学、课程短缩,或现场和远距教学的混合形式。 Schools must submit these plans to: [email protected] with the subject line: “ Fall 2020 (in person/hybrid/modified session)- School Name and School Code.” 学校须将上述计划缴交至:[email protected],主旨为:“ 2020年秋季(现场/混合/调整课程)-学校名称和学校代码”。 Please refer to the Optional COVID-19 School Reporting Template that schools can use to report temporary procedural adaptations. 请各校参阅《COVID-19学校报告模板》,并可以用该模板报告临时的程序调整。 Schools should report subsequent changes within 10 days of the change. 学校应在变动後的10天内报告後续改变。 2. Does the fall 2020 guidance apply to schools generally or programs specifically? How should schools report information if certain university components are fully online while others are hybrid (e.g., a university’s medical school is hybrid while a business school is fully online)? 《2020年秋季准则》是适用於全校还是各个学位学程?如果大学的某些部分完全采线上形式,而其他部分混合进行(例如,医学院为混合形式,而商学院为完全线上),则学校应如何报告? A: Reporting, generally, applies to a school. However, when a school’s instructional methodology varies by either a program designation or degree or by an instructional site, the school should indicate the differences. 报告内容一般来说应适用於全校。但是若学校的教学方法会因学程种类、学位种类、教学地点而异时,学校应报告其差异。 3. Will schools receive confirmation or acknowledgment when SEVP receives their operational change documents? Is there any possibility that SEVP would deny or disapprove of a reported change by a school? If so, what happens in that instance? 当SEVP收到运营变更文件後,学校会收到确认吗?SEVP是否有可能拒绝或退回学校所报告的变更,又该如何处理? A: SEVP will send an email acknowledging receipt to each school that submits procedural change documents and add the submitted information to the school’ s file. However, given the significant number of changes being requested, SEVP cannot respond to every submission in detail. If SEVP has concerns that the changes exceed permissible accommodations for COVID-19, it will contact the school for clarification or revision. SEVP将向每所提交报告的学校发送一封确认收到的电子邮件,并将提交的内容讯息附加到学校的资料中。但监於需要进行大量更改,因此SEVP无法详细答覆每一份资料。 如果SEVP认为学校所提的计划超出足以应对COVID-19的范围,将与学校联系以要求解释或修正。 4. Do schools that will not have any F or M students enrolled in the fall 2020 semester need to send procedural change documents to SEVP? 在2020年秋季学期没有F和M学生注册的学校,是否需要向SEVP寄送程序变动报告? A: No, only schools with F or M students currently enrolled need to submit procedural adaptation documents to SEVP. 只有当前有F和M学生注册的学校才需要向SEVP提交程序适应文件。 SEVP Response Center Contact Information SEVP 回覆中心联络方式 For general SEVP questions, case-specific questions and SEVIS technical help, contact the SEVP Response Center (SRC). SRC offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET, except federal holidays. 有关一般的SEVP问题、个案问题和SEVIS技术协助,请联系SEVP回覆中心(SRC)。SRC办公室的开放时间为周一至周五,美国东部时间上午8:00至下午6:00,联邦假日除外。 Telephone: 电话: ○703-603-3400 or 1-800-892-4829 for general and case-specific questions. 一般问题和个案皆可洽 703-603-3400 或 1-800-892-4829 Email: 电子邮件: ○[email protected] for general questions. 一般问题请洽 [email protected][email protected] for SEVIS technical questions. SEVIS 技术性问题请洽 [email protected] --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (美国)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: shinli256 ( 美国), 07/13/2020 23:21:07 ※ 编辑: shinli256 ( 美国), 07/13/2020 23:27:02
1F:推 cassine: 也太多中国常用词了,超不顺 07/14 00:00
2F:→ cassine: 「至关」、「事宜」都是中国那边才会使用的字眼 07/14 00:02
3F:→ cassine: 感谢你有这个心,很遗憾排版造成阅读困难而且翻译不须要 07/14 00:06
4F:→ cassine: 逐字、逐句翻译,会来看本板的人多半都有不错的英文阅读 07/14 00:06
5F:→ cassine: 能力 07/14 00:06
6F:→ shinli256: 因为是机翻之後再手动改,看来是失败了 07/14 06:23
7F:→ shinli256: 我英文阅读真的不行,看来我还是翻来自己看就好 07/14 06:26
8F:→ shinli256: 之前想手动翻另一篇却根本没弄完 07/14 07:13

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