这个EO其实在更早之前就有谣言出来了 一开始小弟是在一个美国移民律师的网站看到乳摸 里面有谈到可能的内容细节,直到最近这一两周开始更多官方新闻报导 原本乳摸是说6/15就会执行,但看来没发生 小弟猜测应该是还在跟商业工会..等等激烈交战中 因为新闻都报商业工会是不赞成禁止H1B或L1这种签证 因为他们认为这会影响到美国的经济复苏, 况且科技业很需要持有这些签证(高技能)的人 川普自己在Fox的Interview证实22号礼拜一可能就会执行这项EO 比较不确定的是执行的方式 多数的都说是会暂时禁止持有工作签证的人入境美国 并且正在申请的人也会遭殃 例如等AP...等 另外天数也很不确定 大部分新闻是报90-180天,或是直到10月USCIS新财年开始 也有说就直到2020结束... 小弟自己也还在等AP中的签证 所以很关心这个EO的新闻QQ 不过看起来凶多吉少了 被挡是逃不了的 只是时间长短可能影响自己与雇主之间的共识 祝大家好运..! ※ 引述《imiss0960 (澄)》之铭言: : President Trump is expected to sign an order as soon as Saturday to suspend : H-1B, L-1 and other temporary work visas through the end of the year, : according to the multiple sources familiar with the plan. : The new order — which is expected to come with broad exceptions — comes as : the administration continues to wrestle with high unemployment among American : workers because of the coronavirus pandemic as well as kick-start the : economic recovery. : The order would target H-1B visas, which are designed for certain skilled : workers such as those employed in the tech industry, as well as L-1 visas, : which are meant for executives who work for large corporations. : The executive action is also expected to suspend H-2B visas for seasonal : workers such as hotel and construction staff; J-1 visas, which are meant for : research scholars and professors and other cultural and work-exchange : programs. Trump could renew the suspensions when they lapse. The order is not : expected to immediately affect anyone already in the United States. : "No matter how you slice it, this is shaping up to be a big win for American : workers at a critical time," said RJ Hauman, government relations director at : the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which advocates for lower : levels of immigration. FAIR had called on Trump to suspend guest worker visas. : 资料来源: NPR : 很想知道这会不会影响状态还在AP中的人啊啊啊.... --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (荷兰)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 cassine: 基本上应该是一刀切,已经安全上垒的不会被判出局,AP算 06/22 00:30
2F:→ cassine: 还没安全上垒的状况,自然可能受到影响 06/22 00:31
3F:→ cassine: 不过也不用太担心,川普这人常常讲一堆但是做一点点 06/22 00:33
4F:→ cassine: 搞不好最後就是只有延长先前的入境禁令而已 06/22 00:33
5F:→ MIKEmike07: ban entry 应该是最伤,发签证比较少人受影响,但我 06/22 01:54
6F:→ MIKEmike07: 比较怀疑配偶部分,是要怎麽处理 06/22 01:54
7F:→ imiss0960: 以下连结提供更多的预期推测,有兴趣可以看看QQ 06/22 03:51
8F:→ imiss0960: 06/22 03:52
9F:推 cassine: ban entry时候主申请人在境内,眷属签应该会放行,毕竟撕 06/22 04:18
10F:→ cassine: 裂家庭是非常糟糕的事情;主申请人在境外,配偶在境内, 06/22 04:18
11F:→ cassine: 主申请人已经不能入境,眷属也只能出境不能入境 06/22 04:19
12F:→ cchris: 护照上有签证的人不受影响;基本上就是领事馆停发工作签证 06/23 06:48

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