作者hakumimi (寂灭状态)
标题Re: 很乖的丑小孩
时间Tue Apr 8 18:38:32 2003
事实上 如果你只身在外国被搭讪 也不见得就是件好事
我在美国的期间 向我搭讪的总是一些怪伯伯
唯一长得可爱甜美的男孩 是在水族馆遇见滴
但他却带我去看一只身长三公尺的蟒蛇 … 唉
去年暑假我又去了一次米国 这次不但被搭讪 而且还遇到大野狼
(我不是故意要伤大家眼的 英文烂请多包涵 我真的懒得翻…)
I don’t know why some western guys are so in fund of asian girls, once in
the school I met a crazy man, who said he likes Chinese girls a lot. After
class on that day, he took the same bus home with me.
On our way home, he asked me if I like the U.S. and my answer is
“ Oh , that’s quite all right. I like the environment pretty much”
A squirrel just went by at that time and we stopped. He asked me
“Do you like the squirral?”
“ Yeah…I like animals”
“So… Do you like men?”
#>~<# ( What a hell!!!!)
”Yeah… Men are animal so I like them.”
( See… We girls are tough enough to answer that)
The next day he was on the same bus with me again, and he was so shameless
to sit by my side and approach me closer and closer. He coughed and I asked
if he is ok out of courtesy. Then, he answered me like this…
“ My throat gets thirsty easily here every morning…I guess it is because I
sleep alone every night.
(gross…discusting…) And I fought back!
“ It was not polite that you said so, especially to asian girls. Do you know th
at? I felt uncomfortable. I do mind your sitting so close, could you excuse me?
他们并不一定都幻想东方女生是他们的 Madam butterflyꠊ
大家真的要小心 " >O< "
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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