TuTsau 板


※ 引述《MUDFISH (爱猩执行委员会)》之铭言: : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5566 : Orz 用了不少好单字呢 Good Kid's Online Classroom 好孩子的线上英语教室(民明出版社) 5566 is a Taiwanese pop boy band thus named because of their five members Zax 7788是火星联邦在台湾的侨民偶像团体,团名来自於他们有五个名字叫什麽不重要的团员 Wang, Jason Xu, Sam Wang, Rio Peng, and the band leader, Tony Sun, and the six talents they claim to possess, acting, singing, hosting shows, dancing, 以及六项是什麽不重要的自以为才华。 writing and basketball. To date they have acted in two idol dramas, my MVP 到目前为止他们已经演了两部呕像剧,我的MVP禽兽 Valentine and Westside Story and have released three albums : 1st Album, Love 和西城狗事,发行了三张抄袭口水专辑叫做什麽名字不重要。 挚爱 and C'est Si Bon. They are infamous in Taiwan for their errant behavior such as plagiarizing 此等劣徒在台湾因为他们的流氓行径而恶名昭彰,如剽窃国外歌手的歌曲、 from the works of foreign artists, assulting members of the press (either 攻击新闻记者(恶言相向甚或大打出手)、 verbally or physically), slandering their fellow bubblegum-pop singers/bands, 毁谤其他本土的呕像团体、 and torturing endangered species on their syndicated game shows. They also 并且在他们同公司所制作的节目中凌虐濒临绝种动物。 take enormous pride in lip-synching in their concerts, which was eloquently 他们还对自己在演唱会中对嘴的行为非常自豪, summed up in these words from their manager when they were exposed: "[The 他们的茎妓人还振振有词的宣称: concert] was a sincere lip-sync effort by 5566." 「这场演唱会是7788全心投入的对嘴表演」 Despite their apparent popularity amongst teenagers, the members of 5566 are 尽管他们在青少年之间显然广受欢迎, more known for their ability to inspire the creation of internet anti-sites 7788的成员却是以激发网路上各种反78网站而闻名, that far outnumber their fan-sites. They are also widely criticized for 这些反78站的数量甚至远超过他们的粉丝站。 claiming to be "the NO.1 band of Asia" when it is quite obvious to all that 他们也因为自行宣声称是「亚洲第一天团」而被广为批判 no member in their so-called "band" plays any musical instrument. Though they 因为很明显的在他们自所谓的「天团」里面,没有任何一个成员会演奏乐器。 possess no discernible talents that one would normally associate with bands, 尽管他们没有任何与乐团有一点关连的才华, they do have all the attitudes and personalities fitting for substance-addicted rock stars. 他们却的的确确有着所有堕落拜金歌手的态度和人格。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 cfmusic:翻的好棒啊!! 大推 01/19
2F:推 kitedolphin:赞!! 01/19
3F:推 theurgy:推阿 01/19
4F:推 dimer:这是国耻啊!!!维基百科是全世界都看得到啊 01/19
6F:推 fakid:此篇是为翻译的精随啊(泪~) 01/19
7F:推 leadwade:翻的太好了!请受小弟我一拜 Orz 01/20
8F:推 ohbear:借转 01/20
9F:推 FlyinDeath:OK~ 01/20
10F:推 yyoox:推啊~ 01/20
11F:推 undeathelf:可怜ㄚ~~~ 08/22 21:54

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