Transfer 板


国英就不用说了~ 上面有大大说了! 国文占总成绩10%、英文、餐饮业概论、旅馆业概论各占30% 餐饮业概论 第一大题 Define these term (40%) a. seating layout b. turnover rates c. sole propreietorship d. a la crate e. table d'hote menu f. tequlia g. par stock h. POS systems 第二大题 Questions (60%) 1. What is "concept restaurant" ? List five factors that together help formulate a restaurant concept. 2. What are some advantages and dis advantages in operating a restaurant as a partnership? 3. Draw a rough sketch of bar, the bar layout, and outline the three areas: the front bar, the back bar, and the under bar. 4. List three costs ordinarily considered fixed and three considered variable. 旅馆业概论 第一大题 名词解释 (15%) 1. Average daily rate (ADR) 9. No-show 2. B&B 10. Occupancy 3. Concierage 11. Overbooking 4. Credit card guarantee 12. Rack rate 5. European plan 13. Revenue per available room (REVPAR) 6. Express checkout 14. Time share lodging 7. Franchise 15. Walk-in 8. Limited-service loding 第二大题 是非题 (28%) 1. Hotel amenity can include a swimming pool, tennis courts, scenicview, access to body of water restaurants, computer, fay, etc. (总共有14题。但因为题数过多,我只抄一题当范本给大家看,都英文抄的很累。) 第三大题 选择题 (22%) (总共有11题。这个我就没抄了,因为实在太多了,手会断阿...!!) 第四大题 计算题 (35%) 1. Assume that Hotel M has 200 rooms, its ADR is NT$4000 per night, and its average occupancy is 80%, what are the REVPAR and annual total revenue of Hotel M? If there are twenty housekeeping staff, what is the labor productivity? (这题有两个问题各占5%,共10%) 2. Assume an on-site restaurant of Hotel M has: Design capacity = 50 meals/day, Effective capacity = 40 meals/day, Actual output = 36 meals/day, please calculate its efficiency and utilization. (这题应该有三个问题15%) 3. If a hiusekeeping department with 25 employess hired two new housekeepers in one month what would the wurnover percentage be for the month? If this rate continued similarly for the remainder of the year what would the annual turnover percentage be? (这题有两个问题10%) --------------此为分隔线---------------------- 好了...终於打完了! 面对这考题第二次真是越看越伤心... 基本上对於其他科系转这科的都会有点吃亏... 小弟我是商科要转餐饮... 所以 无限的叹息阿!!!!! 看一下 准备方向 背名词的时候连英文一起背... 光这样 在这次的餐饮业概论就可以拿40%了! 旅馆也有15%! 再来 就是问答..也差不多 有背名词的英文都作答的出来... 像餐饮的第三题就是画酒吧出来...真是棒阿XDDD 旅馆业概论 是非、选择大致上都是概念题...没记错的话 一样英文名词重要阿.... 除了旅馆业的计算题...说真的 我看不太懂呢... 整个就是坐在那.... 会写的话,我怎麽会有时间抄题目呢!? 大家说是吧....(哭奔~~~ 置於国英嘛..看个人实力罗! 说难不难,说简单不简单。 如果都没有上...只有明年再来一次了!! 以上.......各位加油罗 有考上的记得 通通把名额留下!!! 哈哈哈哈哈! 话说...最後发的点心兑换券:牛奶X1、巧克力派X1 这是安慰奖吗..........???? 哈哈 我去领的时候,还听到他们在对话说.. 这是谁想的主意阿? 是XX行销吗?(忘记是什麽了..) 听了 内心大笑 哈哈哈.... 对了 有人知道...那牛奶台中哪里有再卖吗? 还是只有在东海大学里才买的到阿? 很好喝说!!! 好想再喝阿!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 qq326:标题借我问 谁能回答我7573篇的问题呀@@ 很重要@@ 拜托了 07/25 23:02
2F:推 gomeboy:加入东海 就能常喝了 呵呵 07/25 23:15
3F:推 mypug:原来题目可以超出来阿~ 早知道我也来造福了~ 07/26 00:14
4F:推 PttGodFather:东海牛奶小盒纸装有灌水... 07/26 00:34
5F:→ PttGodFather:不要为了牛奶来到这间学校... 07/26 00:35
6F:→ jewlsong:真的吗 哈哈...我是不会为了牛奶进去啦= =".... 07/26 00:45
7F:→ jewlsong:置於~题目可不可以抄 我不知道啦~我抄的有点提心吊胆而已 07/26 00:46
8F:→ jewlsong:抄在准考证後面...三张都印下来~最後的用处....... 07/26 00:47
9F:推 blueeye:置入性行销啦 07/26 00:47
10F:→ mypug:我只有印ㄧ张,而且我坐在第五个,应该会更可怕吧 (汗) 07/26 09:59
11F:推 exilim:原PO你太酷,我原本也想抄,最後有点没种... 07/26 20:36
12F:→ jewlsong:哈哈哈...抄的我很紧张~有一次监考老师走过我还吓到... 07/27 13:02
13F:→ jewlsong:我记得我做再第二排第四个...XD 07/27 13:02

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