TransPSY 板


不小的今年有考的捧有们 大家都开始放假了吗 XD 小的还有一间中原 所以赶紧来发问 因为发现... 中原的心理学根台政难度有的比耶(我觉得啦...考很细) 麻烦大家了 有些我不确定的我写上我的答案 希望大家讨论ˊˋ 96年第3题 Clinical and counseling psychlogists,by their career choice and success,could be expected to be particularly high in which of the following of intelligence? A interpersonal B intrapersonal C bodily-kinesthetic D spatial 第10题 我觉得是D Nature is to Nurture as A Skinner is to Freud B Pavlov is to Aristotle C Locke is to Freud D Plato is to Watson 第17题 我觉得是D the concept of zone of proximal development implies A a difference between the latent and observable capability of chird B difference in the rate of development of brain structure based on their closeness to the cortex C that development psychologists need only be concerned with measureing current abilities D the current abilities may exceed latency capacity 第20题 Equity in a relationship is manifast if A each partner thinks there is an equal amount of give and take B the attitude of each partner are consisitent with his/her behavior C each partner is equal to one another in physical attractiveness D each partner has equal power and status in the relationship 95年名词解释(给我一些"点"即可)因为我真的没看过这名词... cocktail effect(军队效应?) 94年 第1题 (完全没看过= =") 朋友认为阿福经常出现悲哀、想不开和垂头丧气行为,根据Hippocrates性格理论 ,阿福属於A血质(blood) B黏质(phlegm) C黑胆质(black bile) D黄胆质(yellow bile) 填充3 (种族歧视?自我预言实现??) _____是一种根据不正确的证据,而对某个团体抱持负面态度。 问答(给我"点"即可QQ) 创造力是什麽?什麽样的人格或什麽样的情境使人变的更有创意? 93年 第7题 (D??) Chomsky believes that language acquisition can be explained in part through A classical conditioning B instrumental conditioning C social learning D an innate laguage-acqisition device 居然考大脑4叶的英文 台政有一间有考 错勒但= = 填充6 (华森??,????) _____is the extent to which a psychological test consistently assesses the outcome being measured.______is the extent to which a psychological test assesses what is supposed to measured. 92年 14题 (D???) Which of following is Not true of people high in achievenent motivation? A they usually set extremely high goals for themselves B they attribute their success to their abilities and effort C they are from families that value independent D they usually have good academic performance 以上 希望大家能尽量发表看法 ˊˋ 有些真的是毫无头绪 还有考试的 一起加油 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ Tmager:ㄜ HIPPO 我在YAHOO上打X质上去 似乎是黑胆质 07/19 17:26
2F:→ iamjimmyla:cocktail effect鸡尾酒效应 07/19 17:39
3F:→ iamjimmyla:创造力 preparation,incubation,insight,verification 07/19 17:46
4F:→ iamjimmyla:填充6 realiability, validity 07/19 17:47
5F:→ summerserene:96年第3题 C 07/19 19:42
6F:→ Tmager:噗 鸡尾酒我知道 打错题了 更正 cohort effect 07/19 21:40
7F:→ Tmager:翻议是像我说的 军队效应= =? 07/19 21:40
8F:推 onase:94年填充3 我觉得是"刻板印象" 07/19 23:14
9F:→ onase:93年第7题 D没错 07/19 23:14
10F:→ onase:大脑四叶: 额叶frontal lobe 顶叶parietal lobe 07/19 23:15
11F:→ onase:颞叶 temperal lobe 枕叶 occipital lobe 07/19 23:17
12F:→ onase:92年14题 C选项怪怪的 A有点像答案 BD应该都对吧@@ 07/19 23:18
13F:推 peacocoki:我也要考中原心理,大家一起加油吧^^ 07/20 01:51
14F:→ phillp:cohort effect是世代效应 07/11 18:53

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