TransPSY 板


这几天在写普心转学考题目,以下几题是出自政大及辅大近几年的题目 (写了一堆其实都不知正确答案),我的工具书是张氏心理学辞典. 我自己的答案是c,d,不会,b,不会,b,b,d,a,c 但其实我都不确定答案,欢迎告知正确答案 很乐意与大家一起讨论 1.featrue intergration theory suggests that we first recognize_____features about a visual stimulus and then combine these features into a(n)____whole. (A)illusory;functional (c)primitive;integrated (B)integrated;partitioned (d)conjunction;generated of the primary functions of consciousness is to allow us to assess future possibilities, make choices and initiate appropriate activities.This is the _______ function of consciousness. (a)controlling (c)introspecting (b)monitoring (d)mental coordination 3.Which is the best description of secondary-conditioning? (a)The CS is turned on,then turned off before the UCS is presented. (b)A stimulus acquires the power of a UCS by consistently being paired with a biologically significant UCS. (c)A stimulus acquires the power of reinforcement by being paired with a CR (d)The UCS signals the occurrence of the CS. 4.A basketball player stays late after practice, trying to improve her skills. Other players talk about her as being highly motivated to succeed and hard-working.These variables are best characterized as________variables. (a)environmental (b)situational (c)decriptive (d)internal 5.A ten-dollar bill has very little value except that we can use it to buy food or other things of value.Money would be described as a_________ (a)discriminative stimulus.(b)unconditioned stimulus(C)classical conditioning (d)avoidance learning. 6.The McGurk effect refer to: (a)The phenomenon in which the moon appears to be larger on the horizon. (b)a cross-modal illusion. (c)an illusion in which because of the perceived shape of a room,two figures of different size appear the same. (d)selective attention. 7.If you are in a good mood and someone reads an article to you from the evening newspaper which is generally very negative and depressing, you will (a)find yourself slipping into a bad mood. (b)try to find the positive side of the story. (c)probably not remember much of the story later because you couldn't relate to it when it was read to you. (d)most likely be able to member the most negative parts later because they were so different than your mood when it was read to you. 8.Emotions differ from moods in that emotions (a)have a clear cause (b)are long lasting (c)implicate a multiple component system (d)All of the above are correct. 9.Which of these factors does the evidence tell us is most important in defining whice emotions we are feeling? (a) the reactions of those around us (b) cognitive appraisal of the situation (c) feedback from our facial expression (d) feedback from the autonomic nervous system 10.某心理师指出,其个案会因其他人的问题与困扰而产生非理性的沮丧反应,请问此心理 师最可能属於以下何派?(a)B.F Skinner(b)S. Freud(c)Albert Ellis(d)Menry Murray --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 berry3298:第一题是b 07/02 12:54
2F:→ berry3298:sorry第一题是C 07/02 12:55
3F:→ berry3298:第二题是a 07/02 12:55
4F:→ berry3298:第六是b 07/02 12:56
5F:→ berry3298:第九题是b 07/02 12:57
6F:→ carlos78:第10题 a 07/03 02:45
7F:→ zixiachen:第十题为何是a?? 07/07 21:03
8F:推 chaos0807:应该不会是A吧..SK不是行为学派的吗? 07/07 21:27
9F:推 coolbear0147:是SR吧?? 07/13 18:24
10F:推 Tmager:第8题A阿 07/13 20:11
11F:推 Tmager:3 B或D 讨论一下 QQ 07/13 20:14
12F:→ Tmager:第4应该是在说归因谬误 D 07/13 20:15
13F:→ Tmager:第5题我觉得是C拉 也是有待商确 07/13 20:17
14F:→ Tmager:更正 第5提 B 07/13 20:17
15F:推 Tmager:7 C 07/13 20:19

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