TransBioChem 板


※ 引述《sparkle0829 (sparkle)》之铭言: : ...... : 98.3. Consider the following chemical reaction: 2A + 2B → C Overall reaction : Reaction mechanism: Step1. A+B→D : Step2. D+B→M : Step3. A+M→C : Which one of the following rate laws is consistent with this mechanism? : (A) Rate = k[A]^2 [B] (B) Rate = k[D][B] (C) Rate = k[A][B] : (D) Rate = k[A] [B]^2 (E) The information is not sufficient : →请问这样列是错哪? : Step3: K2 = [M]/[D][B] ; K1 = [D]/[A][B] ; [M]=K2[D][B]=K2K1[A][B]^2 : Rate[C] = K3[A][M] = K1K2K3 [A]^2 [B]^2 我认为是E,不知道哪一部是速率决定步骤~ : 98.6. Gasoline was injected into the cylinder and was ignited. A piston moved : outwardly of the cylinder while exposition took place inside the motor : engine. Which of the following statements is not accurate ? : (A) It is an example of converting chemical energy to mechanical work. : (B) The motor engine had done work to the surrounding. : (C) The temperature dropped down after the piston moved out. : (D) All the energy released from the burning of gasoline was converted : to the work done to the surrounding. : (E) It was an irreversible process. : →是否选E,不可逆表自发,但其被ignite才气体膨胀? E是对的,答案我认为应该是D。 现实生活中几乎所有的反应在热力学夏都是不可逆的(不能回到原本的状态)。 引擎燃烧爆炸有一大部分的能量变成热能散失到surrounding, 并没有全部用来做功! : 98.10. Which of the following statements is wrong about thermodynamics ? : (A) The entropy of any substance(element or compound)in its equilibrium : state approaches zero at the absolute zero of temperature. : (B) The absolute value of the Gibbs free energy of a substance can't : be determined. : (C) The Gibbs free energy is zero during phase transitions of a pure : substance. : (D) The absolute value of the entropy of a substance can't be : determined. : (E) A spontaneous process is always an irreversible process. 我猜是C,相变化自由能会变吧! : 95.29. What is W in Boltzmann's formula, S=k x InW : (A) a fraction indicating the probability of obtaining a result : (B) a random number : (C) the number of ways of obtaining the state : (D) the work times Avogadro's number : →请问这定律是? 应该是A, 普化课本有这个方程式,我记得~ 你可以查看看书本後面的字母索引! : 94.18. If the temperature of the reaction is decreased, what is the effect on : the equilibrium constant and ΔG ? : N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g),ΔH+ = -92.4 kJ/mol : (A) K increases, ΔG increases : (B) K decreases, ΔG decreases : (C) K increases, ΔG decreases : (D) K decreases, ΔG increases : (E) Temperature does not affect equilibrium or ΔG : →请问G是?1. K↑,G= -RTlnK (两个变因 T↓K↑) : 2. K↑,G= H-TS, T减少到负值,此时G↑ 故选A? K会上升你知道, G的部分我认为这个反应在低温会趋向自发, 所以温度越低ΔG应该愈来愈小~ : 94.非选择题1. Please describe how to set up the physical structure of atom using the : experimental findings. : 题目有点多T_T 今天被教授劣退 有请各位大大帮忙了!感恩!! 抱歉~目前手边没有计算纸与笔, 也没有普化课本, 先回答你这样, 没回答的另请高手帮忙~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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1F:推 veryblack:98.3=你的想法是对的 不知道哪一步是决定步骤(slow) 07/02 23:19
2F:→ veryblack:98.10=纯物质相变化时自由能变化为零喔 是乱度会变 07/02 23:20
3F:推 veryblack:所以是D 乱度可以直接求出值 07/02 23:22
4F:→ veryblack:这年我有考过= = 不过热化学一年没碰了大概只记得这些 07/02 23:22
5F:→ sparkle0829:水大和v大先谢谢你们 94.18怎麽判断低温趋向自发? 07/02 23:29
6F:推 sparkle0829:另外乱度 不是要计算系统与环境?不是因为不好测所以才 07/02 23:34
7F:→ sparkle0829:改用ΔG只需检测系统资料 因为环境不知道怎麽测? 07/02 23:36
8F:推 veryblack:乱度质有公式可以带 07/02 23:45
9F:→ veryblack:G(自由能的话) 则只能求出变化量 无法得知其值是多少 07/02 23:45
10F:→ veryblack:94.18=利用deltaG = deltaH - T x deltaS 07/02 23:47
11F:→ veryblack:利用deltaG>0可自发<0非自发来判断 07/02 23:47
12F:→ veryblack:而T是绝对温度 故其值必大於零 07/02 23:48
13F:→ veryblack:所以就可以得知当deltaH>0时 若deltaS也大於零 07/02 23:49
14F:推 sparkle0829:了解! 07/02 23:49
15F:→ veryblack:更正 若deltaS小於零时 算出来deltaG必大於零 自发 07/02 23:50
16F:→ veryblack:反之就必小於零 非自发 07/02 23:50
17F:推 sparkle0829:这题没给s 是否用S=H/T 07/02 23:53
18F:推 veryblack:deltaS可以自行判断 例如液相便气相会变大之类的 07/03 00:10
19F:→ veryblack:反应过程中莫耳数变少乱度也是下降 07/03 00:11
20F:→ veryblack:因此可以得知deltaS<0 07/03 00:11
21F:推 sparkle0829:所以ΔS<0 ΔT<0 此G应该为下降了 07/03 00:17
22F:推 veryblack:可是这题的温度有改变所以不是用这条公式= = 07/03 00:18
23F:→ veryblack:不好意思我刚没注意到 07/03 00:18
24F:推 sparkle0829:ΔG=Δ(H-TS)=ΔH-T*ΔS-S*ΔT 我好像越来越模糊了XD 07/03 00:30
25F:推 veryblack:还是请专家解释好了XD 07/03 03:29
26F:→ veryblack:这题我那时候很直接的想K变大deltaG必变更小(负更大) 07/03 03:30
27F:→ veryblack:刚翻了一下普化还是想不出解释方式 07/03 03:30

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