TransBioChem 板


小弟今天忽然想写考古题 把比较重要的题目打上去 不过我的答案是我打完题目快速扫描过写出的 不知道对不对? 大家参考一下 顺便纠正一下吧!! 唉 我很烂的! 大家加油!!!!! (1) a. prokaryotes b. eukaryotes c. both prokaryote and eukaryote d. neither prokaryote and eukaryote e. not consistently …………………………………………………………………………………... 1. DNA in a membrane –bound structure 2. cell wall present , at least in some membrane of the group 3. cell wall of nitrogen-containing carbohydrate , cross-linked with short amino acid chains 4. large cell ,nucleus , inner membrane , and one or the other compartments 5. employ RNA and protein as the hereditary materials 我的答案是1.b 2.e 3.b 4.b 5.d (2) a. DNA b. DNA ligase c. RNA polymerase d. t RNA e. m RNA f. r RNA g. DNA polymerase ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1. smallest of the RNA molecules; 45 different kinds 2. single long strand that passes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in eukaryote ; contains information for polypeptide assembly. 3. the basic genetic information of the cell ; contained in chromosome 4. an enzyme that synthesize all three forms of RNA ; present in the nucleus of eukaryotes 5. exists as a complex with many large proteins in ribosomes ; many different kinds of molecules 我的答案是1.? 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. f (3) a. T cell b. plasma cell c. macrophages d. mast cell e. monocytes f. antigen g. B cell ……………………………………………………………………………………… 1. phagocyte that circulate in the blood 2. helper and inducer cells 3. source of antibody-producing cells 4. macrophage precursor cells 5. produce specific antibodies 我的答案是 1. e 2. a 3 .g 4. d 5. b (4) a. green b. far red c. violet blue d. white e. red f. yellow orange g. ultraviolet …………………………………………………………………………………………. 1. shortest wavelength and highest-energy photons within the visible spectrum ; one of the regions where chlorophylls absorb 2. visible light not strongly absorbed by light 3. high energy component of the electromagnetic spectrum ; associated with sunburn 4. apparent color of chlorophylls 5. visible light with longest wave length and lowest-energy photons ; one of the region where chlorophylls absorb 我的答案是1. c 2.b 3.g 4.a 5.f (5) a. tropomyosin b. myoglobin c.calmodulin d. sacromere e. myosin f. microtubulin g. actin h. troponin ……………………………………………………………………………………… 1. has a double headed globular region 2. interferes with the attachment of myosin to actin 3. holds tropomyosin on the filament 4. calcium binding protein of smooth muscle 5. make up the thin filament along with two other proteins 我的答案是 先想一下 不过这一题有点难ㄟ!? (6) a. sticky ends b. RFLP c. PCR d. plasmids e. transgenic organisms ………………………………………………………………………………… 1. abbreviation for restriction fragment length polymorphism ; analyze the human DNA products after restriction enzyme digestion ; fingerprint 2. organisms produced by moving gene of species to another ; desired characteristics such as disease resistance or increased size are transferred 3. ends of fragments produced by the enzyme irrespective of the source of DNA 我的答案是 1.a 2.e 3. b 先这样~XD --

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