作者fukushima (xxxxxxxxxxxx)
标题[考题] 生物题目
时间Tue Jul 19 21:48:53 2005
1. In the course of evolution of eukaryotic cell, some mitochondrial DNA
was transferred to?
a. the host cell's chloroplast
b. bacterial cell
c. the host cell's nucleus
d. the host cell's plasma membrane
e. plasmid
2. "Movement protein" aid in the transport of ______ through plasmodesmata.
a. DNA
b. proteins
c. Viruses
d. cyclic AMP
e. Ca2+
3. Which of the following statement about iron-sulfur proteins is FALSE?
a. They are components of the electron transport chain.
b. Their iron is not attached to a porphyrin ring.
c. Their iron is attached to sulfides.
d. Their iron is attached to the sulfides of sulfur-containing amino acids.
e. They carry both electrons and protons.
4. Which of the following statement about cold treatment and flowering is
a. In winter rye, after cold treatment, plants require long days in order to
b. In spinach, cold treatment shortens the daylength required for flowering.
c. in clover, cold treatment completely removes the day length requirement
for flowering.
d. In henbane, gibberellin treatment can substitude for cold treatment in
hastening flowering.
e. In nonrosette long-day plants, gibberellin treatment can substitute for
cold treatment in hastening flowering.
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