作者Bioexplorer (台大生化系很竞争)
标题[转录][试题] 93下化学系普通化学甲第一次期中考(陈 …
时间Fri Apr 22 23:49:02 2005
※ [本文转录自 NTU-Exam 看板]
作者: youngsam (要加油要加油) 看板: NTU-Exam
标题: [试题] 93下化学系普通化学甲第一次期中考(陈振中命题)
时间: Fri Apr 22 16:58:47 2005
课程名称︰普通化学甲下 班次01
课程教师︰牟中原 陈振中
试题 :
出题老师 陈振中
国立台湾大学 九十三学年度 第二学期
化学系 普通化学甲 期中考 2005年3月25日
Planck’s constant 6.6 × 10^-34 J s
Electron mass 9.1 × 10^-31 Kg
Light speed 3.0 × 10^8 m/s
Typical C-C bond length 1.54 A
Typical C=C bond length 1.34 A
Section A (80 %)
1. (a) Assign formal charges to the atoms in each of the following resonance
forms and determine which species is the major resonance contributor:
CH3-CH-C≡N <-> CH3-CH=C=N
(b) Indicate the molecular geometry of the carbon in each of the following
+ ..
| |
2. Consider the following molecule
(a) Assign the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog configuration of the chiral carbon(s).
(b) Copy the molecule in your answer book and indicate all the sp2 and sp
hybridized carbons.
(c) Explain with details whether all the carbon sp2 planes are on the same
3. Consider the π electrons and the relevant molecular orbitals of butadiene
molecule ONLY:
(a) Draw the HOMO and LUMO orbitals.
(b) What is the bond order when the molecule is in its ground state?
(c) We have learnt that the energy expression of a particle in a 1-D box is
n^2 H^2
given by En= ──── Estimate the longest wavelength for the electronic
8m L^2
absorption spectrum of butadiene.
(d) If the molecule now absorbs a photon of wavelength equal to the answer
in the previous part, explain the changes of all the carbon bond lengths.
4. In MO theory the concepts of “base” and “radical” are quite different
from one another.
a) What kind of MO makes a molecule a base? Illustrate with a single example
that shows it a reactive base, and identify the factor.
b) What kind of MO makes a molecule a radical?
c) By drawing two orbital energy diagrams, explain why radicals react with
radicals, but bases do not react with bases.
Section B (20 %)
1. The peptide bond in a protein is not very reactive compared with amines
(R-NH2) and carboxylic acids (R-COOH). This reduction of reactivity makes
proteins resistant to reaction. As a simple analogy, explain in the language
of MO theory, why the reactivity of the following molecule is lower than NH3
and HCOH?
2. The structure of CH5+ is important in our understanding of many reaction
mechanisms and it has been considered as a nonclassical carbocation
(carbon cation) because it cannot be described by a single Lewis structure.
The following two structures are the most stable structures obtained from
QM calculations. Note that the lines do not necessarily represent a bond!
(a) Identify the symmetry elements of structures A and B.
(b) The following are two occupied MOs calculated for A, identify the
constituting atomic orbitals in each MO. Which one is the HOMO?
Is the HOMO a bonding, anti-bonding or non-bonding orbital?
(c) The following are two unoccupied MOs calculated for A, identify the
constituting atomic orbitals in each MO. Which one is the LUMO? Is
the LUMO a bonding, anti-bonding or non-bonding orbital?
(d) Although CH5+ cannot be described by a traditional Lewis structure.
Can you draw a "modified" Lewis structure to describe the bonding of
this molecule?
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