作者iceoo (後方cos77度角袭卷而来)
标题Re: [考题] 免疫
时间Wed Feb 9 08:47:22 2005
※ 引述《iceoo (後方cos77度角袭卷而来)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《Supervirus (很弱的病毒)》之铭言:
: : [成大87转学考]
: : 34. In a series of immune system experiments, the thymus glands were removed
: : from baby mice.
: : Which of the following would you predict as a likely results?
: : A. The mice suffered from numerous allergies
: : B. The mice readily accepted tissue transplants
: : C. The mice suffered from autoimmune
: : D. The mice never developed cancerous tumors
: : A,D是错的,所以先删去
: : 再来,我的想法是thymus gland可让白血球分辨外来物跟自体细胞
: 你所谓的W.B.C.应该是专指T cell,因为不是所有的W.B.C.都在thymus gland
: development
答案是(B) 因为将小老鼠的thymus glands切除,会使老鼠的T cell大幅降低,导致
免疫不全,无法对外来组织产生排斥作用,所以能accepted tissue transplants...
: : 如果把thymus gland切除,就无法分辨
: : 所以结果是B or C 我就搞不清楚了...
: : 白血球不能分辨哪些是外来物,所以无论看到啥都会攻击吗?
: : 还是通通都不攻击?
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