Timberwolves 板


https://tinyurl.com/yk6dbe24 Sachin Gupta, executive vice president of basketball operations for the Minnesota Timberwolves, is set to leave the NBA franchise to take a role at Chelsea. 明尼苏达灰狼队篮球事务副总裁 Sachin Gupta 即将前往切尔西担任新职务。 The 42-year-old has been in that position at the Timberwolves since 2021, having joined them two years earlier to assist in the collective bargaining agreement and team analytics. 42 岁的 Gupta 自2021年起担任球团该职位,在接任之前已协助球团处理集体 谈判协议问题及团队分析达两年。 In 2006, Gupta created the “NBA Trade Machine” for ESPN — allowing users to assume the role of a general manager, based on the rules of the collective bargaining agreement, which assess whether player trades are possible under salary restrictions. Gupta 在2006年为 ESPN 创造了「NBA交易机」,让使用者可以扮演总管的 角色。 The Timberwolves and Chelsea have both been approached for comment by The Athletic. 灰狼队和切尔西都已接到《The Athletic》的评论请求。 Gupta spent five seasons in the Timberwolves front office, including spending one season as the interim general manager, and he has been an important part of the team’s rise to contention in the Western Conference. He also has worked with the Houston Rockets, Philadelphia 76ers and Detroit Pistons during 18 years in the NBA. Gupta 在灰狼队管理阶层工作了五个赛季,包括一年的代理总管,他对球队 崛起成争冠劲旅贡献良多,也在NBA的18年生涯中,与火箭队、76人队和活塞 队合作过。 Gupta climbed the ranks during the strategic and analytics boom that rippled through the league over the last two decades, working for Daryl Morey in Houston and Sam Hinkie in Philadelphia. 在过去二十年来席卷联盟的战略和分析热潮中,Gupta 曾与 Daryl Morey 和 Sam Hinkie 共事过,并逐步晋升。 Gupta came to Minnesota from Detroit to serve as the No. 2 in command under Gersson Rosas. He ushered in a more robust strategy and analytics department with the Timberwolves, building one of the larger staffs in the league. Rosas was abruptly fired just before training camp in 2021, and Gupta was elevated to lead the front office. He provided stability during a chaotic moment and helped lead the Timberwolves to their second playoff appearance in the previous 18 seasons. Gupta 从底特律跳槽到明尼苏达,在Gersson Rosas的领导下担任二把手。他 为灰狼队引入了更强韧的战略和分析部门,建立了联盟中规模最大的部门之 一。Rosas 在2021年训练营前突然被解雇,Gupta 被拔擢为管理层领导。 在混乱时期提供了稳定性,并帮助灰狼队晋级过去18个赛季中第二次季後 赛。 The Wolves hired Tim Connelly as president of basketball operations in 2022, and Gupta remained on board. The Timberwolves have made the playoffs three straight seasons, an uncommon amount of success for the franchise, including a run to the Western Conference finals last season. 2022年,灰狼队挖角 Tim Connelly 担任篮球事务总裁,Gupta 续留。灰狼 队已连续三个赛季闯入季後赛,这对该队来说非常难得,其中包括上赛季打 进西区决赛。 Chelsea’s new ownership comprised of private equity firm Clearlake Capital and U.S. billionaire Todd Boehly — a co-owner of the LA Dodgers — has hired a number of new staff as part of a wide-ranging revamp of the club since taking over in 2022. 切尔西的新东家由私募股权公司 Clearlake Capital,以及美国亿万富翁同 时也是道奇队的共同所有人 Todd Boehly组成。自 2022 年接管以来,他们 已聘请了多名新员工,作为对俱乐部大刀阔斧改革的一部分。 The team finished 12th in the Premier League in 2022/23 after changing head coach twice during the season before a sixth-place finish last season. They then again parted with a head coach in Mauricio Pochettino, who has gone on to be hired by the USMNT. 这支球队在 2022-23 赛季在英超联赛中排名第 12 位,季中两度更换主帅後 ,在上赛季以第六名作收。他们随後再次与主教练,即将执掌美国男足的 Mauricio Pochettino分道扬镳。 Chelsea, which has seven points from their opening four Premier League matches of the campaign, are next in action on Saturday with an away match against West Ham United. 切尔西在英超联赛本赛季的前四场取得 7 分,接下来的比赛是周六客场对阵 西汉姆联队。 --- Gupta跨界跳槽,祝福他未来发展顺利。 球队文化在过去几季慢慢朝着好的方向转变, 希望他在管理层留下的资产也能持续累积。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1726675097.A.73E.html

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