Timberwolves 板


https://www.nba.com/draft/2024/prospects/jesse-edwards Overview Born in Amsterdam, Edwards moved to the United States to attend IMG Academy before heading to college. He played four seasons at Syracuse and was named to the All-ACC Third-Team and ACC All-Defensive Team in 2023. However, he transferred to West Virginia for his final collegiate campaign. In 23 appearances (22 starts) as a Mountaineer, Edwards averaged 15.0 points, 8.0 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 1.7 blocks in 28.3 minutes per game. He shot an efficient 61.3 percent from the field but struggled at the free-throw line, making only 52.3 percent of his attempts. Edwards also suited up for the Netherlands senior team during World Cup qualifying and Eurobasket in 2022. 出生於阿姆斯特丹,JE移居美国就读IMG学院,之後进入大学。他在雪城大学 打了四个赛季,并在2023年入选ACC年度第三队和ACC最佳防守阵容。然而, 他在最後一个大学赛季转学至西弗吉尼亚大学,出赛23场(22场先发),每场 出赛28.3分钟,场均15.0分、8.0篮板、1.2助攻和1.7阻攻。投篮命中率高 达61.3%,但罚球命中率相对挣扎,仅有52.3%。JE也曾代表荷兰国家队参加 2022年世界盃资格赛和欧锦赛。 Analysis At just under seven feet tall, Edwards has a large frame, which he uses to excel at clearing space on post-ups, setting screens and grabbing rebounds. He is not a natural scorer but has great energy, allowing him to score on putbacks and lobs. Edwards has good patience and decent footwork in the paint but lacks an elite touch around the rim. He was able to block shots at a high rate and didn’t commit many fouls in college, showing good defensive discipline, but there’ll likely be a learning curve on both ends of the court at the professional level. 身高接近七尺的JE拥有宽厚体格,他利用此优势在低位单打、设掩护和抢篮 板等有出色发挥。不是天生的得分手,但拥有杰出活力,能藉由补篮和空中 接力取分。JE在禁区内拥有良好的耐心和脚步,但缺乏顶级的终结能力。他 在大学期间能够送出大量的阻攻,且控制犯规次数,展现出良好的防守纪律 ,但在职业层级的攻防两端可能需要一段成长期。 Projection An undersized center who excels at rebounding and finishing lobs, Edwards draws comparisons to Dwight Powell, Brandon Clarke and Trayce Jackson-Davis. All three of those guys have carved out solid NBA roles after being older prospects taken outside of the lottery. Edwards has the potential to do the same, it’s just a matter of if he falls into the right situation. 作为身材相对矮小,擅长抢篮板和空中接力的中锋,JE会被拿来与Dwight Powell、Brandon Clarke和Trayce Jackson-Davis对照。上述三位都是乐透 区之外中选的大龄新秀,但能在NBA站稳脚步。JE也有潜力办到,取决於能 否进入适合他发挥的环境。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1722165562.A.2BA.html

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