Timberwolves 板


https://www.nba.com/draft/2024/prospects/terrence-shannon-jr Overview From Chicago, IL, Shannon played for Lincoln Park in high school but didn’t have any D1 offers, so he reclassified and transferred to IMG Academy where he thrived en route being a consensus four-star recruit. He originally committed to DePaul before switching to Texas Tech. He was named to the Big 12 All-Freshman team but didn’t show drastic improvement in his final two seasons as a Red Raider before moving to Champaign. Shannon’s final collegiate season was interrupted in December after being suspended indefinitely by Illinois. He was reinstated in January after the school’s investigation ended with insufficient evidence and was allowed to finish the 2023-24 campaign. Shannon was named first-team All-Big Ten, third-team All-American and was the 2024 Big Ten Tournament’s Most Outstanding Player, as he led Illinois to a championship win over Wisconsin. He averaged 23 points per game on 57/36/80 shooting splits for the season and dropped 34 on the Badgers. 来自伊利诺伊州芝加哥的TSJ,高中就读於林肯公园,但没有收到任何D1级别 的邀约,因此他决定重读并转学至IMG学院,并在该校成长为一名四星招募。 他最初承诺加入德保 (DePaul)大学,之後转而选择德州理工大学。他入选了 Big 12 联盟最佳新人阵容,但接续两个赛季没有显着进步,随後转校至伊利 诺伊大学。TSJ的大学生涯最终赛季,因故遭学校无限期停赛而中断。但经校 方调查後,因证据不足而恢复参赛,他於1月恢复出赛并顺利完成赛季。 TSJ被评选为Big Ten联盟第一队、全美第三队,并在2024年Big Ten联盟锦标 赛中荣获最佳球员,率领伊利诺伊大学击败威斯康辛大学夺冠。本赛季场均 可得23分,投篮命中率三围为57/36/80,并在联盟决赛中砍下34分。 Analysis Shannon is at his best when he’s going downhill in transition. When defenders give him space, he’s more than capable of knocking down open looks off the dribble. At 6-foot-6, Shannon has the size and athleticism to guard multiple positions, and he has great defensive instincts, though he tends to take too many chances in the passing lanes. TSJ最擅长在快攻时冲击篮框。当防守者给他空间时,他非常擅长在运球後把 握空档出手。身高6尺6寸的他,拥有防守多个位置的身材和运动能力,且防 守直觉出色,虽然有时在抢断时会过度冒险。 Projection Shannon is a gifted offensive player, and that should translate to the NBA, but he may need to refine his game before becoming a prominent player. At 23 years old, he’s older than most prospects in his class, but that doesn’t mean he can’t make strides over the next few years. Shannon is a couple of inches taller than guys like De’Aaron Fox and Vince Williams but may have just as much offensive upside as those players. However, Shannon isn’t a natural point guard, so Kelly Oubre Jr. may be a more just comparison. TSJ的进攻天赋出众,这应该能够转换到NBA,但在成为一名突出球员前,球 技需要更多琢磨。23岁的他比同届的大部分球员年长,但并不意味未来几年 无法更加进步。TSJ比De'Aaron Fox 和Vince Williams高几英寸,但可能拥 有与他们相同的进攻潜力。然而,TSJ并不是控卫底,Kelly Oubre Jr.可能 是更恰当的对照组。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1722165203.A.D3E.html

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