Timberwolves 板


https://www.nba.com/draft/2024/prospects/rob-dillingham Overview From Hickory, N.C., Dillingham led the USA under-16 team to the 2021 FIBA Americas Championship in Mexico and was named MVP after posting 31 points, six boards, four assists and three steals in the finale against Argentina. He skipped his senior year of high school to join the Cold Hearts of Overtime Elite and was an ESPN five-star recruit before joining Kentucky, though he originally committed to NC State. In his lone season at Kentucky, Dillingham was a reserve (he started only once) and averaged 15.2 points, 3.9 assists, 2.9 rebounds and 1.0 steals in 23.3 minutes per game. He was stellar from deep, connecting on 44.4% of his 4.5 3-point attempts per game. 来自北卡罗莱纳州希科里的Dillingham,曾率领美国U16国家队取得2021年 FIBA美洲锦标赛冠军,并在决战对战阿根廷攻下31分、6篮板、4助攻和3抄 截,荣膺MVP。他跳过高中最後一年,加入Overtime Elite的Cold Hearts, 并在进入肯塔基大学之前被ESPN评为五星招募,尽管他最初承诺加入北卡州 立大学。在大一也是唯一大学赛季,Dillingham 作为第六人(仅先发一次), 每场出赛23.3分钟,场均15.2分、3.9助攻、2.9篮板和1.0抄截。他的三分 球表现出色,场均出手4.5次,命中率达到44.4%。 Analysis At 6-foot-1, Dillingham has an elite offensive package that will translate to the NBA. He has a quick first step and can score at all three levels, like many other NBA guards who went to Kentucky. He will also find the open shooter but needs work as a playmaker to be considered a true point guard, as his shot selection and ball security can be spotty. Building his frame should help correct those issues, as Dillingham was at 164 pounds at the Combine. Dillingham won’t turn 20 until January of 2025, which makes an ideal prospect at the top of the 2024 NBA Draft. Dillingham 身高6尺1寸,拥有能直接转换到NBA的顶级进攻技巧包。快速的 第一步,能够在三个层次(内线、中距离和三分)取分,如同许多其他来自肯 塔基大学的NBA後卫。Dillingham 也能找到空档射手,但要成为一名真正的 控球後卫,更精准的出手选择和稳定的护球将是提升的重点。增强体格也有 助於修正这些问题,因为他在联合试训时只有164磅。Dillingham 直到2025 年1月才满20岁,这让他成为本届NBA选秀会的理想潜力股。 Projection Dillingham needs to put on some weight and improve a few areas of his game to develop into a star like Tyrese Maxey, so he may have to settle for an offensive spark-plug role as a sixth man role like Immanuel Quickley did. Currently, Dillingham has a similar frame to Bones Hyland, but a good landing spot should allow Dillingham to thrive early. Dillingham 需要增重,并改善一些环节才能有类似Tyrese Maxey 的发展, 因此现阶段他可能得接受第六人角色,类似於Immanuel Quickley。Dillingham 目前的身材与 Bones Hyland 相似,但若能被适合球队选中。应能让他迅速 崭露头角。 --- 补一下选秀前的资料。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1722164712.A.716.html

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