Timberwolves 板


https://tinyurl.com/247xvur6 The Wolves would love to find a way to get back into the late first round, but President of Basketball Operations Tim Connelly said Wednesday not much had materialized on that front. 球队乐意找到取得首轮末段选秀权方式,但 Tim Connelly 也表示现阶段台 面上流传的消息几乎不会实现。 "We've had a lot of conversations. I don't think anything is close for us to get in the first round," Connelly said. "Generally, a lot of the calls are kind of theoretical until the last 24 hours. We'll see." 「和各队有许多对话,但我不认为任何交涉足以让我们换回首轮签。」 Connelly 表示说。「一般来说,直到选前24小时内,大部分对话都充满 各种假设,只能拭目以待了。」 *** If the Wolves aren't able to move up the board, Connelly said they'll be looking for someone they can work with to develop long term. 如果无法在选秀会向上交易,Connelly 表示球队将找寻能长期培养的年轻人。 "A really good guy. Someone that could fit culturally," Connelly said. "Oftentimes if you see the picks they make in the second round, it's who the person is as much as the talent. We'll probably prioritize a guy that can further add to the culture.” 「一位能符合球队文化的好球员。」Connelly 解释说。「通常你观察球队在 次轮的选择,人格特质和打球天份同样被看重,球队会把符合球队文化的球 员摆在首位。」 *** As for any franchise-altering moves, don't bet on them for the time being. Connelly again reiterated the organization's desire to keep continuity with last season's roster, which barely played together at all. 至於任何阵容大风吹异动,别太期待发生。Connelly 再次重申延续上季 阵容意愿,一个几乎没机会全员到齐整合过的阵容。 "We have a core and we're excited to run it back," Connelly said. "There were some highs, there were some lows. Our inability to win enough games versus teams that have worse records really came back to bite us. … You can point to specific games and we weren't good enough. Then you look at long stretches of basketball where we thought we looked like a viable team.” 「我们很期待给原阵容更多机会。」Connelly 说道。「球季过程有好和坏的 部分,但球队无法稳稳拿下该赢场次而付出些代价。你可以点出特定几场比 赛,我们的确不够好。然後你把观察时间拉长,我们看起来仍是一支大有可 为的球队。」 --- https://youtu.be/VSfCyVLQwS0
如果没意外的话,这届选秀大概就平淡度过。 选个新血就完工,顶多康总手痒来个小交易? 接下来重点如何把自家FA留住,不过自由市场总有意外,平常心看待。 目前好几位球员都聚在明州团练,23-24球季才是该专注目标。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1687450971.A.2AC.html
1F:推 k952gfjk: 确实啊,这季稳了三节第四节当机输球的比赛就已经十来场 06/23 01:39
2F:→ k952gfjk: 了 06/23 01:39
3F:推 Leaflock: 感觉会手痒搞一点交易XD 06/23 02:02
4F:→ xo45527788: 双塔的问题迟早要面对 不认为双塔在这季战绩会好 06/23 02:30
5F:推 sato111: 把首轮搞掉又要首轮..... 06/23 08:07
6F:→ jay228: 没有什麽资源可以换阿 Nowell 六秃 Knight都没打出来 06/23 08:37
7F:推 jay228: Towns的进攻天赋就在那 只要没伤兵还是很有期待的 06/23 08:41
8F:→ jay228: Towns有交易保护 所以要换要等7/7 06/23 09:53
9F:推 sato111: 没戏的灰狼 06/23 10:07
10F:推 smoms: 去年也是这麽想的时候XD 06/23 10:27
11F:推 smoms: 弄了个#33 ^^|| 06/23 11:13
12F:推 vince4687: 等了三个小时终於有点小动作了 06/23 11:17
※ 编辑: jinshenn ( 台湾), 06/23/2023 11:49:53

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