Timberwolves 板


※※ 引述《jerod (KG4MVP)》之铭言: 以下为原文出处: : http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/13160765.htm -- : DENVER — Timberwolves coach Dwane Casey is a stickler for preparation. : That didn't change despite some difficult circumstances last week. 丹佛地方报 - 灰狼教头D.Casey是一个坚信事前准备比什麽都还要重要的人,虽然上 周经历了一些不好的事但并未因此改变Casey的坚持。 : After attending his father's funeral Saturday, Casey woke up at 4:30 a.m. : Sunday and caught a flight from Indianapolis to Denver. He made it in time to : attend a shoot-around and coached Sunday night against the Nuggets. 在礼拜六参加完父亲的丧礼後,Casey礼拜天一早4:30就起床由印第安那波利斯搭飞 机到丹佛,他准时参加了球队的赛前练习并在当天晚上对上金块队的比赛中担任教练。 : Casey missed Friday and Saturday practices in the Twin Cities while he was : with his family in Indianapolis. But he said he was able to watch game film : at his mother's home. Casey因为和家人在一起所以错过了礼拜五、六在双城的练习,不过他说他可以在母 亲家观看比赛影片。 : He also talked to assistant coaches Johnny Davis and Rex Kalamian once or : twice a day. 他每天也和助理教练J.Davis、R.Kalamian聊上1到2次。 : "We went over the practice plan and what to work on," Casey said : before Sunday's game. "After practice, we talked. We still were able to : prepare." Casey在礼拜天的比赛前表示"我们仔细检视了练习计画,然後顺便还有什麽可以持续 加强的。赛前练习结束後,我们一起讨论,并且发现我们还可以准备地更周全。" : Casey said it was an emotional week for him. His father, James Casey, died : on Tuesday of kidney and heart complications from diabetes. Casey说那对他而言是情绪低落的一周,因为他的父亲J.Casey星期二死於糖尿病导致 肾衰竭及心脏病的多重并发症。 : "It was tough," Casey said. "Any time you lose your dad or your mom, it's : difficult. You worry about your mom being alone. But again, I know what he : would want and I know my mom wants me to get back to work and do my job. : That gives me strength." Casey说"那是一个难以面对的时刻,不管何时,当你失去你的父亲或母亲,那都是令 人难过的事。你会担心你的母亲从此感到孤苦无依,不过我还是要说,我知道他希望我怎 麽做,我也知道我的母亲会希望我重返工作岗位,回来做我该做的事,这给了我勇敢面对 的能量。" -- : Off the radar: Nuggets point guard Earl Watson, a target of the Timberwolves : during free agency this summer, has been relegated to the end of the bench in : Denver. Watson has played just one game this season, for a total of six : minutes, after signing a five-year, $29 million contract with Denver. 雷达外的事:金块控卫E.Watson,他是灰狼暑假其中密切注意想要网罗的自由球员之 一,被遗忘在丹佛的板凳深处。Watson在与丹佛签下为期一张5年共值2900万的合约後,目 前为止只打了1场比赛,上场仅6分钟。 : He's stuck behind starter Andre Miller and reserve Earl Boykins. 他目前是落在先发A.Miller和替补E.Boykins之後的第三控卫。 : Casey, who coached Watson with the Seattle SuperSonics, still holds him : in high regard. 不过於西雅图超音速队执教时带过Watson的Casey对他依旧相当赏识。 : "I love Earl," Casey said. "His hustle, his demeanor. He's a coach on the : floor. He's just in a tough situation here with two great point guards in : Earl and also Andre in front of him. Earl is one of the top point guards in : the league, I think." Casey说"我喜欢Watson,他在场上总是拼尽全力,是球场上的指挥官。他在丹佛遇到 的难题是在控卫的位置上前面有Miller和Boykins挡着,然而,我认为他仍是联盟中顶尖的 控卫之一。" -- : Lending a hand: It was Nuggets coach George Karl who gave Casey his first : opportunity to coach in the NBA with the Sonics. Back in 1994, Casey was : coaching in Japan after his tenure at Kentucky came to an abrupt end. Casey, : an assistant coach at Kentucky under Eddie Sutton, had been accused of : sending money to then-high school recruit Chris Mills. 一臂之力:过去是金块教头G.Karl还在超音速队执教时给了Casey第一个在NBA当教练 的机会。时间回到1994年,Casey当时执教的肯塔基莫名其妙的状况下结束球季,合约到期 的他之後选择到日本执教。Casey在肯塔基时是在E.Sutton手下当助理教练,他被指控送钱 给当时的高中毕业生C.Mills以网罗他入队。 : Karl said he liked Casey's coaching pedigree and background under Sutton. : Casey counts Karl among his biggest influences. Karl表示他喜欢Casey系出Sutton的指导方式和背景,Casey则将Karl视为对他影响最 大的人。 : "Dwane was one of those guys who was highly recommended by some people," : Karl said. "We had a great run (in Seattle). He got better every year. : He wanted to learn. I was really happy for him (when he was named the Wolves : coach)." Karl说"Casey是被某些人大力推荐的人选之一,我们在西雅图配合地很好,他每年都 在进步。他渴望学习,所以当他被任命为灰狼教头时我替他感到很高兴。" -- : ‧ The Wolves planned to have Kevin Garnett guard Nuggets big man Marcus Camby, : who is too mobile for Minnesota center Michael Olowokandi. 灰狼计画让狼王去防守对於中锋M.Olowokandi而言具有太强大活动力的金块队大个子 M.Camby。 -- : ‧ Casey said he planned to substitute players a little earlier than normal : to give them a chance to rest in Denver's mile-high altitude. Casey表示他计画让球员更换的速度比平常更快一些,以让他们在丹佛高海拔的环境下 打球时有更多时间休息。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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