Timberwolves 板


※ 引述《jerod (来些有创意的答案)》之铭言: : http://www.duluthsuperior.com/mld/duluthsuperior/sports/12841125.htm : MINNEAPOLIS - The first promise Dwane Casey made as coach of the Minnesota : Timberwolves was that defense would be a focal point. 明尼亚波利斯报 - D.Casey就任灰狼队教练後的第一个承诺是将把训练重点摆在 防守方面。 : Three days into his first training camp with the Wolves, Casey is making : good on that vow. 第一次与灰狼一起进行训练营的这三天,Casey履行了他的承诺。 : "The first hour and a half of every practice is all defense," point guard : Anthony Carter said. "I think a lot of guys are buying into it. : Everybody's just playing hard on defense." 控卫A.Carter说:"每次练习的前一个半小时我们进行各种防守方面的训练,我想 很多人都愿意投入其中,每个人就只是用心地进行着防守的练习。" : That wasn't always the case. 以往我们不常强调防守这件事的。" : Defense seemed to be an afterthought last year, when the Timberwolves : tumbled from 2004 Western Conference finalists to the NBA lottery in 2005. 去年,灰狼从'04年西区决赛名单沦落自在'05年仅拥有一个位於乐透区的选秀权 ,事後检讨时防守方面的表现不佳似乎被认为战绩不好主要原因之一。 : The aging and injured Timberwolves were victimized time after time by : the pick-and-roll and always seemed to be a step behind their opponents, : never able to come up with a key stop when they had to. 老迈且伤病缠身的灰狼一次又一次地被对手的挡切战术所摧残,而且似乎总是在 苦苦追赶落後於敌队的分数,却总是无法在关键时刻适时地拿出成功的防守功夫来追 平甚至超前分数。 : Much of that can be blamed on a lack of attention to the defensive end. : Former coach Flip Saunders never was considered a defensive guru, and after : more than nine seasons with the team, his preaching about defense started to : fall on deaf ears. 会造成这样难堪情形的主要原因可以被归咎於漫不经心的防守态度。前教练F. Sauders从不是一个防守专家,而且球队在他超过九年的带领之下,他的教法也导致 球员认为防守是无关紧要的。(因为教练不强调,久而久之,大家对防守方面的课程 也变得充耳不闻。) : Casey was hired away from Seattle this summer and has immediately injected : some much-needed intensity to the defensive portions of practice. 暑假期间,Casey自西雅图被聘为球队教练後,马上就在防守部分的练习上增加 了必要的份量。 : "That's how you win games in this league," Wally Szczerbiak said. : "If you have a good team defensive concept, that goes a long way. : I think coaching, especially on the defensive end, is really, really : important in this league." W.Szczerbiak说"这是一个能在联盟中赢得比赛的方法,如果大家有好的团队防 守观念,我们能有一番作为(走得很远)。我想教练的这种教法,尤其是在防守端的 强调,是身处这个联盟之中非常非常重要的。 : So far, Timberwolves training camp practices have been spirited and : intense, with players getting physical on both ends of the floor. 到目前为止,球员在灰狼训练营的训练,包括场上攻守两端,训练很激烈,而 他们显得活力充沛。 : "Hit somebody in the mouth!" Kevin Garnett hollered during one session. 在一次会议当中,狼王发出狼嚎"把他们打得满地找牙吧!" : That mentality has long been absent from the Timberwolves, even when they : made their run to the brink of the NBA Finals in 2004. Saunders always : preached execution on offense while throwing multiple exotic defensive : schemes at their opponents. 很长一段时间以来,灰狼队显得死气沉沉,甚至於在他们於'04年闯到NBA总决赛 边缘的那时候也一样。Saunders总是一贯强调要彻底执行攻击,哪怕对手已设下了复 杂而特殊的防守陷阱等着他们。 : No team employed zone defense more than the Wolves, but the multiple schemes : definitely frustrated some players. 没有任何一支球队比灰狼更常使用区域联防,虽然这个复杂的防守策略的确对某 些球员造成了困扰。 : "It's just a matter of sticking to a game plan and not wavering from it," : Szczerbiak said. "As players, you want to become very habitual. If you're : switching all the time, you become hesitant and tentative, and when you : lose your aggressiveness, that's when you get into trouble." Szczerbiak说"强调防守而且於整场比赛48分钟贯彻地执行的确是赢得比赛的关 键,身为一个球员,你希望能以你习惯的方法打球,如果你总是在做改变,你会一直 测试哪种打球方式比较好而且犹豫不定,然後当你失去了你的侵略性时,你麻烦就大 了。 : That's Casey's plan -- use one scheme and do it well. 这就是Casey的如意算盘 -- 只用一个策略但把它发挥地淋漓尽致。 : "We want to try to play defense one way, and that way we'll play it hard," : Casey said. "We'll know we'll be accountable for where we're supposed to be : and when we're supposed to be there." Casey说"我们选择加强防守这条路,而我们将会对此投入许多心力。我们被认为 能走到哪里(拥有怎样的战绩),花多少时间走到那里,我知道我们应对此负责。 : Casey's philosophy revolves around team defense, a sort of hybrid between : man-to-man and zone. This season, the Timberwolves will use a system : that keeps players rotating around the floor and helping each other : when the opposing team drives to the basket. Casey的治队哲学环绕在一种混合了一对一和区域防守的防守策略上面,本季灰 狼将使用一种让球员在场上持续循环跑动而且当敌队球员持球杀入禁区时,每个人都 要帮助其他每一个队友进行补防的一种防守策略。 -- 终於翻完了 第一次亲身体验了外电翻到一半断线求助无门的窘迫情况 囧rz --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: kerrys 来自: (10/07 23:14)
1F:推 CCCCpu:好辛苦 还没看先帮你推一个~^____^ 10/07 23:22
2F:推 Ykuan:辛苦了 推一个... 10/07 23:25
3F:推 fatass:推~~~ 10/07 23:38
4F:→ wukay:推一个~! 10/08 01:27
5F:推 jerod:感谢K大,您不用改标题,我会把原文给删掉 10/08 08:40

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