Timberwolves 板


http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/10299480.htm?1c Posted on Tue, Nov. 30, 2004 Cassell relishes playing at crunch time BY MIKE WELLS Pioneer Press OAKLAND, Calif. — Timberwolves point guard Sam Cassell slouched in his chair in side the cramped locker room at ARCO Arena in Sacramento, but for the first time in a while, he didn't wear a look of frustration — and he didn't have to answer questions about why he wasn't on the court at crunch time. Cassell was on the court late against the Kings, displaying the swagger that mad e him arguably the Wolves' best fourth-quarter player last season. He scored a s eason-high 25 points, including 10 in the final 2:20, when the Wolves broke free in their 121-110 victory. Playing time has been hard to come by for Cassell, an all-star last season. He already has been replaced by Troy Hudson twice in the fourth quarter this seas- on.And though he hasn't moped, he isn't shy about his feelings. "I need to be in the game come winning time," he said. "I thrive on those situ- ations." Cassell's minutes have gone from 35 a game last season to 27.8 this season, fo- urth on the team. In seven games he has played less than 30 minutes. "Playing 22, 23 minutes a night, that's not a comfortable situation for me," he said. "I haven't done that in so long. It's definitely a situation I'm not fam- iliar with. "I'm at my best when I'm attacking. I just have to continue to attack and atta- ck. If coach doesn't like it, he's going to have to take me out of the game. I just have to be in my attack mode." Cassell is in a tough position. He was counted on to score last season, but the Wolves don't need as much scoring from him now because they are healthier. He has gotten his shooting percentage up to almost 44, but it still is his lowest since the 1998-99 season. Bad shotts and trying to get teammates involved are part of the reason behind that. "I can't worry about who is not getting shots, I have to go with what got me successful last year; that was Spree and Kevin Garnett," Cassell said. "Every- body else has to get in where they fit in at. That's not selfish. I'm the quar- terback of the team, just like Peyton Manning is the quarterback of the Colts. Do you want him to change because you have better personnel or more personnel? I've been trying to make everything easy for everyone." -- ※ 编辑: ruffin 来自: (12/01 06:12)
1F:推 MHJH:唉...很有内哄的味道...我想太多? 12/01
2F:推 ruffin:外星人在抱怨上场时间太少~~ 12/01
3F:→ ruffin:还有第四节常常坐板凳~~ 12/01

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