Thunder 板


虽然这新闻有点旧了,还是贴上来给大家看看。 或许这就是大家都对Allen这麽有兴趣的原因吧。 我英文很烂,解读有错请见谅<(_ _)> 重点一 Here's what Allen said on Wednesday looking ahead to next season: "We can't change up how we play based on what other teams do, what other teams are coming in or what other teams have. We can't change up. "I thought we were very inconsistent all year. A lot of times we didn't know what we wanted to do as a team. This team, going into next year, we're a running team. We play well when we run. When we play fast, when we get up quick shots." Allen说同样是重建中的队伍,超音速就是没办法像其他队那样加快脚步, (嗯...是跟爵士队比吗XD) 并且说今年整季都非常的不协调,大部分时候大夥都不知道如何打起来像个球队。 并且认为球队进入下个球季时,必须是个不断奔跑的队伍, 当我们跑动起来、把速度打快、当我们采用迅速投篮时,我们会表现得很好。 (话说回来...这样的打法跟今年又差了多少?) 而McMillan的回应是 "This season was more a year of developing, and I don't think Ray Allen understood that. I think he was playing to play. We've talked about our style changing, I think it did change at times some this year. But it had to. We had to slow it down because at the beginning of the year, our turnovers were high. "So, yes, we did talk about changing, slowing down, to concentrate, focus, on the half-court part of the game, and Ray being an All-Star, he should be able to adjust to that." 嗯...McMillan则是回答得挺官腔, 他认为现在还在重建初期,不需要采取太激进的改变,有时候稍微放慢脚步也是一种方法 而且他提到球员在失误方面有些偏高。所以虽然要做改变,但是也不能全部都打快节奏, 必须放慢来,把眼光集中到比赛时的半场策略。 而Ray是个明星球员,他应该知道如何去调适。 "Sometimes it's not about turnovers," he said. "If we make a turnover trying to throw a pass ahead, push the ball up the floor, that means we're getting out and running. "But at times, we had guys who were afraid to make the throw-ahead pass, the cross-court pass. We got hesitant." Ray Allen还是坚持认为应该要有尝试才有成功,有些事情的确像他所说, "你不丢球到前场,队友怎麽可能在前面接到球,而我们怎麽往前跑。" 然後他说有些人害怕这麽做,导致我们在传球时踌躇不决。(不晓得指谁,可能是指教练) It's not just personnel that is a question. It's the pace, although McMillan said the up-tempo style suited the team's makeup this season. "Really, I can't say what that style will be next year until we make some adjustments," McMillan said. "Ray Allen, Luke Ridnour, Brent Barry -- the guys that we had -- I had to try and find a style to play. If for some reason a power forward or a low-post player falls out of the sky into our hands, then I think you change to adjust to the players you have."McMillan reiterated yesterday he wants to run, but not to gun. He wants to push the ball and probe for easy opportunities, but if that's not available, he wants half-court execution. Discipline was a word he used, citing Utah as the example. McMillan的回答则说这并不只是个人的问题,这是进度问题, 尽管他这球季也说球队阵型适合打快节奏的球风,但是你不能确定下个球季也是如此, 或许下个球季我们多了个大前锋、或一个能在低位进攻的球员,他就可以增加更多变化, McMillan一再重申,他也想要向前迈进,但绝不是加速狂飙。 他想要尽可能采取轻松的找到机会进球,但如果没办法的话他希望采用半场组织进攻, 纪律是他最强调的要求,犹他爵士队是个好榜样。 Where does Allen fit into that? "In the sense that he's a run-and-gun style of player," McMillan said. "I think he likes that style. And his shot selection, his freedom, is a little different."He's a good enough player to play both ways, play early (in the shot clock) and play late." Then McMillan compared Allen to Gary Payton in that both would try to fight through defenses no matter how much attention was paid to them. "In some senses, he found out how tough it really is to be the lone star on a team," McMillan said. McMillan said Allen can give up the ball, let the team run its offense and then find his shot in the flow. It was the most tangible issue discussed yesterday. 最後 McMillan认为Allen是个适合run-and-gun的球员,他会喜欢这种打法的, 他的投篮选择、他在场上的自由会稍微不太一样,他是个能够打快也能打慢的好球员。 然後提到比较Allen和Payton, 因为两个人都在进攻时尝试着突破无论对手多专注防守(这句我看不懂...同样很执着吧)。 "在有些时候,他会发现他在队上实在是孤单的明星" McMillan说Allen可以试着让出球来,让球队跑它的的进攻战术,然後在球的传导流动中 找到机会出手。 文章後面一小段则是一些球员接下来要补强的课题,基本上都是被大家提到烂的。 Vladimir Radmanovic 抢篮板和防守..... Jerome James 防守和不要一直上来犯规..... 还有下面这句 Rashard Lewis 要更主动果断地进攻,别一直听从Allen的... --

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