Therapist 板


※ 引述《sunnypeggie (童童)》之铭言: : 我不确定能不能PO在这里 : 有一个问题想请大家帮我想想 : Q.下列何者对美国职能治疗助理(Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, COTA)的 : 催生有关键的影响? : A. 罗宾逊(Ruth A. Robinson) : B. 史列格(Eleanor Clarke Slagle) : C. 梅尔(Adolf Meyer) : D. 邓肯(William Rush Dunton) B此人与社会主义、帮助美国早期的移民、妇女融入社会有关 C此人一直都非常投入精神医疗领域 D我有点忘了,不过他是医生,也是NSPOT的创始者之一,也跟娱乐治疗很有关系 答案是 A 以下为来源: The overlapping employment and association roles of Col. Ruth A. Robinson, Marion W. Crampton, Mildred Shwagmeyer, and Ruth Brunyate Wiemer were fortuitous to the development of the COTA. Each of these women had a long-standing interest in the use of supportive OT personnel, and all but Wiemer were members of the Committee on Occupational Therapy Assistants. This committee was delegated responsibility for all developmental aspects of the OTA, including needs assessment, educational program standards, new program proposal and on-site review, and program approval. Col. Ruth A. Robinson was the president of AOTA from 1955 to 1958. About the same time, she became Chief of the Occupational Therapy Section of the Women's Medical Specialist Corps, and then the first Chief of the Women's Medical Specialist Corps. Both her military and association roles involved advocacy for the training of supportive OT personnel. In a video interview taped a few years before her death in 1989, Robinson stated that she thought her greatest contribution to the OT profession was the development of the program and curriculum to train the OTAs. She also stated: We may not realize how far advanced the OT profession was. We set a standard for other professions to follow. At first our program concentrated on the care of the psychiatric patient, just as in the early days of OT. It was frightening to some of us who felt we were not far enough advanced ourselves or secure in our own identities to be able to accept the responsibility of supervising others. We still have a long way to go. I thought the COTA ultimately would be what we thought of then as the OT, and that the COTA would be the best job in OT, leaving the OTR to do the intake work and program planning for individual patients. Recognition of the COTA through certification made me the proudest. --

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