作者jaindiva ()
标题[八卦]Pat - 魔术胸罩的威力?
时间Fri Apr 17 18:33:32 2009
At Summer Fashion Week 2009 actress "Pat" Napapa Thuntrakoon wore a strapless
dress showing off a very well endowed clevage. Pat is not known to be the
flunting type and rarely shows off her body - some people were questioning
whether she had any boobs to begin with or is this a possible "under the
knife" enhancement.
在2009夏季流行周女演员"Pat" Napapa Thuntrakoon 穿了一件露肩晚装展现了她凹凸
有致的身材 Pat并不是爱露的人, 平时也十分保守
Pat explains to Siambunterng news "It doesn't seem like I have more then
usual because I didn't get anything done.First I have to say I'm not the
type who doesn't have any of it at all. I do have some and on that day
because of the clothing, it helps."
Pat跟Siambunterng news解释说:"看起来并没有跟平时不同, 因为我根本没有整.
我要先说我并不是那种小到一点都没有的人. 我有一点. 那天是因为衣服的关系,
"It was very tight in that area and it made me look very well endowed"
那个部位很紧 所以让我的身材看起来更好.
Are you afraid some people might think they're implants?
"No I'm not. Look carefully. I've always had it. It's not like I only had
boobs on that day, I've had a lot of push up help. It works on everybody"
"不会 看清楚. 我一直都有胸部,不是只有那天才有.魔术胸罩帮了很大的忙.
Honestly would you ever consider getting it done?
"Never. Like I said there's so many ways to make you look like you have it.
You don't need to get surgery"
从来没有 就像我之前说的, 有很多方法可以让你胸部看起来更丰满. 不需要动刀.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 编辑: jaindiva 来自: (04/17 18:36)
1F:推 jinchen:Pat这张照片看起来胸部怪怪的~不过其实Pat长得也蛮漂亮的 04/17 21:20
2F:→ jinchen:还没看过她的戏~但好像蛮多人喜欢Pat.她算是3台的演员吗? 04/17 21:24
3F:→ jaindiva:pat是3台的~和pot好像也是3台的萤幕情侣档 04/17 21:50