Tennis 板


Clockwatch: Roddick v El Aynaoui All the action as the ninth seed Andy Roddick of the USA beats Morocco's Younes El Aynaoui in an epic encounter. The two players traded sets for the opening two hours, before embarking on a marathon fifth, which Roddick won after an enthralling five-hours, reaching a Grand Slam semi-final for the first time. 先po第五盘好了.... Fifth set: Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 0-1 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui begins the final set in convincing style, closing with an ace to take first blood. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 1-1 El Aynaoui Roddick levels the score in convincing style, blasting yet another ace to leaving El Aynaoui floundering. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 1-2 El Aynaoui Roddick produces a tremendous punchy forehand winner during one of the game's increasingly rare rallies, but it does not unsettle El Aynaoui. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 2-2 El Aynaoui El Ayanoui lands with one superb service return but Roddick's serve remains solid to keep the two players locked together. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 2-3 El Aynaoui The Moroccan looks a little less comfortable on serve than he has done in previous games, but Roddick is unable to take advantage from 30-30, and El Aynaoui holds. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 3-3 El Aynaoui Roddick wobbles a little at 40-0 ahead, allowing El Aynaoui to take the next two points, but steadies himself to level once more. Roddick 4-6 7-6 (7-5) 4-6 6-4 3-4 El Aynaoui The Moroccan remains dominant on his own serve, and forces Roddick into a couple of uncharacteristic errors to move ahead once more. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 4-4 El Aynaoui Roddick produces a double fault - only his second of the match - but is otherwise pretty impeccable as he levels the scores once again. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 4-5 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui holds once again with another impressive service game and, although he has not looked like breaking Roddick in this set, he will know he is just one set from victory. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 5-5 El Aynaoui Roddick shows extraordinary nerve when facing his first match point, producing a blistering forehand which had no margin for error. He uses the success as a springboard to take the game. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 5-6 El Aynaoui Neither player is showing signs of fatigue with this game, the 54th of the match, producing some of the best rallies. El Aynaoui wins the best point with a superb forehand pass and moves ahead once again. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 6-6 El Aynaoui The crowd remain enthralled as each player continues to produce massive shots when the pressure is on. Roddick's big serve when 15-30 down proves crucial as he levels once more. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 6-7 El Aynaoui The Moroccan shows nerves for the first time, fluffing a smash straight into the net at 40-30 ahead to hand Roddick a chance. El Aynaoui rides his luck to take the game and survive a very shaky moment. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 7-7 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui spies another half-chance at 30-30, but there is yet more racket bouncing from the Moroccan as Roddick shuts up shop to hold once more. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 7-8 El Aynaoui The American races 30-0 ahead on the Moroccan's serve and looks like making a potentially crucial breakthrough - but El Aynaoui has been nothing if not resilient, and he takes the next four points to win. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 8-8 El Aynaoui Roddick serves to stay in the match for the fourth time - and it is his most convincing service game so far, as he wins to love. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 8-9 El Aynaoui The Moroccan's fitness was called into question during the break as he pressed an ice pack into his neck - but his game remains intact and he wins with some style. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 9-9 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui is pushed all around the court by Roddick's incisive shots and the American successfully serves to save the match for the fifth successive time. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 9-10 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui looks tired as Roddick races 30-0 ahead. But he comes back strongly and finds energy from somewhere to take the game. It is now 28 games since a break of serve. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 10-10 El Aynaoui Roddick is playing on his serve as if there is nothing riding on it - even though this is the sixth successive game in which he is serving to stay in the match. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 11-10 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui cracks for the first time in 30 games and double faults at 30-40 to hand Roddick the first break of the match. The American will now serve for victory. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 11-11 El Aynaoui Unbelievably, after 30 games without a break, there have been two in succession. El Aynaoui looks dead and buried at 30-15 behind but somehow comes back and takes advantage of some uncharacteristic errors to level once more. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 11-12 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui is playing much like a man who knows he has been gifted a second chance. Roddick, in contrast, is furious as another umpire overrule goes against him and the Moroccan certainly has the psychological advantage. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 12-12 El Aynaoui To the American's credit, he does not allow the disappointments of the previous two games get the better of him, and he plays controlled tennis, winning to love. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 12-13 El Aynaoui A physically exhausted El Aynaoui is showing incredible mental tenacity. He saves two break points with Roddick poised to pounce, and conjures up an awesome winner to take the game. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 13-13 El Aynaoui For the ninth time in this set, Roddick holds serve to stay in the match. The crowd remain enthralled, even as it reaches midnight local time and it is still impossible to pick a winner. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 13-14 El Aynaoui The Moroccan appears to have found a second wind from somewhere and conjures up two monster serve to close out one of the most convincing service games for a while. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 14-14 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui produces an extraordinary forehand on the second point proving he still has some energy, but Roddick responds with some booming serves which would have pleased a fresh player. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 14-15 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui produces another fine service game and, perhaps significantly, Roddick slowly walks off court with head bowed, looking exhausted. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 15-15 El Aynaoui Roddick, who looked so tired at the end of the previous game, emerges re-energised after shouting at the umpire. He wins to love, blasting another ace in the process. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 15-16 El Aynaoui A lengthy rally ends with Roddick hooking the ball into the crowd, but El Aynaoui was in control a long time before the American's error. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 16-16 El Aynaoui The American serves to stay in the match for the 12th time, and it is as convincing as ever, with the Moroccan unable to counteract his power. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 16-17 El Aynaoui El Aynaoui moves 40-15 ahead, but Roddick comes back and goes for the kill as the Moroccan nets a straightforward forehand. But just as he looks like wilting, once again El Aynaoui comes back, blasting ace number 25 to win. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 17-17 El Aynaoui Just as El Aynaoui has hopes of gaining the vital breakthrough at 30-40, Roddick produces a great serve to level once again. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 17-18 El Aynaoui Roddick shows signs of losing the plot as yet another close call favours El Aynaoui, and an outburst aimed at the umpire after the Moroccan holds suggests he is rattled. But in past games he has focussed his aggression well. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 18-18 El Aynaoui As before, Roddick regains his composure and produces another fine display of powerful serving, and he still has enough strength to fire off another ace. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 18-19 El Aynaoui The match is becoming one of the longest in Grand Slam history, and after 80 games there have been just five breaks of serve. El Aynaoui keeps that run going, holding with ease. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 19-19 El Aynaoui The stamina of both players is extraordinary, and Roddick shows considerable mental strength too, producing two brilliant winners despite being taken to deuce. El Aynaoui hands his racket to the ball boys in a mock display of frustration. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 20-19 El Aynaoui Roddick finally makes a breakthrough, taking advantage of a slip up by El Aynaoui to move ahead for the first time in more than an hour. He has the chance to serve for the match for the second time. Roddick 4-6 7-6 4-6 6-4 21-19 El Aynaoui Roddick drops to the floor and the crowd rise to their feet as the Moroccan nets a forehand bringing to an end one of the best matches in Australian Open history. ------------------------------------ 推最後一句 "one of the best matches in Australian Open history." 今天真是对ARod刮目相看, El的奋战精神也令人感动.... 疯狂的一夜......(尤其又没有转播)^_^ --

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