Tennis 板


DAY-ONE I've been wearing a heat patch for about two years now - it just happens to be that my skirt is pretty low right now, and everybody sees the patch. Anna Kournikova解释背上的白色纱布. 有些记者暗示,她是在掩盖她的刺 青. I'm not trying to make excuses but I have to say that it affected my preparations for this tournament. Jennifer Capriati试着-但失败了-不找藉口,而去责怪最近的眼睛手术导 致她输给排名 90的 Marlene Weingartner. Doing that is for when you say hello, sorry or thankyou - I do it because it's Thai culture and I want to say thankyou to everybody in the stands. Paradorn Srichaphan 解释他赛後的庆贺动作 - 也就是朝球场四方膜拜的 动作. I think I'm doing well - I just think that I'm just a little rusty going out there. At times I shined through, at times I was my old self. Venus Williams 对自己第一轮从 0-3 落後再追赶上的表现的评价. I didn't get a Christmas card from him, I thought I'd get some sort of thank-you... A tongue-in-cheek Andre Agassi believes he deserves some sort of credit for playing Paradorn Srichaphan into form. The American was the victim of a stunning defeat by Srichaphan at last year's Wimbledon. DAY TWO It sort of left a sour taste in my mouth when I lost in the first round last year and I wanted to come out here and get rid of it. 漱口水可能才是Lleyton Hewitt解决口酸比较好的办法, 他避免连续第二 年就第一轮惨超淘汰的命运.Veteran Magnus Larsson 将他逼到第五盘. I definitely had a big sigh out there. Serena Williams after coming within three points of a stunning fi rst-round exit to Emilie Loit. Her relief was probably all the greater after predicting that she would go through the year unbea ten. I sweat more than anyone else and need to change shirts all the time during my matches. Justin Gimelstob in a case of way too much information. The American powerhouse was forced to retire in the first round after suffering cramp in both legs. 有许多女生排队等着跟我打,但是... 没有啦,我在开玩笑. 我和几个女生 谈过, 我正在等教练替我选择. 浪漫的 Andrew Ilie被问及是否会打混双. DAY 3 We were both on the court...I think it was a match Anna Kournikova, when asked whether her 6-0 6-1 trouncing by Justine Henin-Hardenne was a match. (噗...记者太狠ㄌ吧 这是什麽问 题) It was a very slow serve, and a lot of double faults - sometimes it was amazing Justine Henin-Hardenne 对 Kournikova乏味的比赛下的定义. Needless to say I felt great about everything Andre Agassi 在全场比赛只失一局给 Hyung Taik Lee後说. Last week my groundstrokes were causing my opponents problems, but against Agassi I felt like I was hitting against a wall Hyung Taik Lee, 在上礼拜雪梨摘冠,说的话像是在警告任何希望打败 Andre Agassi的人. DAY 5 I'm more of a perfectionist than Venus is. Everything has to be perfect. Sometimes that causes many cracked racquets Serena承认追求完美使她的个性比较不柔和. It could be I will never play again at the highest stage Martina Hingis 打算提早退休. It was a struggle, I just tried to fight through the pain but it was too much Monica Seles 懊恼膝盖的伤使她无法打败 Klara Koukalova. We are probably the leading sport in reference to how often we test, how professional our tests are and how strict our penalties are Andre Agassi enters the debate over doping controls. I am trying to use less power and less energy to be ready for the second week Marat Safin 在晋级後自信的说. I didn't play a bad match, it was just a couple of shots here and there and it could have been a very different result Gustavo Kuerten 在五盘占中输给 Radek Stepanek说. DAY 6 My wrist is bothering me, and I decided not to play Marat Safin 在第三轮退出比赛後解释其伤势. I think she really, really, really wants to win another Slam Serena Williams 解释她姊姊 Venus多麽想赢澳网. He's the epitome of a gentleman, he's just a very kind individual . He has a good heart - his parents are really nice as well. I think he could be a politician one day - he could definitely run for state governor and then president eventually 你会对Serena Williams如此的喜欢James Blake感到印象深刻. DAY 7 I thought I was going to die Justine Henin-Hardenne 在与 Lindsay Davenport的马拉松赛後,保守的 说法. I think I'm most successful when I'm at the net when I take advan tage of my reach Venus Williams 誓言要在今年打出更有威胁性的球. I feel ready and very optimistic about this match Daniela Hantuchova does her utmost to tempt fate prior to her quarter-final against Venus Williams. DAY 8 I mean, it's really a great life. It's a perfect life. Right now, I just enjoy staying on the court and playing the tennis Rainer Schuettler counts his blessings after beating James Blake in the fourth round. He fights hard and it's definitely tough to play someone, in a three-out-of-five-set match, who's just going to run down every ball. It's very frustrating Understandably Blake was not feeling quite so chipper after the match. It's definitely very hot out here. It is hard to breathe but I love it, I love the heat Serena Williams has no problem coping with the extreme heart affecting Melbourne on Monday. ***SORRY 再小希输ㄌ之後已没动力翻译ㄌ...请自己看吧:P*** --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ Roddick:我能够感受到你那份深沈的哀伤 推 01/20
2F:→ establish:Moya出局时我也能略略感同身受…(痛) 推 01/20
3F:→ Escude:我也是:( Nico :( 推 01/20
4F:→ Srichaphan:我出局的时候也很哀伤哪 推 01/20
5F:→ noanoa:澳网真是伤人不浅ㄚ...呵呵呵(苦笑中) 推 01/20

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