Tennis 板


Agassi still favored to get through By MaliVai Washington Special to MELBOURNE, Australia -- One of the biggest stories of the third round is last year's runner-up Marat Safin having to withdraw due to a wrist injury. It's always disappointing when you do so well at an event and then the following year you can't duplicate that. Unfortunately for him, he's out, but fortunately for Rainer Schuettler, he advances. Safin's withdrawal takes out possibly the best player in the top half of the draw with the exception of Lleyton Hewitt. It's a huge opportunity for James Blake, and a great opportunity for Roger Federer to get to the semifinals. So, as is typical at a major, players move past who you would not expect. For example, Sargis Sargsian and Wayne Ferreria who are playing for a spot in the quarterfinals as we look at the fourth-round picks. Wayne Ferreira, South Africa, vs. Sargis Sargsian, Aremenia 我的逻辑告诉我Wayne Ferreira会赢,他在过去已经很多次处於这样的状况过了. 然而, 在 看过Sargsian星期五晚上的表现後,我必须预测 Sargsian将会一路闯进八强. 这是Sargsian有过最好的成绩, 而他也打的够好够进入八强. Pick: Sargsian Mario Ancic, Croatia, vs. Juan Carlos Ferrero (4), Spain Juan Carlos Ferrero和Fabrice Santoro打了一场几乎要输的比赛. 那也许是正是他所需要 的惊吓.他将会和 Ancic对打,而Ancic也许只对自己进入第四轮就很满意了. Ferrero 直落 三赢球. Pick: Ferrero Felix Mantilla, Spain, vs. Sebastien Grosjean (12), France Sebastien Grosjean 将会和一位已有点失去他打球感觉的人对打. Felix Mantilla基本上 过去是一位前 20名的选手,但过去三年几乎销声匿迹. Grosjean对场地非常了解,而也在 Rebound Ace场地上获得许多场胜利过,在2001进入过四强 .他和 Mantilla对打过,M打法类似Nicolas Lapentti,而 Grosjean已轻易打败了Lapentti. Pick: Grosjean Guillermo Coria, Argentina, vs. Andre Agassi (2), United States Andre Agassi在星期五打败过 Nicolas Escude且通过了Escude的强攻猛打. Agassi打的非 常, 非常的好而且是下半部签表的最佳人选. Pick: Agassi Lleyton Hewitt (1), Australia, vs. Younes El Aynaoui (18), Morocco Younes El Ayanoui再一次来到澳网且打出非常好的网球. 他在2000年打入过八强.对 Hewitt而言,他将是一会是非常有威胁性的低排名者, Hewitt在晚间赛事打败 Radek Stepa nek而晋级,但 Younes是一位非常危险的对手. 如果他打败 Hewitt 那将会是一场大的冷门, 但在休息室里没有人会因为在看到那样的结果而感到惊讶, 因为每个人都知道 El Ayanoui 多麽有天份. 但 Hewitt毕竟是世界第一,他会在球场上对付任何人,想出办法打败每一个人. Hewitt会以四盘胜出. Pick: Hewitt Andy Roddick (9), United States, vs. Mikhail Youzhny (25), Russia 在第一盘的挣扎後,Roddick後两盘顺利晋级,他对任何人阻挡在他面前的人都是威胁. 当他 发球状态好且有自信时,他有能力过关.和Youzhny对打,他将会面对一场较艰难的比赛, 他还 是能晋级. 没有什麽比一位发球正顺的人还要危险的了. Pick: Roddick Rainer Schuettler (31), German, vs. James Blake (23), United States James Blake正处於他职业生涯打的最好的时候. 他只会每场比赛越打越好. Blake 说他虽 然正打出最好的网球但他不可能轻易将 Schuettler 打败,因为Schuettler是一位"非常聪明 的选手." 当你进入 16强,能否轻松赢得八强赛进入四强是在於,你是否能控制你的紧张.他们俩个都未 曾进入大比赛的八强过,所以都会紧张. 哪一位能将这个状况、情境、机会控制的较好就是 会赢得一方. Pick: Blake David Nalbandian (10), Argentina, vs. Roger Federer (6), Switzerland Roger Federer 看起来和每一位选手一样锐利. 没有理由他不能进入八强. Nalbandian 是 一位很好的选手 -- 他去年以打进 Wimbledon决赛来证明了. イ但这个比赛组合是一位全面 型选手对上一位只是单纯一方面打法的选手( very one-dimensional). Federer四盘胜出 . Pick: Federer ***以上言论不代表本人noanoa立场*** --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ establish:是第四"轮",还有"非"常好... :P 推 01/19
2F:→ establish:GOOD! 推 01/19
→别太计较嘛:).....我改就是ㄌ:P ※ 编辑: noanoa 来自: (01/19 08:36)
3F:→ establish:哈哈,我只是觉得好玩啦…"强"与"黑"XD 推 01/19

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